首页 / 词典 / good

  • close;seal;bank;confer upon
  • envelope;package;feudalism
  • 密闭,使跟外面隔绝:~闭。密~。~口。~存。~条。~贮。~面。~底。~锁。~顶。冰~雪飘。~山育林。

  • 用来装信、钱等物的纸套:信~。赏~。

  • 帝王把土地或爵位给予亲属或臣僚:~侯。~君(领有封地的贵族)。~邑。~拜(拜官授爵)。~典。~建。

  • 疆界:~疆。~域。~界。

  • 限制:故步自~。

  • 帝王筑坛祭天:~禅(祭天为“封”,祭地为“禅”)。

  • 量词,用于装封套的东西:一~信。

  • 姓。


(封闭) close; seal:

  • 查封

    seal up;

  • 密封

    seal up completely;

  • 大雪封山。

    The mountains are covered over [closed up] with heavy snow.


(封火) bank (a fire):

  • 炉子封了吗?

    Have you banked up the fire?


(古时帝王把爵位或称号赐给臣子) confer (a title, territory, etc.) upon:

  • 封爵

    create noble;

  • 分封诸侯

    grant titles and territories to the nobles


(封起来的或用来封东西的纸包或纸袋) envelope; package:

  • 信封



[简] (封建主义) feudalism:

  • 封资修

    feudalism, capitalism and revisionism


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 封德彝

    Feng Deyi



  • 一封信

    a letter;

  • 一封饼干

    a pack of biscuits

  1. 你们的组织连所桥都封不住吗?

    Your organization can 't even close one bridge .

  2. 我奉命要把门封死!

    But I 'm ordered to close it !

  3. 这封信是写给这所房子的住户的。

    The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house .

  4. 布告牌上张贴了这封信的内容。

    A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard .

  5. 别忘了把那封信给你妈寄去。

    Don 't forget to mail that letter to your mother .

  6. 那封信是对我们的法律立场的直截了当的声明。

    The letter was a bald statement of our legal position .

  7. 读到那封信时,我简直不敢相信。

    I could hardly believe it when I read the letter .

  8. 建立一个新档案,把这封信放进去。

    Start a new file and put this letter in it .

  9. 她无奈之下写了一封致歉信。

    She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest .

  10. 他使这封信保持正式公文的语气。

    He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike .

  11. 这封信显然使她极为悲伤。

    It was clear that the letter had deeply distressed her .

  12. 那封信是对我们的法律立场直截了当的声明。

    The letter was a bald statement of our legal position .

  13. 她想不起那封信的细节了。

    She could no longer recollect the details of the letter .

  14. 那封信必须今天到达,用专递寄吧。

    Courier that letter ─ it needs to get there today .

  15. 一定要在支票上签了名再封信封。

    Make sure you 've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope .

  16. 这封信是用她惯常的尖刻语调写的。

    The letter was written in her usual acerbic style .

  17. 自从接到那封信后她就一直焦虑不安。

    She had been worrying ever since the letter arrived .

  18. 那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。

    The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately .

  19. 他因对工业界的贡献获女王封为爵士。

    He was knighted by the Queen for his services to industry .

  20. 可能他还没有收到那封信。

    It 's possible he has not received the letter .

  21. 她确信那封信中有言外之意。

    She felt sure the letter had some hidden meaning .

  22. 你要是愿意,我会给你查查这封信的。

    I 'll check this letter for you , if you want .

  23. 到目前为止,我们已收到200多封回信。

    To date , we have received over 200 replies .

  24. 请你替我把这封信寄出去行吗?

    Will you send this letter for me , please ?

  25. 我没打算让你看那封信。

    I didn 't mean you to read the letter .

  26. 我出门时去寄这封信。

    I 'll post the letter when I go out .

  27. 我已经写好这封信的草稿。

    I 've made a rough draft of the letter .

  28. 她坐在那儿,凝视着面前的那封信。

    She sat and stared at the letter in front of her .

  29. 一封私人来信往往就能使人一天心情愉快。

    A personal letter will usually brighten up a person 's day .

  30. 临行前,他给妹妹草草写了一封短信。

    He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving .