
  • Women's Prison;【电影】Nu zi jian yu
  1. 如果你不努力创造未来,那是因为你不相信未来的存在。——《女子监狱》

    If you 're not building a future , that 's because you don 't believe there is a future .

  2. 本季度的业绩在某种程度上受益于《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)和《纸牌屋》第二季的成功热播。

    This quarter 's results were in part driven by the second season success of Orange is the New Black and House of Cards .

  3. 另外我想《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)、《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)、《博斯》和《美国谍梦》(TheAmericans)这几部剧和《纸牌屋》基本上可以列在同一阵线。

    I suspect that Orange is the New Black and The Good Wife and Bosch and The Americans are all in the same basket .

  4. MercyCorpsNorthwest刚刚在华盛顿州一家女子监狱开始了LIFE项目。

    MercyCorps Northwest has just started a LIFE program at a women 's prison in Washington state .

  5. Netflix公司还推出了全新模式,同时发布原创电视剧,比如《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)。

    Netflix has also introduced entirely new models , releasing original series like " House of Cards " and " Orange Is the New Black " all at once .

  6. 你认为最佳喜剧片是哪部?自命不凡的《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)和《硅谷》(SiliconValley)会终结ABC《摩登家庭》(ModernFamily)在最佳喜剧片奖项上长达四年的把持吗?

    Will an upstart like " Orange Is the New Black " or " Silicon Valley " end the four-year reign of ABC 's " Modern Family " as television 's top comedy ?

  7. 该公司的电视节目收入(包括Netflix的系列剧《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack))、DVD业务以及拥有1.5万部电影的电影图书馆也很重要。

    Revenue from its television offerings ( including the Netflix series Orange is the New Black ), its DVD business and its 15,000 title film library are important as well .

  8. 截至今年9月30日的前9个月里,《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)等剧集将公司营收助推至30亿美元,较去年同期增长20%。

    Shows like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black have helped push revenue to $ 3 billion for the nine months ended September 30 , up 20 % from the same period a year earlier .

  9. Netflix早期凭借剧集《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和黑色喜剧《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)赢得了海外观众,一些竞争者和分析师认为,要复制这一成功将会很难。

    Some rivals and analysts said that replicating Netflix 's early success with the drama " House of Cards " and the dark comedy " Orange Is the New Black " for international audiences could prove challenging .

  10. “奈飞”自制剧——《纸牌屋》(“HouseofCards”)和《女子监狱》(“OrangeistheNewBlack”)——领跑本年度的提名名单,分别获得剧情类和喜剧类最佳剧集提名。

    The company 's top hits - " House of Cards " and " Orange is the New Black " - were among the top nominees this year , earning key nominations for the best drama and comedy series , respectively .

  11. 《女子监狱》第二季开播时间确定:这部Netflix的黑色喜剧将会在6月6日周五回归。

    Orange Is the New Black Season 2 has a premiere date : The dark comedy will return to Netflix on Friday , June 6 .

  12. 电视剧《铁女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)中的主演之一,变性女星拉文·考克斯(LaverneCox)在去年六月上了《时代》周刊的封面。

    Awareness of transgender issues has surged over the last year . Laverne Cox , a star of the television show Orange Is the New Black , appeared in June on the cover of Time .

  13. 今年早些时候,Netflix的热门集《女子监狱》在其第五季开播前,就有若干剧集内容遭到泄露。

    Earlier this year , episodes of Netflix 's hit show " Orange Is the New Black " leaked online ahead of the Season 5 premiere .

  14. Netflix的大部分被提名者来自于《女子监狱》的明星阵容,其共获得12项提名,提名数量是喜剧片中最多的。

    Much of its roster of nominees came from the ensemble cast of ' Orange Is the New Black , ' which had 12 nominations , more than any other comedy .

  15. Netflix旗下的电视剧——《我本坚强》、《杰茜卡·琼斯》、《马男波杰克》、《女子监狱》——成为了大众的热门讨论对象。

    Netflix shows -- " The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt , " " Jessica Jones , " " BoJack Horseman , " " Orange Is the New Black " -- loom large in the conversation .

  16. 你在看Netflix最新一季的《女子监狱》,突然视频戛然而止,无休无止的缓冲开始了。

    You 're watching the latest season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix when , all of a sudden , the video jerks to a stop - and the endless buffering begins .

  17. 索雷萨·惠特利(SaresaWhitley)由于打架在俄勒冈州一个名为科菲克里克惩教所的女子监狱服刑5年。

    Saresa Whitley is serving five years for assault at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility , a women 's prison in Oregon .

  18. 2005年,在因为攻击自己的伙伴而被判有罪后,她就被送到了位于萨里郡的Downview,女子监狱。

    Convicted of assaulting her partner in2005 , she was sent to Downview , a women 's prison in Surrey .

  19. Netflix在艾美奖提名中进一步突围,这家订阅式视频服务公司的自制剧斩获31项提名,以剧情片《纸牌屋》和《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)领跑。仅仅在两年之前,Netflix还很少被电视学会所考虑。

    The Netflix insurgency gained steam , with the subscription video service racking up 31 nominations for its original programs , led by drama ' House of Cards ' and comedy ' Orange Is the New Black . ' Just two years ago , Netflix was barely on the radar of the TV Academy .

  20. 虽然说我们只在《女子监狱》第二季的一集中见过LoriPetty的表演,不过他扮演的角色Lolly还是给观众们留下了深刻印象,也让我们希望看到更多她的表演。

    Although we only saw her for one episode in Orange Is The New Black Season 2 , Lori Petty 's character Lolly made a great impression on fans of the series , and made us long for more .

  21. 某女子监狱干警艾滋病知识态度调查

    Knowledge and attitude related to AIDS among policemen from a female prison

  22. 在特哈查匹的女子监狱。

    Up there in the women 's prison in tehachapi .

  23. 我曾经在一所女子监狱里做过次讲座。

    I once did a little gig in a women 's prison .

  24. 沿着路走就有和女子监狱。

    There 's a women 's prison down the road .

  25. 8时,几屡金色的阳光洒进浙江省女子监狱的大礼堂,14个脚穿红舞鞋的妙龄女子在进行舞蹈训练。

    It was eight o'clock in the grand hall of Zhejiang Women 's Prison .

  26. 在肯尼亚的内罗毕女子监狱,犯人们在学习法律。

    At a women 's prison in Nairobi , Kenyan inmates are taking the law into their own hands .

  27. 第二部分描述南京女子监狱在押女犯中实施家庭内女性暴力犯罪的情况,并揭示此类犯罪的特点;

    The second section describes the phenomenon and characteristic of the women crimal who were put into Nanjing Women 's prison .

  28. 兰加塔女子监狱关押着约600名犯人,她们的刑罚从几天到终身监禁都有。

    Langata Women 's Prison holds about 600 inmates , serving sentences ranging from a few days to life behind bars .

  29. 我知道航程有点远罗尼但我们可以看好几集《女子监狱》

    I know it 's a long flight , ronnie , but we can binge watch orange is the new black .

  30. 没有,但是我看了我最喜欢的新剧《女子监狱》(橘皮肤的特朗普不会取代黑皮肤的他)。

    No , but I have been watching my new favorite show , " Orange is Not the New Black . "