
The popularity of Win-Win \# 3 is due to its guaranteed payout of 5.1 per cent after three years - higher than the benchmark three-year bank deposit rate of 2.75 per cent and the average 3.99 per cent yield on WMPs issued directly by banks in December , according to data from CN Benefit .
After the hikes , the benchmark one-year deposit rate is 3.6 percent while one-year lending rate is 7.02 percent .
the reduction in deposit benchmarks will lower financing costs through the financial system and help lower interest rates more generally .
The central bank raised one-year benchmark deposit rates by 27 basis points to 4.14 per cent , and one-year lending rates by 18 basis points to 7.47 per cent .
The benchmark one-year lending rate was cut by 27 basis points to 5.31 per cent , while the one-year deposit rate was lowered by the same amount to 2.25 per cent .
Benchmark one-year lending rates will be raised 25 basis points to 6.56 per cent from today , while one-year deposit rates will go up 25 basis points to 3.5 per cent , the central bank said on Wednesday .
For one-year deposits , the benchmark rate was lowered from 3 per cent to 2.75 per cent .
But it has also granted banks increased freedom to set actual deposit rates above the benchmark .
Deposit rates are now allowed to float as much as 50 per cent above the benchmark , up from only 10 per cent before November last year .
Since 2007 , PBC frequently curbs liquidity surplus by using the legal deposit reserve ratio , benchmark rate , central bank bonds , currency swaps and other liquidity management tools . However , the results are not very obvious .
Our empirical results indicate that the shock in the central bank monetary policy represented by the legal deposit reserve rate and benchmark deposit can trigger the stock market impact of short-term fluctuation .
The latest move came in late October when RRR for financial institutions was slashed by 0.5 percentage points and benchmark interest rates for one-year loans and deposits were cut by 0.25 percentage points to 4.35 percent and 1.5 percent respectively , to ensure reasonably adequate liquidity in the banking system .