
  • 网络automation;Industrial Automation;Factory Automation
  1. 可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)在现代工业自动化生产中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Programmable logic controller ( PLC ) plays a very important role in modern industrial automation .

  2. OPC(OLEForProcessControl)为工业自动化软件面向对象的开发提供一项统一的标准。

    OPC ( OLE for Process Control ) Provides a unified standard for the industrial automation software object-oriented development .

  3. 在工业自动化生产过程中PLC控制系统的设计方法

    General methods to design a PLC system for industrial automatic production

  4. 利用Struts开发Web应用程序在工业自动化中的实现

    Development of Industry Monitoring Application Program based on Web with Struts

  5. SICK公司是一家工业自动化技术行业的领先企业。

    SICK is a leading manufacturer of factory and process automation technology worldwide .

  6. 可编程控制器(简称PLC)是一种用于工业自动化领域的自动控制装置。

    The programmable controller ( i.e. PLC ) is a field of industrial automation for the automatic control device .

  7. 工业自动化教学实验室DCS系统的设计

    Design of DCS system of Industry Automation Laboratory

  8. 传统的工业自动化控制使用PC和PLC来完成,但PLC的功能又满足不了需要。

    Traditional autocontrol of industry uses PC and PLC , but the function of PLC can not satisfy the demand .

  9. PLC技术是工业自动化控制的重要组成部分,对于我国这样一个工业发展迅速的发展中国家来说,PLC的需求有着广阔的应用前景。

    PLC technology is an important component of industrial automation . which has broad application prospects in rapidly developing china .

  10. 它与CAD/CAM、机器人技术一起被誉为当代工业自动化的三大支柱之一。

    It is named as one of the three mainstay of up-to-date industrial automatization with CAD / CAM and robot technology .

  11. 本文介绍了在未来网络化时代工业自动化中的一种基本技术框架&基于Internet环境和多传感器融合的专家网络。

    This article describes the basic technologies frame for industrial automation in network time in future - the expert network based on Internet and multi - sensor fusion .

  12. 可编程控制器(PLC)是工业自动化、先进制造、工业流程控制等领域的关键核心设备。

    Programmable logic controller ( PLC ) is the critical core equipment of industrial automation , advanced manufacturing and industrial process control .

  13. CIM思想指导下的工业自动化总体技术

    The Overall Technologies for Industry Automation Systems Guided by CIM

  14. OPC接口技术在工业自动化系统中的应用

    Application of OPC technology in industry automation

  15. 介绍了采用OPC和RemoteAutomation技术设计的网络集成监控系统平台,并将该平台应用于工业自动化生产流程系统中。

    A kind of integrated monitoring system for industrial automation manufacturing is introduced , which is designed by OPC and Remote Automation technique .

  16. 可编程控制器(PLC)、机器人、CAD/CAM是工业自动化领域的三大基础。

    There are three important parts in industrial automation field , such as PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ), robot and CAD / CAM .

  17. 研究PROFIBUS现场总线在工业自动化领域的实用价值。

    The practical value of PROFIBUS in industrial automation area is researched .

  18. MPS(模块化生产系统)是一种工业自动化生产系统。

    MPS ( Modular Production System ) is a kind of industrial automation system .

  19. 在水电站工业自动化控制中,针对现场高可靠性应用场合,PLC系统往往采用双I/O冗余输入输出。

    In the application of the high reliable control projects of hydropower station , the dual I / O PLC control method is normally adopted .

  20. CIM与工业自动化总体技术&它的目标、方法和实践

    CIM and the general technologies for industrial automation & goals , methods and practices

  21. 工业自动化中远程控制很适合用RS-485组网。

    It is suitable to construct networks using RS-485 in industrial automatic remote control .

  22. 通用串行总线(USB)是目前PC外设接口的主流总线标准,并迅速在工业自动化仪器仪表中得到应用。

    USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) is a mainstream bus standard of PC peripheral interface , which extends its applications to industrial automatic instruments .

  23. 系统地讨论了PLC在工业自动化控制领域中的应用技术发展方向,阐述了PLC在工业控制中的应用。

    This article systematically discusses the technology development of PLC application in industry automatic control field , elaborates the application of PLC in the industry control field .

  24. 在工业自动化控制领域中,DCS(集散控制系统)数十年来一直作为主要的控制系统之一。

    In recent decades , DCS ( Distributed Control System ) works consistently as the major system of automation control solution in industry .

  25. 工业自动化系统已经从单机PLC控制发展到以现场总线,工业以太网技术及人机交互为核心的网络控制系统。

    Industrial automation control system has been developed from a single PLC to the network control system at the core of field bus , ethernet technology and human-computer interaction .

  26. 由于PLC在工业自动化中的重要地位,因此,现在高校都开设了有关可编程控制器应用方面的课程。

    PLC is very important in industrial automation field , therefore , colleges and universities have been now set up on some courses in application of programmable logic controller .

  27. 产品几何规范(GPS-GeometricalProductSpecificationandVerification)标准体系是影响最广、最重要的基础标准体系之一,是制造业信息化、质量管理、工业自动化系统与集成等工作的基础。

    Geometrical Product Specification and verification ( GPS ) standard system is the most fundamental standard system , and the foundation of quality management and automatization integrated system for the manufacturing industry .

  28. 笔者尝试设计利用PLC实现体育场草坪喷灌自动控制系统,简单介绍了PLC在工业自动化控制中的应用。

    The author in this article tries to apply PLC to the auto-control system of stadium lawn spaying and irrigation . It introduces briefly the application of PLC in industrial auto-control system .

  29. 可编程控制器(PLC)技术作为一种以微处理器及其存储器为控制中心的自动化装置,在工业自动化控制领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Programmable Logic Controller is a kind of automation device with microprocessor and memorizer as its control center , which play a more and more important role in the field of industry .

  30. 工业自动化总体技术是在CIM思想指导下产生的实施CIM的关键技术。

    The overall technologies for industry automation systems ware guided by CIM . They are also the key technologies to accomplish CIM .