
wài jiāo shǐ
  • the history of foreign affairs
  1. 他写的有关外交史的书可读性非常强。

    His books on diplomatic history were eminently readable

  2. 科德尔·赫尔(CordellHull)是美国外交史上最重要的政治家之一。

    Cordell Hull was one of the most important statesmen in the history of American foreign policy .

  3. 在外交史上这是无与伦比的。

    There is nothing comparable to it in diplomatic history .

  4. 而且该论文也是对古代中日外交史的重新构建。

    This paper was also the ancient Japanese diplomatic history to rebuild .

  5. 越南战争是美国外交史上的一次大失败。

    The Vietnam war was a significant failure in American diplomatic history .

  6. 改革开放以来的中国美国外交史研究

    The Research of American Diplomatic History in China since the Reform and Opening-up

  7. 二十世纪后半叶世界舞台上的美国&《美国战后外交史:从杜鲁门到里根》绪论

    America on the world stage of the latter half of the 20th century

  8. 这件中成为外交史上持续时间最长的较量。

    The affair degenerated into the longest game of chicken in diplomatic history .

  9. 中国多边外交史研究的意义及其体系的构建

    Significance of Research into Multilateral Diplomatic History of China and Its Construction of System

  10. 新中国外交史若干史实考订(续)

    Several Historical Inquiries about the Diplomatic History of the New China ( Continued )

  11. 从外交史的角度来进一步探讨这一问题,实有必要。

    It is necessary to explore the problem from the angle of diplomatic history .

  12. 每一个回合都取得了胜利,使中国五十年的外交史充满了激动人心的突破。

    China 's diplomacy is full of exciting breakthroughs for winning in each round .

  13. 美国外交史上的中立与美国经济的发展

    The Neutrality in the U.S. Diplomatic History and the Development of America 's Economy

  14. 威尔逊政府的苏俄政策在美国外交史占有重要地位。

    Wilson Administration 's Soviet Russian policy holds an important position in the American diplomatic history .

  15. 晚清国籍法的颁布,是清政府侨务政策的一个重大举措,对我国法制史及外交史均产生了深远的影响。

    Meanwhile , the law had a profound effect on the history of law as well as diplomacy .

  16. 我们外交史上某些灾难就是由一些把自己幻想成谈判家的总统造成的。

    Some of the debacles of our diplomatic history have been perpetrated by Presidents who fancied themselves negotiators .

  17. 因此,它在中国近代史和中国外交史上都应该占有一席之地。

    As a result , the mission should take its place in the history of modern China and its diplomacy .

  18. 本文主要围绕着开展中国多边外交史研究的意义及其构建研究体系提出自己的观点。

    This article proposes some opinions on significance of research into multilateral diplomatic history of China and its construction of system .

  19. 本文大体上运用一般的史学研究方法,侧重于金融史与外交史、政治史研究相结合。

    The dissertation utilized generally historical methods , emphasized particularly on the integration between finance history and diplomatic history , political history .

  20. 进入新世纪,中非合作论坛的成立是中非外交史具有里程碑意义的事件。

    Entering the new century , the establishment of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum is a landmark event in the history of China-Africa diplomacy .

  21. 晚清80年的历史,从某种程度上说,就是一部外交史。

    Eighty years ' history of the later Qing Dynasty , to a certain degree , is the history of its diplomatic affairs .

  22. 中国古代外交史的创新奠基之作&评《汉唐外交制度史》中国古代谏议制的现代启示

    Commentary on History of the Diplomatic Institutions in the Han and Tang Dynasties Modern Hint of Giving Advice to the Emperor of China

  23. 1878年,中国驻美使馆在美国首都华盛顿正式设立,这是中美外交史上新的一页。

    In 1875 , China 's legation was established in American capital , Washington , which meants a new page in Sino-US diplomatic relationship .

  24. 中国五千年的外交史表明,它更可能尊重一个强国而不是一个孱弱和摇摆不定的国家。

    Five thousand years of Chinese diplomatic history suggest it is more likely to respect a strong state than a weak and vacillating one .

  25. 本文第五章主要分析博茨瓦纳的外交史和外交政策,以及其如何处理国际事务。

    The paper analyzed in chapter five , diplomacy of Botswana diplomatic history , its foreign policy and how it deals with international issues .

  26. 孤立主义在英美两国的外交史上占有重要地位,并对当今两国的外交仍产生一定的影响。

    Isolationism has an important position in the diplomacy history of both Britain and America , and still exerts some influence on the two nations .

  27. 而孤立主义与扩张主义又是美国外交史上具有重大意义却又貌似迥异的两项传统外交思想,200多年来伴随着美国的发展、壮大,对美国外交政策产生着不可估量的巨大影响。

    Isolationism and expansionism , two American traditional thoughts in diplomatic field , have been affecting American foreign policy along with American development and prosperity .

  28. 西沃德继承和发展了先辈的扩张主义思想,在美国外交史上第一次较为完整地提出了太平洋商业帝国构想。

    Mr. Seward carries and develops the Expansionism and puts forward for the first time in American diplomacy history the blue print of Pacific Commercial Empire .

  29. 20世纪至今,在土耳其和中国这两个历史悠久的文明古国的外交史上也是荆棘满布。

    Since the 20th century , Turkey and China as two civilizations with a long history , their diplomatic history has not been lacking in setbacks .

  30. 门户开放政策是美国外交史上的一项重要政策,也是对中国近代史产生重大影响的一项政策。

    The Open Door Policy is an important policy in American diplomatic history , and is also a policy greatly affecting China in its modern history .