
  • 网络Industrial Advertising
  1. 现代设计作为一种文化活动,已经广泛地应用于各行各业,建筑、工业、广告和艺术等领域无不得益于它。

    As a culture movement , modern design has been applied in all kinds of areas widely , such as architecture design , industry design , advertisement , art and so on , these are all profited from it .

  2. 基于测量数据的CAD造型是CAD/CAM中的重要组成部分,在工业界、广告娱乐业和科学可视化等领域中得到极为广泛的应用。

    CAD modeling based on measured data is an important part of CAD / CAM . It has been applied in many fields such as manufacture , advertisement and science visualization .

  3. 同时竞争激烈的食品工业大量投放广告也促使我们购入更多食物

    Meanwhile , the advertising of a highly competitive food industry encourages us to buy even more .

  4. 持牌人不得广播任何属宗教或政治性质或关于任何工业纠纷的广告。

    A licensee shall not broadcast any advertisement of a religious or political nature or concerned with any industrial dispute .

  5. 消费时代中的广告及广告符码,与前工业社会的广告有本质的不同。

    Consumption in an era of advertising and advertising codes , and modern advertising and advertising pre-industrial society is fundamentally different .

  6. 后工业社会下的广告伦理问题探讨

    Advertisement Ethics in Post-Industrial Society Questions Discussion

  7. 美丽:消费工业的魔咒&广告传媒中女性符号的社会文化学思考

    Beauty : the " Magic Curse " of Consumption Industry & Social-cultural reflection on the women-as-symbols in advertisements

  8. 在工业革命期间,广告真正成为了商业中一个必不可少的部分。产品供给量突然增加,

    Advertising really came and became an essential part of doing business during the industrial revolution . Suddenly there was a much greater supply of things to sell .

  9. 这是工业社会普遍的广告传播形式,它遵循现代主义的审美原则,注重表达的规范性、虚实的连贯性和逻辑的合理性。

    This is the industry that the general form of advertising communication , it follows the aesthetic principles of modernism , focusing on the normative expression , the actual situation of the coherence and logic is reasonable .

  10. 发展工业旅游具有宣传广告、科普教育、带动第三产业、兼备学术交流、优化企业环境、推进城市旅游发展和精神文明建设等显著的综合效益。

    The industrial tourism may have the functions of propaganda and advertisement , education , popularization of science , facilitation of the tertiary industry and academic exchange , improvement of enterprise environment , development of urban tourism and promotion of civilization construction .