
  • 网络Industrial heritage;industry heritage
  1. Loft有机景观&广州珠江后航道近现代工业遗产保护与景观再生途径探讨

    " Loft " Organic Landscape & Discussion on Modern Industrial Heritage Protection and Landscape Regeneration behind Guangzhou Pearl River Channel

  2. 工业遗产;旅游价值;评价;东北地区;

    Industrial Heritage ; Tourism Value ; Evaluation ; Northeast Region ;

  3. 为本地工业遗产的保护做一点自己应有的贡献。

    For the local industrial heritage that make its due contributions .

  4. 论我国工业遗产旅游的开发

    A Study on Tourism Development of Our Country 's Industrial Heritage

  5. 工业遗产改造与城市发展的互动&西安纺织城改造构想

    On the interaction between industrial inheritance innovation and urban development

  6. 广州市工业遗产保护与利用机制研究

    On the Mechanism of Protection and Utilization of Industrial Heritage in Guangzhou

  7. 资源枯竭;工业遗产;投资主体;

    Resource Exhaustion ; Industrial Heritage ; Investment Subject ;

  8. 工业遗产的保护已经成为世界各国共同关注的重要问题。

    Industrial heritage protection has become an important issue all over the world .

  9. 以提出几点关于武汉工业遗产保护的建议。

    To make a few points on the recommendations of Wuhan Industrial Heritage .

  10. 论江苏工业遗产保护与利用

    Protection and Utilization of Industry Heritage in Jiangsu Province

  11. 工业遗产的构成与价值评价方法

    Formation of Industrial Heritage and Method of Value Evaluation

  12. 阐明了工业遗产国际保护的法律理念。

    And clarifying the legal ideas for the international protection of industrial heritage .

  13. 工业遗产体验式旅游开发设计思路的探讨

    Design Thoughts of Experiential Tourism Exploration on Industrial Heritage

  14. 上海:工业遗产与文化创意产业

    Shanghai : Industrial Heritage and Cultural Creative Industry

  15. 城市中的公社&城市工业遗产建筑群再利用的可行性研究

    The Commune in the City : The feasibility Study of Industrial Building Heritage Reuse

  16. 快乐主义理念下工业遗产的休闲利用模式探究

    A Study on the Leisure Pattern of Industrial Heritage in the Light of Hedonism

  17. 试论政府在东北工业遗产保护与旅游利用中的作用

    Analysis the Role of Government in the Northeast Industrial Heritage Protection and Tourism Using

  18. 中国工业遗产保护及其非物质成分分析

    China 's Industrial Heritage and Its Nonmaterial Component

  19. 工业遗产的价值与保护初探

    Value of Industrial Heritage and Its Conservation

  20. 工业遗产地景观形态初步研究

    A Morphologic Study on Industrial Heritage Landscape

  21. 工业遗产的保护与再利用是文化遗产保护的重要内容之一。

    Industrial heritage protection and reuse is one of the important contents of culture heritage protection .

  22. 首先,本文针对工业遗产的特殊性提出研究的问题。

    At first , this paper raises the research question on the specificity of industrial heritage .

  23. 从798工厂的变迁谈工业遗产的保护与再利用

    On the protection and reuse of the industrial heritage from vicissitudes of " 798 " factory

  24. 中国工业遗产初探

    Initial Exploration of Chinese Industrial Heritage

  25. 分析了工业遗产国际保护的法律理念、法律基础。

    Then the paper analyzes the international legal ideas and basis of the industrial heritage conservation .

  26. 其中,工业遗产是其核心符号,具有多重特征与价值。

    Among them , the industrial heritage is the core symbols , with multiple features and value .

  27. 工业遗产社区转型建设发展之路&以南京江南水泥厂为例

    The Transformation Development Way of Industrial Heritage Community : The Case of Jiangnan Cement Factory , Nanjing

  28. 其次,论文以工业遗产旅游开发实例为研究对象。

    Then , the article makes the couples of the industrial heritage development as the studying object .

  29. 超越物质形态规划的挑战&杭州市区工业遗产保护规划探索

    Challenge of Planning Surpassing Physical Form-Exploration on Planning of Industrial Heritage Protection in Urban District of Hangzhou

  30. 呼吁社会各界以生态、科学的态度对待身边即将逝去的工业遗产。

    Appeal to the community of ecological and scientific attitude towards the side of the industrial heritage .