
  1. 有果必有因,存在即合理。

    There is fire , there is a reasonable .

  2. 强者说:存在即合理。

    The strong says that nothing is impossible .

  3. 奢侈品牌存在即合理

    Luxury Brands , Existence is Reasonable

  4. 尽管它们是常规意义上没有生命或是没有智慧之物。但是我相信黑格尔“存在即合理”的言论。

    Though in ordinary senses they are lifeless or mindless , I still believe in Hegel 's " what exists is reasonable " .

  5. 存在即是合理。

    That existed is rational .

  6. 任何事物都有存在的理由。(存在即是合理的。)

    Whatever is has every reason for being .