
ɡōnɡ yè shí dài
  • industrial age
  1. 首先,反垄断当局需要从工业时代进入21世纪。

    The first is that antitrust authorities need to move form the industrial age into the 21st century .

  2. 工业时代商业竞争中的特色、益处营销理论如USP理论正转向后工业时代以消费者为中心的体验营销。

    USP and other characteristic and benefit marketing theories that dominated competition of the industrial age has been replaced by the consumer-centered experience marketing theory of our post-industrial age .

  3. 研究人员发现,在工业时代,海洋吸收热量的35%现停留在700多米深的地方。

    About 35 percent of the heat taken in by the oceans during the industrial era now resides at a depth of more than 700 meters , the researchers found .

  4. 在这艘棕色的小拖船上,我们可以看到,一个新的工业时代开始了。

    In the little , brown tugboat we can see the new industrial era starting .

  5. 5horse-and-buggydays马车时代,以往岁月。后工业时代的危机总是能让人们回想起以往的岁月。

    The post-industrial crisis1 always reminds citizens of the horse-and-buggy days .

  6. 想看更前卫的景观,就去都市狂欢(UrbanSpree)画廊,这个高能量艺术馆位于斯普利河附近一座后工业时代的街区,平时这里也承办艺术盛典。

    newer on the scene is Urban Spree , a high-energy gallery in a postindustrial complex near the Spree River , which also hosts art events .

  7. 网络教师最普遍的特点是创新意识和创新能力Z网络教师区别于工业时代教师最根本的素质是信息素质;

    The general characteristics of the network teachers are the consciousness of both new ideas and abilities ; Information literacy is the difference from the teachers of the industrious time .

  8. 汽车制造行业对于一个国家国民经济的影响深远,纵观发达国家在汽车工业时代走过的历史,可以发现其GDP与汽车保有量之间有一个明显的正相关性。

    Automobile manufacturing has a far-reaching impact on the national economy , looking through the historical era in automobile industry of the developed countries , there is a positive correlation between GDP and car ownership .

  9. 工业时代的思维方式以及NAICS产业代码使企业的思维模式陷入窠臼,它们的业务模式不是以产品为中心,就是以服务为中心。

    Industrial-era thinking and NAICS industry codes force companies into characterizing their business models as being either product - or service-focused .

  10. 在当代美洲的英语区,与民间文化最相似的群体也许算是Amish。Amish是美国的德裔农耕部落,他们基本上拒绝接受工业时代的大多数产品和节省劳力的设施。

    Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish , a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age .

  11. 试论后工业时代体育休闲的人性意蕴

    Discussion on Human Nature Meaning of Sports Leisure in Post-Industrial Era

  12. 简论后工业时代美国少数民族文学的崛起

    American Multi-Ethnic Literature in the Post-Industrial Age : Its Advent and Thriving

  13. 首饰的各方面都打上了工业时代的烙印。

    All aspects of jewelry marked by the industrial age .

  14. 你曾经引领人类迈入工业时代!

    You have lead the human into industrial age remember !

  15. 后工业时代旧工业建筑的转型再利用

    The Transformation of Old Industrial Buildings in the Post-Industrial Era

  16. 现代科技使家具设计与以往手工业时代的设计有了质的区别。

    Modern furniture design has great distinction with that of the past .

  17. 后工业时代中国产业类历史建筑遗产保护性再利用

    Protective Reuse of Chinese Industrial Historic Building Heritage in the Post-industrial Age

  18. 教育问:后工业时代的学习与社会

    Questioning Education : Learning and Society in a Post-Industrial Era

  19. 重化工业时代的污染触目惊心

    Shocking ! The pollution in heavy chemical industry era

  20. 一方面是后工业时代,人们进入消费时代。

    The first is Post-Industrial Society which spur people enter the consumption times .

  21. 后工业时代米兰单功能城区更新

    Conversion of single-core area of Milan in post-industrial time

  22. 回顾工业时代的城市问题和出现过的解决方法;

    Urban problems emerged in the Industrial Age and their solutions are reviewed .

  23. 人类社会发展到今天,经历了石器时代、农耕时代、机器大工业时代的演变,进入到信息时代。

    Human society has entered the Information Age now .

  24. 在工业时代,雇员因为他们的老资历而获得更高的报酬。

    In the Industrial Age , employees were rewarded for things like seniority .

  25. 这些社会问题是随着工业时代工作消失而出现的。

    These social ills have come alongside the disappearance of industrial era jobs .

  26. 这个故事被誉为工业时代的《傲慢与偏见》。

    The story is described as Pride and Prejudice in the Industrial Age .

  27. 在工业时代,硬件重要的;

    In the industrial age , hardware mattered ;

  28. 留住手艺&工业时代的手工业

    Preserve Handcraft & Handcraft in the Industrial Age

  29. 工业时代的耶稣&《儿子与情人》中保罗形象新探

    Jesus in the Industrial World & The Exploration of Paul in Sons and Lovers

  30. 希望重新回到工业时代以前的没有污染、没有到处存在的城市贫困和拥挤的年月去。

    Before the industrial age with its pollution and widespread urban poverty and overcrowding .