
zì hào
  • word size;the name of a shop;a mark made with character


zì hao
  • the name of a shop
字号 [zì hào]
  • (1) [the name of a shop]∶商店的名称或招牌

  • (2) [a mark made with character]∶以文字作为编次的符号

字号[zì hào]
字号[zì hao]
  1. 一是对三个版本的小学数学教科书版面设计因素的合理性进行研究分析,包括字体、字号、字间距、行间距、四周空白宽度以及页码等。

    Accordingly , the research will be conducted centered with these four factors . Firstly , the rationality of the layout of the primary mathematic textbooks ( three different versions ) is to be analyzed , including character style , word size , word space and page number .

  2. 晋商不仅开创了历经百年的字号,而且在经营过程中所形成的职业道德、行业体制和人才管理伦理观更是惠及当代,影响深远。

    In the course of running business , Shanxi merchants not only create the name of a shop lasting for a century , but also form beneficial work ethic , industry system and talent management ethics which have a far-reaching influence on the contemporary era .

  3. 可根据你想要的效果改变字号。

    The fonts can be sized according to what effect you want .

  4. 这家老字号公司创建于19世纪80年代。

    This time-honored company was established in the 1880s .

  5. 一些知名餐饮老字号商家也推出外带年夜饭。

    Some time-honored and well-known restaurants have also launched takeout reunion meals .

  6. 利用WINDOWS矢量字库实现激光打标机不同字号、字体的字符转换

    The realization on the conversion of different font and size of the character in the laser marker with the windows vector font base

  7. p元素的font和color属性是分别用来设置字体、字号和字体颜色的。

    The font and color attributes of the p element are used to set the font , font size and color of the text respectively .

  8. Word应用程序提供了不同的文本格式化选项,例如字体名、字号、粗体、斜体,等等,您可以将其应用到文本。

    The Word application provides various formatting options , such as font name , font size , bold , italics , etc. that can be applied to text .

  9. 利物浦老字号之一、润滑剂企业艾斯克莱尔公司(RSClare)也为展会提供了赞助。

    RS Clare , a surfacing company and one of Liverpool 's oldest businesses , also sponsored the event .

  10. 代码发现rbtitle标签时,它指定所用的字体样式(粗体、红色、较大字号)

    When the code finds the rb_title tag , it specifies the font style to use ( bold , red , and a larger font )

  11. 老字号连锁百货公司JohnLewis今年增加了一系列毕业舞会服装。而男士晚礼服出租店也反映,今年这段时间小孩生意有所增加。

    Old-line department-store chain John Lewis added a line of prom dresses this year , and tuxedo-rental stores report a jump in business from kids this time of year .

  12. 有关如何更改帮助主题的字号或更改帮助查看器中所用颜色的信息,请参见microsoft文档资源管理器文档。

    Information on how to change the font size of help topics or to change the colors used in the help viewer can be found in the Microsoft document Explorer documentation .

  13. 用户看到的PDF格式的Person文档如下图所示(注意用户名是用粗体、红色和较大字号表示,而其他标签使用普通字体表示)

    When the user views the Person document in PDF format , it appears as follows ( notice the formatting of bold-red-larger font for the user name and normal fonts for the other fields )

  14. 这间在派拉蒙(Paramount)的老字号食店是街边美食的宝库,里面的烧鸡摊乃其中的佼佼者。

    This old-timer kopitiam in Paramount is a treasure trove of delicious hawker food and one of them has to be the roast chicken stall .

  15. 清河坊特色街区先后被授予“国家4A级旅游景区”、“中华老字号第一街”等荣誉称号。

    The Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Street has been given the title of National4A Tourism Spots and the Most Famous Street of Chinese Time-honored Brands .

  16. 不会认为h1导致文本是大字号、黑色、粗体的,而会认为h1是标题。

    Rather than think that an h1 causes text to be big , black , and bold , think about an h1 as a heading .

