
ɡōnɡ yè bù jú
  • Industrial layout;industrial distribution
  1. 上海市工业布局地理信息系统的建立及其应用

    The Establishment of Industrial Distribution GIS in Shanghai and Its Applications

  2. 道路交通系统对区域工业布局的影响

    The impact of road transportation system on regional industrial distribution

  3. 那个省的轻工业布局需要调整。

    The arrangement of light industry in the province needs adjustment .

  4. 上海市工业布局调整初探基于GIS的工业布局调整信息系统的设计与开发&以上海市为例

    The Establishment of Industry Distribution Adjustment Information System Based on GIS & A Case of Shanghai Industry Distribution Adjustment GIS System

  5. 研究结果认为,莱芜市的工业布局最好应设在莱芜市的NW到SW之间的方向。

    According to the research results , it is preferable to set the direction of the industrial layout in Laiwu City ought to from NW to SW .

  6. 世界造船工业布局特征与今后展望

    The characteristic of the world shipbuilding industry distribution and the prospect

  7. 小城镇的工业布局与可持续发展的关系

    Relationship between the industry layout of small towns and sustainable development

  8. 造纸工业布局与水环境动态平衡

    Distribution of paper industry and dynamic equilibrium of aquatic environment

  9. 调整和改善钢铁工业布局;

    Adjusting and improving the overall arrangement of iron and steel industry ;

  10. 哈尔滨工业布局对环境质量的影响研究

    Research the Influence of Harbin Industrial Plan to Environmental Quality

  11. 日本微电子工业布局

    On the layout of mioro & electron industry in Japan

  12. 他们假装是织布工人。工业布局与工业区组织

    They made out they were weavers . Industry Distribution and Regional Organization

  13. 中国工业布局的理论和实践。

    The Theory and Practice of Industrial Distribution in China .

  14. 试论建立国防工业布局的耗散结构

    On establishing the dissipation structure of national defense industry distribution

  15. 我国工业布局的新动态

    A new tendency towards the industry distribution of the country

  16. 河南省工业布局的演变和发展

    The evolution and development of industrial allocation in Henan Province

  17. 整合产业链条,调整工业布局;

    To integrate industrial chain and adjust industrial layout ;

  18. 襄樊市工业布局调整设想

    Tentative Idea about the Adjustment for the Distribution of Industry of Xiangfan City

  19. 嘉定工业布局与发展的实证研究

    On the Industrial Distribution and Development of Jiading District

  20. 我国工业布局如何变化的?

    How did the location of Chinese industry change ?

  21. 新疆工业布局与地震

    The earthquake and industrial distribution in xinjiang , china

  22. 我国煤炭工业布局现状与展望

    The current situation and the future of the coal mining industry in China

  23. 新疆工业布局区域差异研究

    A Study for Regional Difference of Xinjiang Industry Allocation

  24. 重庆市工业布局变迁及区位优化研究

    Study on the Change of Industrial Distribution and the Location Optimization in Chongqing

  25. 论工业布局与环境污染及其对策

    The industrial arrangement environmental pollution and the countermeasure

  26. 事实上,工业布局对于城市化进程的推进有重要影响。

    In fact , industrial allocation has important effect for the advancement of urbanization .

  27. 论林产工业布局

    On the Rational Distribution of the Forestry Industry

  28. 第4章定性研究了居住就业空间均衡对城市交通需求的影响,指出上海工业布局的变化和第三产业布局对交通需求的影响;

    Chapter 4 researches into the influence of the jobs-housing balance on urban traffic needs .

  29. 南平市中心区工业布局调整系统分析

    System Analysis for Rational Adjustment for Industrial Distribution of the Central Area in Nanping City

  30. 分析结果可以为调整株洲市工业布局和生产规划提供参考。

    The analytical results can provide reference for Zhuzhou 's industrial layout and production planning .