
  • 网络media policy
  1. 东盟五国对外媒介政策透视

    Summarizing the external media policy of five Southeast Asian countries

  2. 本文主要论述了东盟五个代表国家的对外媒介政策。

    This article mainly discusses the external media policy of the five Southeast Asian countries .

  3. 媒介政策作为社会控制的一种方式,对政策的实施效果分析有利于实现政策资源更加有效的配置和政策优化。

    The medium policy as one of the way of social control .

  4. 西部地理环境对当地媒介政策的影响研究&以我国西部地区新闻阅评制度调查研究为例

    On Geographical Impact on Policies of the Local Media & As the News Assessment System of Western China for Example

  5. 然后对创新政策的传导过程进行了分析,得到了政策要素政策媒介政策目标的政策传导机制。

    Then the paper analyses transmission process of the independent innovation policy and summarizes the policy element-policy medium-policy target mechanism .

  6. 在第一阶段,传播与媒介政策主要涉及的对象是新兴的电报、电话和无线电技术。

    In Phase I , communications and media policy primarily referred to the emerging technologies of telegraph , telephony and wireless .

  7. 在美国和西欧国家,传播与媒介政策的变化大致可以被划分为三个阶段:新兴传播业政策范式(二战前);

    In the US and Western Europe three paradigmatic phases of communications and media policy may be distinguished : the paradigm of emerging communications industry policy ( until the Second World War );

  8. 作为我国电视业的重要组成部分和不可或缺的有生力量,城市电视台产业化经营缺少国家媒介政策的强大支持,经营规模较小,经营人才缺乏,没有真正形成独具特色的产业化经营战略。

    As an important component and an indispensable effective , the urban TV have not come to distinctive management strategy of TV industrialization , just because of lack of strong support from media 's polities , smaller management scale and shortage of management talents .

  9. 本文打破了通常以单一焦点事件为案例,来研究议程设置的局限,选择了户籍制度变迁这一长时间跨度的参照系,探究政策议程的输入机制,及媒介对政策议程的作用机制。

    Out of the limitation of focusing on only one event to research the agenda setting , this article chooses the changes of household registration policy , which spans for a long period , to explore input mechanism of agenda setting and functional mechanism of medium and policy agenda .

  10. 本文对于新媒介下公共政策议程设置优化的研究,正是对公共政策各个环节研究的具体细化。

    Agenda setting optimization study of public policy under the new media all aspects of public policy is a specific detailed study .

  11. 刘文功典型的推出过程是公众议程(舆论)、媒介议程和政策议程相互作用的过程。

    The process of putting model Liu Wen gong into limelight is an interactive course among public agenda ( public opinion ), media agenda and policy agenda .

  12. 目前,学界还没有对大众媒介与农村公共政策传播现状和问题做过专门的、系统的探讨。

    At present , the circle of mass media and not rural public policy spread actuality and problems done special , system discussed .

  13. 媒介议程公众议程政策议程的三阶段论、传播动力学理论、政策议程的多源流理论、博弈论等,为分析这一政策议程变迁提供了分析框架。

    Many theories like Transmission Dynamics Theory , the Multiple Stream Theory on policy agenda and Game Theory can provide an analytic frame for analyzing the changes of agenda setting .

  14. 并通过宏观、中观、微观层面的政策传播环境入手,进一步论证大众媒介在农村公共政策传播中所发挥的作用。

    And through the macro , meso , micro level of the policy propagation environment , further demonstrated in the mass media dissemination of rural public policy role played by .

  15. 在媒介地理学的视野下,新闻媒介政策在一定意义上可以被看做地理环境造就的延伸物。

    From the vision about geography of media , media policy in a sense may be viewed as an extension of the geographical environment .

  16. 通过电子媒介特别是电视和广播媒介传播农业政策类的信息,是否达到了预期的目的?

    Are the expected results achieved using electronic means , especially TV and broadcast , to disseminate rural policy information ?

  17. 本文首先厘清农村公共政策与大众媒介的概念,以及两者相互关系、本质属性等,从媒介的社会功能,分析大众媒介对农村公共政策传播的双重价值。

    This paper firstly rural public policy and clarify the concept of mass media , and both mutual relations , the essential attribute of media , such as from social function , analysis of rural mass media double values of public policy spread .