
  1. 她没什么心计,而且能感觉出她对钱没什么兴趣。

    She was not calculating and evidenced no specific interest in money .

  2. 他们对钱的事情抱怨不已。

    They moan on a lot about money

  3. 对钱的需求影响了他所有的计划。

    The need for money governed all his plans .

  4. 职业心理学家KimStephenson认为,人们会对钱的问题小题大做,是因为钱对男性和女性有着不同的象征意义。

    Kim Stephenson , an occupational psychologist , believes money is such a big deal because of what it symbolises , which may be different things to men and women .

  5. 佛境文心&试论佛学对钱谦益文学思想的影响

    On the Influence of Buddhism upon Qian Qianyi 's Literary Theory

  6. 我想你对钱也不感兴趣吧?

    And I suppose the money doesn 't interest you , either ?

  7. 这个银行经理已消除了我对钱的所有担心。

    The bank manager has ironed out all my worries about money .

  8. 你对钱很大方,或许太过大方。

    You are generous with money , maybe too generous .

  9. 但是,我对钱不感兴趣。

    The fact is , I 'm uninterested in money .

  10. 其实根本对钱不感兴趣。

    Really wasn 't interested in the money at all .

  11. 大家都因为他对钱的贪得无餍而不喜欢他。

    No one loves him because of his insatiate desire for money .

  12. 对钱的贪婪要平和的多。

    The greed for money is so much less violent .

  13. 对钱的欲望导致了他的毁灭。

    His desire for money led him to his destruction .

  14. 约翰和杰克的根本区别在于他们对钱的态度。

    The fundamental difference between John and Jake is their attitudes to money .

  15. 我死党经常说我对钱没什么概念。

    My best friend often says that I have no concept with money .

  16. 我妈妈对钱看得很重。

    My mom likes to watchher money very carefully .

  17. 对钱的想法:不会从天上掉下来。

    What I think of money : it doesn 't grow on trees .

  18. 有一个人对钱的计较胜过任何其他东西。

    There was a man who cared more for money than anything else .

  19. 城市雕像显然不是一种对钱的挥霍。

    City sculptures are certainly not a money waster .

  20. 她声称对钱不感兴趣。

    She professes not to be interested in money .

  21. (对钱或财产)所有权的声明。

    An assertion of a right ( as to money or property ) .

  22. 凯文,你对钱的态度怎么样?

    What do you think of money , Kevin .

  23. 他的快乐因对钱的担心而打了折扣。

    His pleasure be impair by worry about money .

  24. 他对钱毫不吝惜,买了许多礼物。

    He is liberal with his money and buys a lot of presents .

  25. 西夏铸币有无对钱问题的探讨

    Discussion about the couple coins in West Xia Dynasty

  26. 一个小孩对钱这么感兴趣,这正常吗。

    It is usual for a child to be so interested in money ?

  27. 另外一些人对钱很敏感,所以他们常常会过度考虑商业计划书。

    Others are money-minded , so they can over think the business plan .

  28. 她的丈夫对钱相当吝啬。

    Her husband is rather mean over money .

  29. 我可能对钱没兴趣。

    I may not be interested in money .

  30. 因为了解他对钱的吝啬,我提出由我来支付全部费用。

    Knowing his closeness with money , I offer to pay the entire cost .