
dà zhònɡ chuán méi
  • mass media;mass media of communications
  1. 在现代发达社会中,作为社会和政治媒介,大众传媒被赋予了很大的权力。

    The mass media have been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies

  2. 但这种观点是基于各种形式的大众传媒所提供的信息量而进行的肤浅分析。

    But such a view is a superficial analysis based on the quantity of information supplied by various forms of the mass media .

  3. 大众传媒在上一次选举中发挥了重要作用。

    The media played an important part in the last election .

  4. 除其本身的新奇性之外,这些潮流也可能因为受到大众传媒节目、情绪激动、同伴压力或者“想要走在潮流前端”的愿望等因素影响而流行起来。

    Apart from general novelty , fads2 may be driven by mass media programming , emotional excitement , peer pressure , or the desire of ' being hip3 ' .

  5. 大众传媒和酒店服务相关专业也在崛起,因为印度的娱乐产业正在飞速发展,而印度不断壮大的旅游业为酒店服务专业的学生提供了许多在大型连锁酒店就业的机会。

    Mass Communication and Hospitality-related majors are also emerging because the entertainment industry in India is developing rapidly , while there is a huge chance of getting jobs after hospitality courses with large hotel chains to take advantage of the growing tourism business in India .

  6. 大众传媒广泛关注的全球信息基础设施和Internet

    GII and Internet with Concern from the Mass Media

  7. 利用大众传媒做好湄公项目&预防艾滋病湄公亚地区项目IEC材料的开发与制作

    Taking the advantage of mass media to conduct Yunnan Mekong Sub-region HIV / AIDS Prevention and Care Project : developing and producing the materials of IEC

  8. 随着以个性标榜的DV纪录片发展的脚步,其传播地位日益提升,不仅成全了受众参与传播的欲望,更是对大众传媒的一种有益的补充和丰富。

    Along with " personality " DV documentary claims the pace of development , increasing the status of its spread , not only enabling the audience to participate in the dissemination of the desire , but also the mass media is a useful complement and enrich .

  9. 科学家与国际政治当代国际政治中的大众传媒因素析论

    The Analysis of Mass Media Element in the Contemporary International Politics

  10. 论大众传媒对当代中国书法的影响

    Study on Influence of the Mass Media on Contemporary Chinese Calligraph

  11. 试论构建大众传媒与政策议程的良性互动关系

    How to Construct the Reciprocal Relations Between Policy-agenda and Mass Media

  12. 学生预防艾滋病知识和性健康知识主要来自大众传媒。

    The students ' knowledge on AIDS mainly from mass media .

  13. 第四部分:大众传媒的问题与未来。

    The fourth part : Problems and future of popular media .

  14. 浅谈大众传媒背景下的文学

    Brief Talk on the Literature under the Background of Mass Media

  15. 大众传媒与青少年社会公德的形成

    The Mass Communications and The Formation of Social Ethics of Youth

  16. 对高校大众传媒载体建设的思考

    Thought about the Construction of Carrier in Mess Media of College

  17. 全球化背景下中国大众传媒的消费主义倾向

    Consumerism Tendency of Chinese Mass Media in the Background of Globalization

  18. 近代大众传媒视阈下的晚清谴责小说

    Condemning Novels of Late Qing Under Modern Mass Media and Communication

  19. 读书和写作,需要出版业和大众传媒;

    Reading and writing need publishing industry and mass media ;

  20. 利用大众传媒促进社会主义新农村文化建设

    Using Mass Media to Promote Socialist New Countryside Culture Building

  21. 网络恶搞是大众传媒中产生的一种新的文化景观。

    The cuso in the mass media is a new cultural landscape .

  22. 大众传媒是科学普及的一个主要途径。

    Mass media is a dominant means of science popularization .

  23. 大众传媒对执政能力建设的作用研究

    On the Effects of Mass Media on Governing Ability Development

  24. 解决这一问题,大众传媒承担重要责任。

    To solve the problem , mass media play an important role .

  25. 大众传媒媚俗化倾向与提升媒体公信力探析

    Tendency of Vulgarization and Improvement of Public Faith of Media

  26. 大众传媒在市场运作中的角色定位问题

    The Role of Mass Media in The Market-Oriented Economic System

  27. 大众传媒对柯尔克孜族现代文化的影响

    On the Influence of Mass Media on Modern Kirghiz Culture

  28. 大众传媒对青少年的影响及传媒素养教育浅析

    On Influences of Mass Media on the Youth and Media Literacy Education

  29. 视觉传达设计以大众传媒为载体,两者之间具有紧密的联系。

    Mass media is the carrier of visual delivery designing .

  30. 多维视角下大众传媒与新闻信源的关系解读

    The Explanations to the Mass Media and News Sources at Varied Angle