
  • 网络Queen’s University;Queen's University;Queens University;Queen''s University;Queens
  1. 西安大略大学(UniversityofWesternOntario)的毅伟商学院(IveySchool)和女王大学(Queen’sUniversity)的史密斯商学院(SmithSchoolofBusiness)分别排名94位和100位。

    Rotman is the highest listed at 65 . Western University 's Ivey and Queen 's University 's Smith School of Business are at 94 and 100 respectively .

  2. 多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)罗特曼商学院(RotmanSchoolofManagement)排名最高,为第65位,而加拿大女王大学(Queen’sUniversity)史密斯商学院(SmithSchoolofBusiness)在今年的榜单中垫底,排名第100。

    Among these , Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is the highest ranked at 65 , while Smith School of Business at Queen 's University is bottom of the table in 100th place .

  3. 女王大学创建于1841年,是金斯顿最有名的大学。

    Queen ' s University , founded in 1841 , is more famous than any other university in Kingston .

  4. 加拿大女王大学史密斯商学院(Queen’sSmithSchoolofBusiness)的排名提高最大,跃升32位至第67名。

    Canada 's Queen 's Smith School of Business registered the best progression , climbing 32 places to 67th .

  5. Paul拥有加拿大金斯顿女王大学的计算机科学理学学士学位和理学硕士学位。

    Paul holds both a Master of Science degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Queen 's University at Kingston , Canada .

  6. 1841年的今天,女王大学在加拿大安大略省的金斯顿成立。

    1841-Queen 's University is founded in Kingston , Ontario , Canada .

  7. 女王大学的研究人员制定了一份方案,并就此与欧盟执行委员会进行了商议。

    The university 's researchers developed the proposal and negotiated the contract with the European Commission .

  8. 贝尔法斯特女王大学的研究者们希望四年内、花费一千万欧元能够研制出这种具有感知情感功能的电脑。

    Researchers at Queen 's University in Belfast hope to complete the10m euro project for an emotion-sensitive computer within four years .

  9. 对于想要求学北爱尔兰的学生们而言,排名最高的大学是贝尔法斯特女王大学。

    For students looking to study in Northern Ireland , the best university in the ranking is Queen 's University Belfast .

  10. 由女王大学研究人员发现的一种新型蛋白在耐抗生素细菌治疗方法开发中可能起作用,如引起食物中毒或伤寒的细菌。

    A new type of protein discovered by Queen 's University researchers may be useful in developing treatments for antibiotic-resistant bacteria , such as those that cause food poisoning and typhoid .

  11. 作为伦敦玛丽女王大学文艺复兴研究的教授,布洛顿先生通过12幅地图的讲述对绘图的复杂性进行了考察。

    Mr Brotton , a professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary University of London , examines the complexity of mapmaking through the stories of 12 maps , which stretch across space and over time .