
  • 网络generation;Generation name
  1. 最后,苹果兼并了几家组件公司(芯片公司Intrinsity和P.A.Semi,闪存公司Anobit,还有安全设备厂商Authentec),将它们整合进了丰富多彩的“i”字辈产品中。

    Lastly Apple has bought several component companies ( chip companies Intrinsity and P.A. Semi , flash memory company Anobit , and security hardware - Authentec ) to be integrated in various iStuff .

  2. 《红楼梦》中的李纨与尤氏分别是荣国府和宁国府“玉”字辈大奶奶。

    Li Wan You Shi are separate the " Y ü" generation hostess of the Rongguo Mansion Ningguo Mansion .

  3. 《原诗》是隶属六字辈马华诗人群体中的林幸谦先生的获奖诗集。

    The Origin of Poetry is an awarded collection of poems by Malaysia-Chinese poet , Lin Xingqian who was born in1960s .

  4. 在餐饮业中,“老字号”的国营餐饮企业不敌“小字辈”的民营餐饮企业,已是不争的事实。

    In food and beverage trade , it is a solid fact that " senior brand " enterprises fail to compete new born ones .

  5. 他对于老字辈的演员十分地尊敬,不像有的人觉得对自己没用就不理不睬。

    He is very respectful towards older actors , unlike those who show a blind eye to them because they have no use for them .