
  • 网络character information
  1. 可以通过Text接口(它映射到XMLInforset字符信息项)获得这个属性。

    You can retrieve it through the Text interface ( which maps to the XML Infoset character information item ) .

  2. 首先通过CCD摄像头获取轮胎胎号图像,再对得到的图像进行预处理和特征提取,最后用人工神经网络的方法识别出图像中的字符信息。

    First capturing the images by CCD camera , after preprocessing and featrue extracting , the system recognizes the character information based on ANN .

  3. 利用光导纤维与CRT相结合的技术,产生高清晰度图像字符信息启动液晶光阀,在外光源的照射下,投影得到高清晰度、高亮度图像。

    Using optics fiber combined with CRT technique to produce high resolution character and picture to drive liquid crystal light valve , projecting with outer light source to realize high brightness and high resolution picture .

  4. 介绍便携式红外摄像机CPU模块的设计和实现,巧妙地利用了图像信号的特点,成功地实现了对红外图像数据的测温和字符信息叠加的功能。

    This research paper is about the design and realization of the CPU module used in infrared cameras . It ingeniously used the features of pictures ' signals and successfully realizes such functions as examining the temperature of infrared pictures and superposing the information of characters .

  5. 介绍了一种实现多语言HTML文本显示的方法,该方法通过建立微型字体服务器,实现字符信息的非图像传输,节约了传输带宽,提高了传输速度。

    This paper introduces an approach to multilingual HTML text displaying . By means of a tiny font server , the characters are transmitted in a non-image form between Web server and client terminal , which can save bandwidth of transmission , improve the transmitting speed and etc.

  6. 学习障碍儿童数字与字符信息加工的特征

    Features of digit and character information processing in children with learning disorders

  7. 本文首先提出了汉字码本数据库的概念,它是指能够实现汉字字符信息到其相应属性的对应关系的数据结构。

    First , this paper advances the concept of Chinese Character Reference Database .

  8. 子项是字符信息项,即包含字母数字字符的项。

    The child is the character information item , meaning that the item contains alphanumerical characters .

  9. 最终由字符信息及目标定位信息引导末端执行器完成对目标的准确分选。

    By the combination of recognized characters and target position information , the end-executor is led to select the target accurately .

  10. 该系统无须经过学习过程,通过与表格框线形态相匹配的结构元素,对表格进行数学形态学方法处理,即可快速准确地提取表格框线,进而获取任意栏目的字符信息,用于进一步识别和处理。

    The system can extract form lines quickly and accurately by the structuring element match with the form line and the algorithm of mathematical morphology .

  11. 在金融领域中,许多需要处理大量字符信息录入的场合,在很大程度上要依赖数据信息的输入。

    In financial field , many occasion which needs dealing with plenty of the character information input , will rely on the input of data information greatly .

  12. 对域名实体的支配利益是域名利益体系中不变的、本质的利益,而域名字符信息衍生出的思想、精神利益是域名利益体系中次生的、附属的利益。

    Domination interest of the domain entities is abiding and fundamental , beside , the ideological and spiritual the information derived interests are secondary , ancillary benefits .

  13. 为与其它搜索算法相比较,论文最后遵照国家文字信息处理标准GB/T18031-2000中字符信息输入标准,对三个重要指标进行算法质量综合评测。

    Compared with other search engines , paper evaluated the new algorithm with other two algorithms by three important indicators in the light of the State Information Processing Standards GB / T18031-2000 .

  14. 给出了一种利用接收到的字符信息检测串行终端通信波特率的方法及其实现流程图。

    This paper presents a novel method to determine the baud rate of a serial communication terminal through examining a single character received by the terminal , and gives the flow chart for its implementation .

  15. 科斯特洛自2010年以来一直是其首席执行官,在他任内,这个让用户发布140字符信息的服务在2013年上市,并且成为一支硅谷的主要力量。

    Mr. Costolo , who since 2010 has been chief executive of Twitter , the service that lets people post 140-character messages , helped take the company public in 2013 and built it into a Silicon Valley force .