  17. 文章论述了在VFP多媒体教学中显示界面的重要性,并从VISUALFOXPRO的课堂教学出发,阐述了教学显示界面的前景颜色、背景颜色、字体、字号的控制技术。

    This paper discusses the importance of VFP in display in multimedia teaching , as well as the command technology of foreground color , background color , style and size based on the classroom teaching of Visual FoxPro .

  18. 此地也有老字号,比如保罗伯特大街上的保罗伯特餐厅,供应的牛排加炸薯条值得信赖,而蔷薇街上的LeP’titLandais则供应美味的鹅肝酱和蔬菜沙拉。

    There are also the old-timers , like Caf é Paul Bert for a reliable steak frites on Rue Paul Bert , and Le P'tit Landais on Rue des Rosiers for a slab of foie gras and green salad .

  19. 所幸的是,XLIFF标准包含有的属性允许指定对话框中字符串的位置、文本所用的字体和字号以及其他很多细节。

    Fortunately , the XLIFF standard includes attributes for specifying string position in a dialogue , font type and size used for the text , and many other details .

  20. 在大字号的编号列表里,一些浏览器不能显示两个数字以上,除非应用了额外的缩进(如果有多项的话,每一项都是)。这个问题可以用CSS来解决。

    In a numbered list in a large font , some browsers do not show more than two digits , unless extra indentation is applied ( if there are multiple columns : for each column ) . This can be done with CSS .

  21. 最近,他收购了商业智能公司Corda,并计划在7月13日为这家120人的公司更换字号。

    James recently bought corda , a business intelligence company , and plans to unveil a new name for the 120-employee company on July 13 .

  22. 要不是我当初在大学里偶然选了这么一门课,Macintosh计算机绝不会有那么多种印刷字体或间距安排合理的字号。要不是Windows照搬了Macintosh,个人电脑可能不会有这些字体和字号。

    If I had never dropped in on that single course in college , the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts , and since Windows just copied the Mac , it 's likely that no personal computer would have them .

  23. 美洛昔康分散片(扬子江药业集团有限公司生产,国家准字号:H20010108)7.5mg/次,2次/天,饭后服。

    Meloxicam tablet ( Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co. , Ltd. Production ) 7.5mg / times , 2 times / day , meal service .

  24. 1em正好是一个“m”字符的宽度和高度(而无论你的网站使用多大的字号)。

    One em is the width and height of one " m " character ( using whatever font size a website is set to ) .

  25. 本文从VFP的课堂教学出发,阐述了在进入VFP后主窗口、命令窗口和程序编辑窗口按需要的字体和字号进行显示控制的实现方法,提高教学效果。

    This article , from the aspect of VFP class teaching and intend to improve teaching effect , mainly focus on the realization of the display control about word style and word size when the main window , command window and program edit window are opened .

  26. 通过统计实验验证,这是一个稳定的现象,也就是说,不同字体、不同字号、印刷体和手写体等等文本风格的不同,都不影响汉字文本的BCF矢量中间聚集现象。

    The statistic experiment proved that it was a common and stable phenomenon , and the convergence phenomenon would still be available even if the font style , or font size , or even the text writing / printing style changed .

  27. 根据最新数据显示,美国有97%的房屋抵押贷款人被公司追踪,或者银行已提交或取消抵押品赎回权的提议(并盖有可怕的“REO”或“房地产拥有”字号)。

    The percentage of homes that banks have filed foreclosure on or repossessed ( and stamped with the dreaded " REO ," or " real estate owned ," moniker ) now account for3 % of all mortgaged homes .

  28. 结论:就算是老字号有时也会让人感觉很糟糕。

    The verdict : even Lao Zihao can be lousy sometimes .

  29. 我国老字号法律保护制度研究

    Research on the Law Protection System for Chinese Traditional Trade Names

  30. 长沙老字号的生存困境与发展战略

    The Living Plight and Developing Strategy of Time-honored Brand in Changsha