
  1. 签名造型:影片TheEasyA《绯闻计划》的女星斯通还没有确定她的风格,但是这位被意外提名的女星在红毯上看起来既性感又富有青春活力。

    Signature Style : The Easy A star has yet to define her personal style , but the surprise nominee always looks youthful and sexy on the red carpet .

  2. CNN特派员周艾琳:贝西·强生说那不是她的风格。

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Betsey Johnson says that 's not her style .

  3. 让·保罗·高缇耶(JeanPaulGaultier)和纪梵希的里卡多·堤西(RiccardoTisci)等设计师从她的风格中汲取灵感;

    that designers - like Riccardo Tisci of Givenchy and Jean Paul Gaultier - have drawn inspiration from her style ;

  4. 就像伦敦的维多利亚与艾伯特童年博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseumofChildhood)的新展览爱丽丝造型(TheAliceLook)所展示的那样,自从那本书出版之后,时尚界就迷上了她的风格。

    And as The Alice Look , a new exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood in London , illustrates , the fashion world has been obsessed by her style ever since the book was published .

  5. 她的风格直接出自C-suite(最高级别高管位置),并显示出这个人将以商业模式、而不是意识形态模式治理一个国家。

    Her style is straight out of the C-suite , and suggests someone who will run a country in a businesslike manner as opposed to an ideological one .

  6. GregSchreiner拥有全世界最多有关梦露的收藏品,她说梦露能惹人爱不仅仅在于她的风格。

    Greg Schreiner , who has one of the largest Monroe collections in the world , said it wasn 't just about her style that made people love her .

  7. 纪梵希的创意总监里卡多·提西(RiccardoTisci)认识周女士已经七年了,他形容她的风格是“非常时髦,非常强烈,性感而不粗俗。”他补充说:

    Givenchy 's creative director , Riccardo Tisci , who said he has known Mrs. Chow for seven years , described her style as " very chic , very strong , sexy without being vulgar . " He added :

  8. 她以她的风格来控制和处理事物。

    She comes in with her style and the really shines .

  9. 她要走自己的路,按照她的风格做一名妻子。

    She goes her styles again with how would wife occur .

  10. 除非她的风格随着时间的改变而改变。

    Of course , her style could still change over time .

  11. 亲手挖出来这是她的风格

    She ripped it out . It 's kinda her thing .

  12. 这很自然,是她的风格。

    It was very raw . that 's her style .

  13. 但这恰恰就是她的风格:用心和内涵演唱!

    But that is her style-singing with heart and soul .

  14. 说这类话是她的风格。

    It 's like her to say such things .

  15. 啤酒和篝火不会改变她的风格。

    Beer and a bonfire isn 't gonna cut it with her kind .

  16. 波莉了大量的胆量,一'了一些她的风格,也。

    Polly got lots of spunk , an'she got some style , too .

  17. 帽子设计简单,正合她的风格。

    Its simple style is just what she likes .

  18. 她的风格是多么高雅,又多么自然。

    How truly elegant and natural her style is !

  19. 五号正是属于她的风格语法。

    No. 5 is the grammar of her style .

  20. 她的风格表现出她了解美国女性。

    Her style shows that she understands American women .

  21. 艾米丽在哪迟到可不是她的风格

    Where 's Emily ? It 's not like her to be late .

  22. 这也许不全是她的风格。

    It could not be all her manner .

  23. 玛丽亚看来准备好了以她的风格和形象打入音乐界。

    Mara looks set to invade the music scene with her style and image .

  24. 我喜欢她的风格和时尚理念!

    I love her style and fashion line !

  25. 但这不象是她的风格。

    Doesn 't really seem like her style .

  26. 她的风格还没有成熟。

    Her style had not yet matured .

  27. 试着摹仿她的风格。

    Try to copy her style .

  28. 据美国《公告牌》杂志报道,很多批评家认为她的风格中挪用过多黑人文化。

    Many criticize her style as an insensitive appropriation of black culture , according to Billboard .

  29. 但她的风格是对芭蕾的一种革新,而芭蕾在俄国十分被重视。

    But her style was a clear rebellion against ballet , and ballet is extremely important in Russia .

  30. 当他们遇到招聘经理,他们就会评估他或她的风格和价值。

    As soon as they meet the hiring manager , they are assessing his or her style and values .