
  • 网络industrial culture;cultural industry
  1. 工业文化是株洲的核心文化,最突出的个性是其内蕴的诗性化。

    Industrial culture is the core element and its poetical connotation is the most prominent feature .

  2. 唐山工业文化初论

    Initial Exploration into Tangshan Industrial Culture

  3. 广州火车南站工业文化遗址保护规划

    The protection planning of the industry ashes of south railway station of Guangzhou

  4. 第二部分介绍了档案与社会文化的渊源,分别叙述了档案与原始文化、农耕文化、工业文化和现代文化的关系。

    This part narrates the relationship between primitive culture , farming culture , industry culture and modern culture .

  5. 文化随着人类社会的产生而产生,它经过农业文化和工业文化而进入现代文化。

    With the growth of human communities , culture has evolved from agricultural culture and industrial culture into the modern culture period .

  6. 文化转型是从物质文化开始的,是从农耕文化向工业文化转型,其载体则是城市文化。物质文化的转型也要求制度文化与之同时转型。

    It from agriculture culture to industrial culture . It carrier is city culture . The material cultural transformation brought system cultural transformation .

  7. 在这样的背景下,小说讲述的是由罗宾和维克两人分别代表的校园文化和工业文化在相互接触中从相互排斥、冲突到理解和融合。

    In this context , the campus culture and industry culture represented respectively by Robyn and Vic conflicts , understands and integrates during the mutually contact .

  8. 文化转型即由传统的农业文化模式向现代的工业文化模式转变,由现代文化精神代替传统文化精神。

    Cultural transformation is to change the traditional agriculture culture mode into modern industry culture mode , replacing the traditional cultural spirit by modern cultural spirit .

  9. 现代工业文化是超越的、自信的精英文化,非日常生活世界成为生活世界的主导领域;

    Modern industrial culture is a transcendent and confident essence culture and the world of non-daily life becomes the leading field of the world of life ;

  10. 然而在本文中具体体现为游牧文化与农耕文化,游牧文化与工业文化之间的冲突。

    However , in a concrete manifestation of creation , it appears as the conflict between nomadic culture and farming culture , animal husbandry and industrial culture .

  11. 伴随我国经济高速发展和城市产业结构调整,工业文化景观受到破坏,文化“物种”正在逐渐消亡。

    With rapid economic development and urban industrial restructuring in China , some industrial cultural landscape have been destroyed , and some cultural " species " are gradually disappearing .

  12. 基于城市整体发展的工业文化遗产保护:以郑州老工业基地重点地段城市设计为例

    Based on the Protection of Industrial and Cultural Heritage in the Integrated City Development : Taking the Example of the City Planning in the Key District of Zhengzhou Old Industrial Base

  13. 而苹果迷与苹果公司的关系也成为了当代科技社会的一个缩影,迷文化和工业文化交织在一起,合力推动着电子科学技术的浪潮不断向前发展。

    While Apple fans and Apple Corp has become a microcosm of contemporary science and technology society , fan culture and industrial culture interweave together , efforts to promote electronic science and technology development .

  14. 第四章从价值体系,高、低语境,以及农业文化与工业文化三个角度进行分析,探讨了中美非言语交际的文化差异的文化及历史根源。

    Chapter four explores the cultural and historical roots of the temporal-spatial differences between Chinese and Americans from the perspectives of value systems , high-context , low context , and agriculture and industry cultures .

  15. 在此基础上分析了这些冲突的实质,即农业文化与工业文化的冲突、传统文化与现代文化的冲突、本土文化与外来文化的冲突。

    On this basis , the essence of the conflicts is : conflict between agricultural culture and industrial culture , the conflict between traditional culture and modern culture , The conflict between the foreign culture and local culture .

  16. 论证改造设计的要点和方法,对工业文化遗产进行有价值、有创意的设计,进而为工业遗产保护再利用的理论研究与设计实践创新提供借鉴和依据。

    Transformation of the main points of argument and methods of design , value of industrial cultural heritage , creative design , and then re-use of industrial heritage research and design practice the theory of reference and basis for innovation .

  17. 文化无优劣论是缺乏文化形态学观念的文化相对主义;其用意在于抵制工业文化价值对于农业文化的影响;

    The idea of a neither good nor bad culture is in fact cultural relativism , which lacks cultural morphologic , and it intends to resist the influence of industrial culture in agricultural culture and therefore , hinders the transformation of Chinese culture .

  18. 力求在功能上因地制宜,将老年人寓所、城市公园、滨江防护等相整合,从环境优化改造入手逐渐深入完善,以期建立和谐生态的后工业文化景观带。

    Strive to function according to local conditions , the older apartments , City Park , Riverside integrate protection from the environment to start the gradual optimization of in-depth comprehensive reform with a view to building a harmonious eco-cultural landscape of post-industrial band .

  19. 从创新文化看科技工业园文化建设

    On Cultural Construction of Scientific and Technological Parks from Innovative Culture

  20. 对照组为该市非工业污染文化社区。

    Community not polluted by industry was chosen to serve as control .

  21. 近代文化;军事工业;文化教育。

    Modern age culture ; Military industry ; Cultural education .

  22. 构建中国家具工业的文化支点

    Composing A Cultural Supporting Point for Furniture Industry of China

  23. 科技工业园文化的特点及实质

    The Characteristics and Essence of the Culture of Science and Technology Parks

  24. 文化工业与文化建设的悖论

    Paradoxes in Culture industry and Culture Construction

  25. 有利的地理位置,浓厚的工业信息文化促进了三和公司的蓬勃发展。

    The favorable geography position and rich industrial information culture promote the vigorous development of Wenzhou Sanhe .

  26. 从文化工业到文化产业&关于传播政治经济学的一种概念转型

    From " Cultural Industry " to " Cultural Industries ": A Conceptual Transition of Political Economy of Communication

  27. 科技工业园文化的个性化范式导致高新技术产业发展结果的差异。

    Culture of individuation in science and technology parks results in different outcome of high and new technology industry .

  28. 电影叙事的后工业时代文化背景造就了当代电影叙事的特殊境遇。

    The narrative mode of contemporary movie has been in a special situation because of the influence of industrial cultures .

  29. 在此基础上,提出了工业设计文化创意和产业化这两种发展策略,并根据本文写作目的,重点阐述工业设计的产业化。

    Based on the former information , Summing-up and development orientation of the culture creativity and industrialization for industrial design are suggested .

  30. 欧文斯伯勒是肯塔基洲的第三大城市。它是西肯塔基洲的工业,文化,零售业和卫生保健业的中心。

    Owensboro is kentucky 's third largest city and is the industrial , cultural , retail and healthcare center of Western kentucky .