
  • 网络epa;Profinet;Ethernet;Industrial Ethernet;Industry Ethernet
  1. 基于工业以太网的大屏幕LED显示系统

    The Realization of LED Display System Based on Industrial Ethernet

  2. 基于PLC和工业以太网的离子交换监控系统设计

    Design in the ion-exchange system of monitoring based on PLC and industrial ethernet

  3. 基于工业以太网和实时操作系统的多CPU嵌入式变电站通信处理平台

    Embedded multiple-CPU substation communication platform based on industry Ethernet and RTOS

  4. 工业以太网技术在珠江电厂DCS中的应用

    Application of industrial ether network technology in DCS system of Zhujiang Power Plant

  5. 工业以太网技术和Internet技术的迅速发展以及两种技术的紧密结合,使得工业自动化系统体系结构和操作管理方式发生了很大变化。

    The rapid development and integration of industrial Ethernet and internet technology have made the architecture and operation methods of industrial automatic system improve significantly .

  6. 基于工业以太网和无线通信的水厂SCADA系统

    SCADA System of Waterworks Based on Industrial Ethernet and Wireless Communication

  7. 基于工业以太网和OPC技术的异构系统集成研究

    Research of Heterogeneous System Integration Based on Ethernet and OPC

  8. 工业以太网及OPC技术在FCS网络集成中的应用

    Application in FCS Network Integration of Industrial Ethernet and OPC Technology

  9. 工业以太网EPA实时性测试方法研究

    Research on the Test Method of Real-time Performance of EPA

  10. 基于EPA工业以太网的智能变送器研究

    Research of Intelligent Transmitter Based on EPA - Ethernet for Plant Automation

  11. 该系统由PLC、各种单片机控制板和远程监控计算机构成,通过工业以太网进行通讯。

    The system is constructed in PLC , various C-51 control boards and remote monitor-control PC with the industrial Ethernet network protocol .

  12. 工业以太网技术的发展需要有性能稳定、技术成熟的工业级嵌入式以太网络接口来支持,它是嵌入式系统和Internet相连的关键部件。

    The development of Industry Ethernet Network needs a stable capability and sophisticated technique industrial embedded Ethernet interface which is key part of the embedded system connecting to Internet .

  13. 利用OPC通过工业以太网实现自动计量

    Automatic Metering with OPC Protocol by Industrial Ethernet

  14. 实时工业以太网EPA网络控制系统平台研究

    Research of the Platform of EPA Networked Control Systems of Real-time industrial Ethernet

  15. 主要包括控制程序整体设计,模块化PLC控制程序编写,基于工业以太网的上下位机通讯程序编写。

    Mainly includes the control program design , modular PLC control system programming , upper and lower communication programming based on Industrial Ethernet .

  16. 基于工业以太网和PROFIBUS的腈纶生产控制系统

    The Polyacrylonitrile Spinning Control System Based on Industrial Ethernet and PROFIBUS

  17. 基于工业以太网和PROFIBUS-DP的监控与MES系统研究

    The Research Based on Industrial Ethernet and PROFIBUS-DP Monitor and MES System

  18. 论文还研究了集散系统中以数据库为核心的信息集成、工业以太网及Web技术在DCS中的应用。

    The information integration basing on the database , the application of industrial Ethernet and Web technology in the distributed control system was studied also .

  19. EPA实时工业以太网通信协议的研究

    Research on EPA Real-time Industrial Ethernet Communications Protocols

  20. 基于PROFIBUS的工业以太网在油田中的应用

    Application of industrial Ethernet in oil field based on PROFIBUS

  21. 怎样在现场级的控制模块中实现TCP/IP网络通信协议以及在此协议之上构建合适的嵌入式web服务器是嵌入式工业以太网的关键技术。

    The key technology of embedded industrial Ethernet is how to implement TCP / IP protocol and how to realize the embedded web server during node control module at the field level .

  22. 各个智能控制接点和上位机组成了工业以太网,通过网关与Internet相连,采取了多种措施加强网络的安全性。

    Each intellectual control contact and Upper-computer makes up industrial Ethernet . It links with Internet through gateway . And has taken many kinds of measures to strengthen the security of network .

  23. 基于Profibus和工业以太网的钢铁企业计量系统的实现

    Realization of Integrated Automatic Measurement System with Profibus and Industrial Ethernet in Steel Industry

  24. 本文研究的配用电通信网采用了EPON和工业以太网两种通信技术。

    The electrical communication network studied in this paper uses EPON and Ethernet for industry .

  25. 主干网络采用工业以太网结构,将以纤维缠绕机为主的缠绕装备组建成一个小型的监控网络,并实现与上层网络(企业局域网或Internet)的互联。

    Using the industrial Ethernet technology , we connect many filament winding machines and auxiliary equipments into a small monitoring control network , which can also be connected with enterprise network or Internet .

  26. 工业以太网技术综述,内容包括IP网络性能参数,工业现场对硬件性能的要求,以及实时性的问题。

    The summary of industrial Ethernet technology includes the IP network performance parameters , the performance requirements for hardwares in the industrial locale , and the real-time issue .

  27. 前者采用SCADA/HMI(SupervisoryControlAndDataAcquisition/HumanMachineInterface,监控及数据采集/人机界面)实现系统功能,网络连接采用工业以太网,以实现数据的透明化。

    The former uses SCADA / HMI ( Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition / Human Machine Interface ) to implement system function , and the network is connected by industry Ethernet .

  28. 首先,在结合嵌入式Linux技术与工业以太网技术的基础上,提出了基于TCP/IP网络的烟道粉尘测定仪远程监控系统的两种具有代表性的设计方案。

    First , two typical designs of the remote supervisory system for soot-measuration instruments are raised , which are based on embedded Linux and industrial Ethernet technologies .

  29. 工业以太网技术在城市轨道交通SCADA系统中的应用在全球来讲都是一个较新的课题。

    Industrial Ethernet technology application in the field of metro transport SCADA system is a new topic in global .

  30. 装置控制系统在逻辑结构上分为两层:现场设备层和网络控制层,PROFIBUS用于现场设备层,网络控制层采用工业以太网。

    Profibus is applied in field device layer and Industral Ethernet is adopted in network control layer .