
hūn yīn zì yóu
  • freedom of marriage;free choice of partners
  1. 第二条实行婚姻自由、一夫一妻、男女平等的婚姻制度。

    Article 2 A marriage system based on the free choice of partners , on monogamy and on equality between man and woman shall be applied .

  2. 也谈在校大学生的婚姻自由权

    On Undergraduates ' Freedom of Marriage

  3. 我们无权干涉她的婚姻自由。

    We don 't have the right to interfere with her freedom of choice in marriage .

  4. 配偶权是受双重规范调整的民事权利,谨慎对待离婚和婚姻自由。

    Devoice and the rights of marriage freedom are exercised carefully .

  5. 陕甘宁边区高等法院推行婚姻自由原则的实践与经验

    Practices and Experience of Shan-Gan-ning Border-District in Promoting Marriage Freedom

  6. 婚姻自由原则是我国婚姻法的首要原则。

    Free choice of partner is the fundamental principle of marriage law in our country .

  7. 无权干涉某人的婚姻自由

    Not have the right to interfere with sb . 's freedom of choice in marriage

  8. 对婚姻自由原则的思考&兼论同居现象的合理规制

    To the freedom of marriage rule consideration & Talk about to phenomenon of cohabitation the rightful ruled

  9. 婚姻自由与教育平等&以袁舜英自杀和彭襄弃妻为例

    Marriage Freedom and Education Equality

  10. 婚姻自由作为一项法律原则的确立,是人类文明的伟大进步。

    The establishment of marriage freedom as a legal principle is a positive sign of human progress .

  11. 伴随社会的逐步发展,婚姻自由的观念已为大家所熟知。

    With the development of society , we are already familiar with the idea of freedom of marriage .

  12. 尴尬的婚姻自由

    On Freedom in Marriage

  13. 现代解放运动以来,婚姻自由也成为人们意识中的一种常识。

    Since Modern Liberation Movement , freedom of marriage has been a common sense in people 's mind .

  14. 婚姻自由的思考

    On Freedom of Marriage

  15. 对婚姻自由权的国家赔偿范围不仅应当包括物质损害,而且应当包括精神损害。

    The national compensative scope should include not only the loss of property but also the damage of spirit .

  16. 分析离婚自由在现代社会中所面临的挑战与问题;探讨离婚自由在婚姻自由制度中的价值与理念;

    In particular , the author analyzes the challenges and problems presented by the modern social life to the divorce regime .

  17. 与古代婚约不同,近代婚约侧重对个人利益、婚姻自由、女性权益的保护。

    Modern engagement lays emphasis on protecting personal interests , freedom of engagement and women rights which is different from ancient engagement .

  18. “五四”时期,自由恋爱作为婚姻自由的一个重要方面,受到了先进知识分子的普遍关注。

    During the May4th Movement , as an important aspect of free marriage , free courtship drew the attention of the advanced intellectuals .

  19. 在五四新思想的熏陶下,无数知识分子要求个性解放、追求婚姻自由。

    Under the nurture of the May4th new thought , numerous intellectuals request the personalized liberation , in pursuit of freedom of marriage .

  20. 婚姻自由包括结婚自由和离婚自由,二者不可偏废,共同构成了婚姻自由的完整内容。

    Freedom of marriage includes freedom of both marriage and divorce , which coexist and constitute the whole content of freedom of marriage .

  21. 在社会主义初级阶段,公有制作为国民经济的主体,为无产阶级追求婚姻自由提供了物质前提。

    At the Primary Stage of Socialism , realizing public ownership to a large extent offers a prerequisite for proletariat to pursue marriage freedom .

  22. 将着重讨论汉代妇女在实际生活中拥有较高地位的具体表现,主要从婚姻自由、家庭地位、社会认同三个方面分别进行阐述。

    It elaborates on the high status that women in Han Dynasty enjoyed from the aspects of marriage , family status and social identification .

  23. 强调婚姻自由平等和坚决维护妇女权益是新婚姻法的两个显著特点。

    Stressing freedom of marriage equality and resolutely safeguard the rights and interests of women are two notable features of the new marriage law .

  24. 第三十七条香港居民的婚姻自由和自愿生育的权利受法律保护。

    Article 37 the freedom of marriage of Hong Kong residents and their right to raise a family freely shall be protected by law .

  25. 在司法实践中,这就一定程度上导致了不便于操作的弊端,也违背了婚姻自由精神的原则。

    This leads to the judicial practice to the abuse of the operation , also do not accord with the principle of free marriage .

  26. 其符合婚姻自由的精神,符合现代法律制度对正义、自由、效率的追求。

    In compliance with the freedom of marriage spirit , accords with modern legal system of justice , freedom , and the pursuit of efficiency .

  27. 婚姻自由原则不是一种纯粹自由主义者的理念,它的实现受特定社会条件给出的边界限制。

    The principle of freedom of marriage is not one pure idea of liberalist ; its realization is confined to demarcation provided by specific social conditions .

  28. 新中国成立后,法律上规定了婚姻自由,人们择偶自由了很多。

    After the foundation of PRC , marriage freedom began to be protected by the law , and people have more freedom to choose their spouses .

  29. 因此,诉前离婚协议不仅是婚姻自由在法律上的体现,同时也是理解登记离婚制度的前提和基础。

    Therefore , former divorce agreement is not only the expression of marriage freedom ; but also the condition and base of understanding the divorce system .

  30. 与此同时,婚姻自由牵涉到当事双方、家庭和社会的利益,具有一定的公属性,政府可以通过支配和利用这种公属性的方式促进社会公共利益的实现。

    Meanwhile , the public attribute make it can be dominated by the government too , which can promote the realization of the social and public interests .