
  • wedding banquet;wedding reception;wedding party
  1. 我们已经为婚宴预约了乐队。

    We 've booked a band for the wedding reception .

  2. 谁在承办婚宴的酒席?

    Who 's doing the food for the wedding reception ?

  3. 我们现在的工作多半是承办婚宴。

    Most of our work now involves catering for weddings .

  4. 谁来承办婚宴?

    Who will be catering the wedding ?

  5. 婚宴上经常有水果供应。

    The fruit was often served at wedding feasts

  6. 很多名流出席了她的婚宴。

    There were many celebrities at her wedding feast .

  7. 谁承办你女儿的婚宴?

    Who 's catering your daughter 's wedding ?

  8. 新人也可以在机场举行婚宴。

    Couples can also hold wedding receptions at an airport venue .

  9. 婚宴上经常有水果供应

    The fruit was often served at wedding feasts .

  10. 赞助结婚近年来日渐风行,赞助商提供免费或打折的婚庆服务,作为交换,新人婚礼的请柬、婚礼流程、和婚宴桌牌等上面要为赞助商打广告。

    Sponsored weddings have really started to gain popularity in recent years , where vendors2 provide free or discounted services in exchange for ads in the couples ’ wedding invitations , programs , placecards , etc.

  11. 此外,新人还可以选择包场使用羽田机场的休息室,还可选择在机场内的大厅举办婚宴。根据这项新服务,情侣们可以乘坐波音777-300ER飞机举行婚礼,该飞机通常用于目前尚未投入运营的国际航班。

    All Nippon Airways in air travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic . Under the new service , couples can hold their wedding ceremonies aboard Boeing 777-300ER jets normally used for international flights that are not currently in operation .

  12. 婚宴结束后,休斯与塞恩就在Facebook上更新了同性婚姻的身份图标。

    Shortly after the event , the pair had matching gay marriage symbols adorning their Facebook timelines 。

  13. 还闯入了莱佛士大酒店(RafflesHotel)里的一场婚宴。

    we crashed a wedding reception at the Raffles Hotel .

  14. JudyLao最近向《温哥华省报》(VancouverProvince)解释了,为什么她的婚宴没有上鱼翅。

    Judy Lao recently told the Vancouver Province why she didn 't have it at her reception .

  15. 美国餐饮协会(AsianAmericanRestaurantAssociation)会长何德兴(PeterHow)说,人们本来觉得那些想在子女婚宴上用鱼翅招待宾客的父母会对禁令感到愤怒,这种估计有些夸大了。

    According to Peter How , president of the Asian American Restaurant Association , predictions of outraged parents of newlyweds expected to treat wedding guests to shark fin soup were overblown .

  16. 我们从古代钟楼的楼梯上跳下来,从鼓楼出来横穿马路;还闯入了莱佛士大酒店(RafflesHotel)里的一场婚宴。

    We jumped down the stairs of the ancient Bell Tower , across the street from the Drum Tower ; we crashed a wedding reception at the Raffles Hotel .

  17. 另外两件婚纱:LilyAllen身着婚纱(图左),图右是KarlLagerfeld设计的婚宴礼服

    Two more dresses : Lily Allen in the dress she wore to her wedding ceremony ( left ) and the gown Karl Lagerfeld designed for her reception .

  18. Dave是一名基督徒,所以他和Kate决定在当地教堂举行结婚仪式,然后在一家饭店举行中国式的婚宴。

    Dave is a Christian , so he and Kate have decided to have a wedding ceremony at a local church and then have the Chinese style reception at a hotel later .

  19. 这对同性恋人周六耗资500百万美元在纽约加里森成婚,他们在CiprianiWall街举办了400人的婚宴,邀请了包括扎克伯格及其新婚妻子普里西拉在内的众多宾客出席。

    New York 's gay power couple got married on Saturday at their $ 5 million Garrison , New York , estate before hosting a lavish reception at Cipriani Wall Street for some 400 guests , including Mr Zuckerberg and new wife Priscilla 。

  20. 在恐龙在地球上出现之前两亿年左右,也就是在现代人(Homosapiens)开始举办奢华婚宴之前相当久远的时候,鲨鱼们就已经在海洋中游弋。

    Excuse me waiter , there 's a shark in my soup Some 200m years before dinosaurs made their appearance on earth and thus quite some time before Homo sapiens began celebrating nuptials at extravagant wedding banquets , sharks swam the oceans .

  21. 我已决定不去参加他的婚宴。

    I 've decided not to go to his wedding party .

  22. 我们的婚宴在一个十六世纪的城堡里举行。

    We had our wedding reception in a sixteenth century castle .

  23. 提供现成可吃的食物;为聚会婚宴等准备食物。

    Supply food ready to eat ; for parties and banquets .

  24. 我们邀请了一百多个客人来参加婚宴。

    We invited more than 100 guests for our wedding party .

  25. 你们邀请了多少宾客来参加婚宴?

    How many guests are you inviting to your wedding reception ?

  26. 你怎能衣衫褴褛地去参加婚宴?

    How can you go to the wedding party in rags .

  27. 记住?在大多数婚礼婚宴上都不能喝酒。

    And remember-at most wedding receptions you can 't drink alcohol .

  28. 婚宴由外界的饮食公司承办。

    The wedding reception has been organized by an outside caterer .

  29. 我知道是你弄坏了订婚宴的安保摄像头

    I know you disabled the security cameras at the party .

  30. 在这个婚宴上一般是伴郎他来说祝酒词。

    At weddings the best man will always make a toast .