
  • 网络brick-and-mortar store
  1. Monitorshopping(字面意思为“浏览器购物”)是“只逛不买”(windowshopping)的另一种形式,只不过你闲逛的地方不再是实体商店,而是购物网站,即“只浏览不购物”。

    Monitor shopping is another form of window shopping , except that instead of wandering in stores , all you have to do is to log onto a shopping website .

  2. 这种现象在实体商店中也得到进一步放大,商家打出的商品价格中,最后两位数字印得明显比前两位数字小很多。

    In actual stores , this is encouraged , as producers and managers have the final two numbers of the price printed with much smaller fonts than the first one or two .

  3. 多尔西:Stand为大型实体商店提供便利。

    Dorsey : it opens the door for brick-and-mortar , high-volume ( businesses ) .

  4. 不过,消费者只有拥有iPhone6或者6Plus,才能在实体商店使用Applepay。

    Still , consumers can use Apple Pay at a physical retailer only if they have the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus .

  5. 如今,36岁的吉列特加入了电子产品巨头百思买公司(BestBuy),并被委以重任:帮助百思买与网络零售巨头亚马逊(Amazon)竞争,同时继续维系实体商店销售模式。

    The 36-year-old former college football player is charged with no small task : helping best buy go up against Amazon while continuing to sell products in brick-and-mortar stores .

  6. 实体商店空竹销售在AB目前还是一个空缺,在许多的超市都没这类产品的售卖。

    Cephalostachyum physical store sales in the AB is still a vacancy , and in many supermarkets no sale of such products .

  7. 在中国城市中,年轻的消费者告诉我们,他们偏爱一种名为“展厅现象”(showrooming)的消费模式。换句话说,他们在实体商店试穿衣服,然后到网上购买更便宜的同款商品,还包括便宜的次日到达配送服务。

    Urban , young Chinese consumers told us that they have a penchant for " showrooming . " In other words , they try on clothing in stores and then buy the item online for a better price , including inexpensive next-day delivery .

  8. 智能手机已经在一些较大的互联网市场中对实体商店产生了促进作用。

    Smartphones are already helping brick-and-mortar stores in large Internet markets .

  9. 但不论未来如何,实体商店仍会继续存在。

    Fantasy futures aside , real-world stores are here to stay .

  10. 而且它没有实体商店成本。

    And it has no physical stores to pay for .

  11. 比起实体商店,网店购物的便捷是个巨大的优势。

    The convenience of online shopping provides a huge advantage over brick-and-mortar stores .

  12. 不要依靠实体商店,都是通过网络营销把大品牌。

    Don 't rely on entity stores and are all through the network marketing do up big brands .

  13. 实体商店通常会根据当地需求、竞争及店铺位置等情况调整价格。

    Regular shops routinely adjust their prices to account for local demand , competition , store location and so on .

  14. 在苹果实体商店成功的刺激下,连微软也开始效仿(但效果喜忧参半)。

    Apple 's success with brick and mortar locations even spurred Microsoft to do the same ( with mixed results ) .

  15. 当买卖双方无法达成一致的交易额,在实体商店可用现金。

    If the seller and buyer can 't reach a consistent bargain sum , the buyer can use the cash in entity store .

  16. 与电商相比,实体商店的人员和租金成本更高。实体店的老板们称,一些网购顾客正在白蹭他们的资源。

    Bricks-and-mortar shops have higher salary and rental costs than internet rivals and store owners say some online buyers are freeriding on their resources .

  17. 他称一些实体商店也通过安装和修理电脑及电子产品的服务让顾客满意。

    He says some " bricks and mortar " stores are also pleasing customers with services that set up or repair computers and electronics .

  18. 换句话说,他们在实体商店试穿衣服,然后到网上购买更便宜的同款商品,还包括便宜的次日到达配送服务。

    In other words , they try on clothing in stores and then buy the item online for a better price , including inexpensive next-day delivery .

  19. 网络交易在圣诞节前两周的亮丽成长或许得利于当时的冬季暴风雪气候,因为恶劣的天气让消费者视驾车到实体商店采购为畏途。

    Online shopping may have gotten a boost from winter storms during last two weeks before Christmas , which made travel to brick-and-mortar stores more difficult .

  20. 经过实体商店多年的游说,美国参议院预计将在今日通过一项法案,将有助于终结网上购物免税的局面。

    Following years of lobbying by bricks-and-mortar stores , the US Senate is expected today to pass a bill that would help end tax-free online shopping .

  21. 他曾预言互联网将改变购物方式,这一观点已被证实,但他认为实体商店将走向终结的预言却并未成真。

    While he was correct to say that the Internet would transform shopping , he was wrong to think it would be the end of physical stores .

  22. 对消费者来说,网络购物比在实体商店购物存在更高的风险,感知风险是影响消费者网络购买行为的主要因素。

    The author points out that , to the consumers , perceived risk is the main factor that affects greatly consumers ' purchasing behavior in online shopping .

  23. 如果亚马逊真的有一天进入实体商店零售业,那绝对不是贝佐斯第一次抄袭乔布斯。

    If Amazon does one day move into bricks-and-mortar retail , it would not be the first time that Mr Bezos had taken a leaf from the book of jobs .

  24. 而且在未来一代人的时间之内,除了特别有限和特殊的情况下,人们对于传统的“砖瓦水泥型”的实体商店的需求可能会消失。

    Within one more generation , the need for " brick and mortar " institutions ( and the costs of maintaining them ) will probably be eliminated , except for some very limited special situations .

  25. 近年来,互联网和电子商务的蓬勃发展创造了新的商业行为及经济模式,消费者的购物行为也从传统的实体商店延伸到新形态的网络商店。

    In recent years , the rapid development of Internet and E-commerce ( EC ) not only created new commercial behavior and economic model . Our shopping behavior has extended from traditional store to Internet store .

  26. 香奈儿的代表在女装日报上说到这些变化对于品牌来说是“关乎未来的”。并且,在被报道时,此代表承认这不仅仅只在实体商店。

    The Chanel representative who spoke with WWD indicated that these changes were " about the future " of the brand , and , when pressed , admitted that wouldn 't just be in brick-and-mortar stores .

  27. 但对消费者来说,由于在线交易中的不确定性及消费者心理等原因,网络购物比在实体商店购物存在更高的风险,使得网络购物的使用率还不是非常高。

    But for consumers , because of uncertainty in online trading and consumer psychology , and other reasons , online shopping than shopping in a physical store , there is a higher risk of making the utilization rate of online shopping is not very high .

  28. 几年之内,他就在三座城市拥有了实体电子商店。

    Within a few years , he owned brick-and-mortar electronics shops in three cities .

  29. 但是这也意味着依赖实体产品的商店销售额减少,包括大部分游戏产品。

    But that can also mean fewer sales for stores that products , including most video games .

  30. 但也同时意味着,依赖于销售包括大部分游戏产品在内的实体产品的商店的销售额将减少。

    But that can also mean fewer sales for stores that depend on physical products , including most video games .