
  • 网络incentive schemes;incentive plan;Awards Program;incentive program
  1. 需要通过长期奖励计划传达什么信息?

    What messages need to be delivered through the long term incentive plan ?

  2. 长期奖励计划应如何与其它全面薪酬计划相匹配?

    How should the long term incentive plan fit with the rest of the total compensation package ?

  3. 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)著名心理学家基拉博•杰克逊(KiraboJackson)表示,同一个奖励计划可能会对不同类型的学生产生不同的影响。

    The same prize program might have different influences on different kinds of students , said Kirabo Jackson , a famous psychologist at Cornell University .

  4. 这项调查是由Ice忠实顾客奖励计划进行的,该计划给购买环保商品和服务的顾客奖励积分。

    The research was conducted by Ice , a loyalty scheme which rewards customers with Ice points for spending on eco-friendly goods and services .

  5. X奖励计划的主席彼得·迪亚曼蒂斯帝,希望各队能花费200万至2000万来赢得这1000万奖金。

    The X Prize chairman , Peter Diamandis , expects teams will spend between $ 2 million and $ 20 million to earn the $ 10 million prize .

  6. 但花旗表示,本月AT&T与它分道扬镳,用“thanks”以及“AT&Tthanks”标识推出了自己的奖励计划。

    But this month AT & T broke ranks , according to Citi , by launching a separate reward programme using the words " thanks " and " AT & T thanks . "

  7. 通过PointsHound预订房间,每晚通常能获得6000点航空公司积分或自选奖励计划(也有些例外:前不久我搜索时发现,在纽约半岛酒店[PeninsulaNewYork]住一晚能获得美国航空公司16100英里的免费飞行里程)。

    When you reserve a room through PointsHound , you can generally earn up to 6000 points a night in the airline or rewards program of your choice ( there are exceptions : A recent search turned up a one-night stay at the Peninsula New York that would earn 16100 miles on American Airlines ) .

  8. Nambiar怀疑,现金奖励计划是否真正触及到了问题的实质。

    Nambiar questions whether cash incentive schemes really go to the heart of the matter .

  9. 伍德指出,在出版商甘尼特和汽车零件供应商TRW汽车控股公司所提供的奖励计划中,还包括了月消费量较低的非吸烟者。

    Wood said publisher Gannett and auto parts supplier TRW Automotive Holdings both offer incentive programs that include lower monthly premiums for non-smokers .

  10. 只要能够提供香港居民的身份证明,现有的香港直销商可继续购买产品和参与USANA奖励计划,但无法提供香港居民身份证明者则被严格限制。

    Existing Hong Kong Distributors can continue to purchase products and participate in the USANA compensation plan , but restrictions will apply to those who fail to prove their Hong Kong residency .

  11. 北京交通大学有5个国家级重点学科,11个部级重点学科,8个博士后科研流动站,l1个一级学科博士点、60个二级学科博士点、102个硕士点,5个学科被列入国家“长江学者奖励计划”。

    BJTU has 5 state key disciplines , 11 ministerial key disciplines 8 post-doctoral scientific research stations , 11 doctorate programs in first-level disciplines , 60 doctorate programs in second-level disciplines , 102 graduate programs 5 disciplines are granted to establish the positions of " Cheungkong Scholars Program

  12. 另外,Viggle也成为有线电视服务商用户忠诚奖励计划的一部分,直播电视公司(DIRECTV)就向使用Viggle的自家用户提供了独家的奖励和积分。

    Viggle is also the loyalty rewards program for cable provider , DirecTV ( DTV ) , providing DirecTV customers who use viggle with exclusive rewards and bonus points .

  13. 为了激励员工提出有创造性的解决方案,建立环境奖励计划。

    Establish environmental award programs to foster and reward creative problem-solving .

  14. 同时,万豪在奖励计划方面也为我们提供了帮助。

    And they helped us with our rewards program as well .

  15. 提升优质服务奖〔公务员顾客服务奖励计划〕

    Quality Service Enhancement Award [ Civil Service Customer Service Award Scheme ]

  16. 出版高级程度中文参考书籍奖励计划

    Incentive Award Scheme for the Production of Chinese-medium Advanced Level Reference Books

  17. 这反映了公司利润的持续增加和奖励计划的飙升。

    This reflects rising corporate profits and the surge in awards schemes .

  18. 推行个人发展奖励计划,培育和发展学生个人品格。

    Self development award scheme is conducted to develop students personal traits .

  19. 酒店常客奖励计划在我国的应用

    The Application of Hotels ' Advantage Program in China

  20. 男:那么,你也不看好这个建议奖励计划吗?

    Man : So , are you unconvinced about the suggestions scheme too ?

  21. 教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授&褚健

    Chair Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Programme-Chu Jian

  22. 瑞安夺「建造业安全奖励计划」多个奖项

    Shui On wins nine awards in the " construction industry safety award scheme "

  23. 杰出教师及学校奖励计划专责小组

    Task Group on Outstanding Teacher and School Awards

  24. 该项目在英国的警察科研奖励计划中获得创新奖。

    The equipment won an innovation award under Britain 's police research award scheme .

  25. 公务员和工商界人士对奖励计划的反应十分热烈。

    The scheme received enthusiastic responses from both the Civil Service and the business community .

  26. “长江学者奖励计划”(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Cheung Kong Scholars Programme of China ( Grant No. ) .

  27. 星岛学业成绩最显着进步奖励计划

    Sing Tao Most Improved Students Award Scheme

  28. 市政杯小学体育奖励计划

    Urban Council Cup Primary School Awards Scheme

  29. 清洁多层住宅楼宇奖励计划

    Clean Multi-Storey Residential Buildings Award Scheme

  30. 长期优良服务奖励计划

    Long and Meritorious Service Award Scheme