
  • 网络Industrial loans
  1. 他表示,有关银行贷款的报告显示出消费者贷款出现大幅度下降,其中包括信用卡贷款;商业和工业贷款也有所减少。

    He said reports on bank lending show significant declines in consumer loans , including credit card loans , and commercial and industrial loans .

  2. 我国造船工业贷款与融资机制探讨

    On the mechanism of loan and financing of our shipbuilding industry

  3. 印度工业贷款投资公司

    Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

  4. 农业和工业贷款基金

    Agricultural and Industrial Loan Fund

  5. 海沃德就扩大工业贷款同时削减社会义务的题目又讲了30分钟。

    Heyward talked for another thirty minutes on his theme of expanded industrial lending against a contraction in community commitments .

  6. 在分别对工业贷款和商业贷款进行分析时,商业贷款的风险远远大于工业贷款,正是由于商业贷款的风险从而显著地提高了整个组合的风险。

    When using sector analysis to analyze industry loans and commercial loans separately , it shows the commercial loans are riskier than the industry loan and it is the reason why the portfolio 's risk increased so sharp .

  7. 如果由于借贷市场的缺陷而不能这样做,那么,政府可以向新建工业提供贷款。

    If defects in lending markets prevent that , the government could advance loans to new industries .

  8. 为汽车工业提供贷款的立法草案包括政府加强对汽车行业重组过程的监管。

    Key points in auto company loan legislation include strong government oversight to ensure that companies implement restructuring plans .

  9. 他们敦促国会和行政部门批准对汽车工业提供贷款。目前讨论的贷款额度不足三大汽车公司原先要求的340亿美元的一半。

    All urged Congress and the Bush administration to approve the loan , which is now less than half of the $ 34 billion originally requested by the " Big Three " car companies .

  10. 与此同时,香港金管局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)将商业和工业地产的贷款与估值比率(loan-to-valueratio)上限降至40%,并且对最新的投机目标——停车位——的这一比率做出了类似的限制。金管局相当于香港的央行。

    At the same time , the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the territory 's de facto central bank , cut the maximum loan-to-value ratio to 40 per cent for commercial and industrial spaces and introduced a similar ratio for parking spaces , the latest subject of speculative investment .

  11. 各银行对工业集团关于贷款减少的抱怨一直不以为然。

    Banks have dismissed complaints from industrial groups of reduced lending .

  12. 石油工业利用外资贷款的理论与监测模型探讨

    Theoretical Research and Monitoring Model of Utilizing Foreign Capital in the Petroleum Industry of China

  13. 亚洲发展银行的成立是为从富有的工业国筹集贷款来扶持经济增长。

    The Asian Development Bank was created to raise money from rich industrial nations for loans to support economic growth .

  14. 星期四,由于国会是否批准为美国汽车工业提供紧急贷款的前景不明朗,纽约股市下跌。

    Stock prices in New York fell Thursday amid rising uncertainty over whether congress will approve emergency loans for the Detroit-based U.S. auto industry .

  15. 项目贷款是指基于项目现金流为还款来源而不是投资者资产的固定资产或工业项目长期贷款。

    Project finance is the long term financing of infrastructure and industrial projects based upon the projected cash flows of the project rather than the balance sheets of the project investors .

  16. 如果我经营一家向工业客户提供大量贷款的银行,那么我会聘用专家以观察员的身份参加董事会会议。

    If I ran a bank granting big facilities to industrial clients , then I would hire experts to attend board meetings as observers .

  17. 据知情人士透露,离职事件反映出,这家银行在从一家向工业企业提供长期贷款的日本银行向适合于互联网时代的银行转型的过程中,遇到了困难。

    The departures reflect the difficulty the bank has had transforming itself from a Japanese bank providing long-term credit to industrial companies into a bank ready for the Internet age , according to people close to the situation .

  18. 关于工业美术美学问题&兼谈涂装技术与工业美术美学的关系传统工业基地技改贷款的市场、政策与制度约束

    Credit Market , Policy and Institutional Arrangement for Traditional Industrial Cities