
hào dòu
  • aggressive;militant;bellicose;pugnacity
好斗 [hào dòu]
  • [militant;aggressive] 热衷于斗争的

  • 好斗的工联主义

  • 好斗的湘西人

好斗[hào dòu]
  1. 朝鲜最近对其富裕的南部邻国采取了异常好斗的姿态。

    North Korea has struck an unusually bellicose stance with its rich southern neighbour recently .

  2. 他生性好斗,他的朋友们都疏远了他。

    His bellicose disposition alienated his friend .

  3. 研究显示,电脑游戏可能引起好斗情绪。

    The research shows that computer games may cause aggression .

  4. 他把他的好斗劲倾注于体育比赛之中。

    He channels his aggression into sport .

  5. 这条看门狗不好斗,因此正在养狗场受训。

    The guard dog was now in kennels as it was not aggressive

  6. 他是出了名的大胆好斗。

    He is legendary for his fearlessness and pugnacity .

  7. 好斗性绝非男性才具有的特征。

    Aggression is by no means a male-only trait .

  8. 好斗行为是情感苦闷的一种表现。

    Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress .

  9. 丹尼尔斯冷静、坦率时状态最佳;而好斗、爱辩时则不然。

    Daniels is at his best when he 's cool and direct , rather than combative and polemical .

  10. 他通过过于暴躁好斗的行为来宣泄自卑感。

    He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive .

  11. 不眠、保持警觉和好斗可以造就一个好猎手

    Wakefulness , watchfulness , and bellicosity make a good hunter .

  12. 一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合

    Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals .

  13. 将温和的矿工与好斗的大城市人混在一起时,最微小的细节都很重要

    The minutest detail counts when mingling mild miners and militant metropolitans .

  14. 在华盛顿方面看来,中国好斗的例子比比皆是。

    Examples of China 's truculence as viewed from Washington – abound .

  15. 她相信女性至少和男性一样好斗。

    She believes that women are at least as combative as are .

  16. 我弟弟是属于服从型的而不是好斗型的。

    My brother is of the acquiescent rather than the militant type .

  17. 他小时候很好斗,跟每个人都打过架。

    When he was a child , he was pugnacious and fought with everyone .

  18. 他有种好斗的神色。

    He had a belligerent aspect .

  19. 他是个好斗的战士。

    He is a pugnacious fighter .

  20. 少年时候,他强悍好斗是乡里的一大祸患。

    Tough and fierce and fond of fighting in his youth , Zhou Chu was a big scourge1 in the county .

  21. 它的CEO十分好斗,就算按硅谷的标准衡量也是如此。几乎可以肯定,这位仁兄会以不恰当的方式触怒华尔街的分析师们。

    Its CEO is combative even by Silicon Valley standards , and is almost certain to rub some Wall Street analysts the wrong way .

  22. 在这本有些“好斗的”书中,安伯恩斯坦(annbernstein)并没有否认企业的疏忽和过失造成了苦难和不公。

    In this combative book , Ann Bernstein does not deny that corporate negligence and wrongdoing has caused suffering and injustice .

  23. 看看mba学生的典型经历,就很容易理解,为什么这个特殊群体会给人傲慢自大、好斗和爱出风头的印象?

    Looking at the typical profile of an MBA student , it is easy to see why this privileged group has gained the image of being arrogant and aggressive alpha males .

  24. 目前科学家认为,这不是简单的好斗,而是血清素(serotonin)水平降低造成的。人体内制造血清素凭借的是良好、规律的饮食。

    Now scientists believe that it is not simple belligerence but follows a decline in serotonin , whose manufacture in the body depends on eating well and regularly .

  25. 肯尼亚国际昆虫生理学和生态学中心的AnaVarela说利用织叶蚁还面临着几项挑战。她说,例如,由于这种蚂蚁的好斗本性,农民一般不知道它们的价值。

    For example , because of the ants'aggressive nature , farmers are not generally aware of their value , she says .

  26. Gung-ho,意味不加思考的热情和冲动,尤为好斗。它的起源可追溯至二战。

    Gung-ho , meaning ' unthinkingly enthusiastic and eager , especially about fighting ', dates from the Second World War .

  27. 但话说回来,优步好斗的创始人特拉维斯.卡兰尼克(TravisKalanick)一直喜欢吵架。

    Then again Travis Kalanick , Uber 's combative founder , has always loved a good scrap .

  28. 跨国离婚法律专家大卫•霍德森(DavidHodson)说,这正是“比较富裕、更为好斗、寡廉鲜耻的一方”想要的结果。

    This , says David Hodson , a specialist in international divorce law , favours the " wealthier , more aggressive , more unscrupulous [ 2 ] party " .

  29. 作为前加拿大摔跤冠军,D-Wave创始人乔迪•罗斯(GeordieRose)的好斗之风不改。他为自己的机器进行了辩护,并指责他的批评者挑选支持他们主张的数据。

    Geordie Rose , D-Wave 's pugilistic founder who is also a former Canadian wrestling champion , defended his machine and accused his detractors of cherry-picking data .

  30. 本周的英国职工大会(TUC,工会成员的年度大会)在一片好斗的嘈杂声中结束。

    This week 's Trades Union Congress ( TUC ), an annual gathering of organized labor , was a cacophony of truculence .