
  1. 伊利厄姆将永世不衰,自吹自擂的特洛伊人看着那坚固的城墙和富丽的建筑说。

    Ilium will endure forever , said the boastful Trojans as they looked at its solid walls and its noble buildings .

  2. 听起来很兴奋,是不是?摩西打发他们去窥探迦南地,看看那地到底是什么样子。住在那儿的人是强还是弱,他们住的地方是帐篷还是坚固的城墙。

    Boys , does that sound exciting ? Moses told them to check out the people , to see if they were weak or strong , if they lived in tents or in strongholds .

  3. 它有坚固的护城墙、有强悍的士兵把守,里面住著人口众多的居民,而且物资非常充足。

    It was a strong walled city with solders to defend it and with plenty of food for the people living inside .

  4. 他的纸箭能够刺破最坚固的城堡的城墙。

    His paper arrows could pierce the walls of the strongest castles .