
  • 网络ukulele;Ukulele Cover;Fish Leong;Hand in hand
  1. [目的]评价小手拉大手,共创卫生城社区健康教育活动的效果。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the effect of Weifang 's community health education of " the children lead their parents to create the National Hygiene City together " .

  2. 广大中小学生在“小手拉大手”专题节目中写信两万多封,收到承诺回执率达96.8%。

    The primary and middle school students in " small gap hand " special programs to write more than twenty thousand seal , received promised return receipt rate is96.8 % .

  3. [结论]开展小手拉大手,共创卫生城社区健康教育活动后,教育对象卫生知识水平提高,卫生行为得到形成。

    [ Conclusion ] After developed community health education of " the children lead their parents to create the National Hygiene City together ", the people 's hygienic knowledge level had improved , and their hygienic behavior was formed .