  16. 为了提取文本区域内的字符信息,需要获得文本区域的范围和确切位置,提出基于文本像素密度的文本定位方法,并利用文本区域的特点和几何统计信息对文本候选区域进行筛选。

    The range and position of the text should be known to extract the text from the text region . A text location method based on text pixel density is proposed here . Characteristic of the text and geometric information is applied to the selection of the candidate region .

  17. 车牌识别系统是指通过计算机视觉、图像处理与模式识别等方法从车辆图像中提取车牌字符信息,从而确定车牌身份的技术,是实现交通管理智能化的重要环节之一。

    License plate recognition system is through computer vision , image processing and pattern recognition method to extract the characters information of image from the vehicle license plate , to determine the identity of the license plate , that is one of the important part to achieve intelligent traffic management .

  18. Twitter创建于2006年,用户可以在网站上发布不超过140个字符的信息以及图片或其他网站的链接。

    Twitter Inc. , founded in2006 , lets users post messages , or tweets , of up to140 characters .

  19. 传统的基于数值字符的信息检索技术并不能满足海量的图像检索要求,因此,基于内容的图像检索技术(CBIR,ContentBasedImageRetrieval)得到了广泛研究。

    Because of the complexity of images , the traditional information retrieval techniques , which are based on value and / or text comparison , are not sufficient to retrieval images , the research is shift to the techniques of content based image retrieval ( CBIR ) .

  20. 与现有的自适应均衡LMS算法、RLS算法不同,提出了一种基于有限字符集信息的组合递推算法,实现单输入多输出(SIMO)信道盲序列检测。

    Different from present adaptive equalization algorithms based on LMS and RLS , this paper proposes a new recursive algorithm of combined optimization to blindly detect the sequence of single-input multiple-output ( SIMO ) channels . This algorithm is based on the information of finite alphabet .

  21. 指工作表中需删除其中非打印字符的信息块

    Is any worksheet information from which you want to remove nonprintable characters

  22. 脚本通常需要一些虽然从某种方式上说是有序的、但又彼此分离的字符的信息。

    Scripts usually need information going far beyond isolated , if somehow sequenced , characters .

  23. 想要获取关于字符的信息,请参考文档字符集部分。

    For information about characters , please consult the section on the document character set .

  24. 用动态链接库来存储字符点阵信息,利于软件功能的扩展和升级。

    DLL technology used to store the lattice information makes the software extend function or upgrade easily .

  25. 字组传送结束字符;信息块传送结束;信息组传输结束符

    End of transmission block

  26. 与字符或信息块有关的一位,用于检查该字符或该信息块是否存在错误。

    A bit associated with a character or block for the purpose of checking the absence of error within the character or block .

  27. 尽管域名字符外观信息衍生出的利益多种多样,但域名实体的物质工具特性并没有变。

    Domain name information is derived from a variety of interests , but the characteristic of the material tools of the domain entities has not changed .

  28. 该方法避免了一些传统汉字特征提取方法需要对图象进行二值化操作而造成的汉字字符结构信息丢失。

    As a result , the proposed method avoids the binary operation used in some traditional Chinese character feature extractions that will seriously destroy the Chinese character structure .

  29. 得到公式包含的字符类别信息和位置信息后,我们采用基于特征字符的方法进行结构分析,这是本文的核心部分,在提出结构分析方法的基础上,我们开发公式识别的算法。

    We analyze the structure of the formula based on characteristic character that is put forward in this paper . We also give the algorithm in this part .

  30. 该算法利用已匹配字符的信息,增加了坏字符方法的右移量,提高了匹配的效率。

    Then a further advanced algorithm is introduced here , which uses the matched data information to increase the right shift of bad characters and improve the efficiency of the pattern matching .