
  1. 本文对传递系数法、Sarma法在稳定性计算中的应用进行了总结,并结合燕翅山地质灾害防治工程勘查工作,对各实测资料进行了分析;

    In this paper , application of transfer coefficient method and Sarma method in the stability computation are summed up .

  2. 地质灾害防治工程监理实践与问题探讨

    Problems existed in supervision of geological disaster prevention & treatment project

  3. 地质灾害防治工程概(估)算管理信息系统研究

    General Estimation Management Information System of Geological Disaster Prevention Project

  4. 论地质灾害防治工程的地质观与工程观

    Discussion on some viewpoints of geological hazards control from geology and engineering design

  5. 我国地质灾害防治工程的边坡绿化技术与现状

    Technology and present situation of slope greening in the hazard control project of China

  6. 论地质灾害防治工程

    Discussion on control works of geological hazards

  7. 三峡库区三期地质灾害防治工程顺利实施。

    The third phase of the project to prevent and control geological disasters in the Three Gorges Reservoir area was carried out smoothly .

  8. 将工程多目标决策方法运用到铁路地质灾害防治工程标准与综合防治方案优选问题中,为防治工程实践与决策提供参考和依据。

    Multi-objective decision-making method is used in Optimization of Protecting programs to provide reference and a basis for practice and decision-making of protection engineering . 5 .

  9. 根据地质灾害防治工程减灾经济效益评估的需要将其划分为最通用的直接经济效益和间接经济效益。

    Upon the request of assessing the disaster mitigation effect in geologic disaster prevention and control project , direct and indirect economic efficacies have been taken as two general indicators .

  10. 本文论述了地质灾害防治工程文件与工程档案的概念,探讨了地质灾害防治工程文件形成特性及归档内容,分析了地质灾害防治工程档案的分类方法。

    This paper discussed the concept of the document and file in the geological disaster prevention and control engineering , studied the document formation characteristics and file contents , and analyzed the files classification method .

  11. 分析了注浆技术应用于地质灾害防治工程的作用,研究了注浆技术的施工工艺,分析了影响注浆效果的主要因素和注浆过程可灌性的变化规律,为注浆施工技术提供技术依据。

    The function of grouting technology in the prevention of geological disaster is explained . The construction technology of grouting is studied . The main factors affecting grouting quality and the pattern of grouting feasibility in the process is analyzed , which provides technical basis for grouting construction .

  12. 地质灾害防治项目工程文件分类方法探讨

    Classification of engineering document and files in the prevention and control of geological hazard

  13. 1995年开始实施的上海新一轮地面沉降监控网络建设,旨在实现全市地面沉降的全方位监控,并使之率先成为我国地质灾害防治示范工程之一。

    A new round of plan and construction of land subsidence comes to implementation since 1995 in Shanghai . The purpose is become overall monitoring and controlling of land subsidence in the whole city . Take the lead in doing building demonstration project of geological hazard control .

  14. 地质灾害防治监测信息工程数据运筹技术

    Data operation techniques of monitoring information engineering in geological disaster prevention

  15. 自从三峡库区地质灾害二期防治工程进行以来,我们针对滑坡勘查、设计中的一些实际问题开展了研究。

    With the second phase landslide-hazards mitigating engineering in Three Georges Reservoir Zone , we have studied to some practical problems about the landslide investigation & design .

  16. 地质体材料的破坏演化过程是地质灾害防治工程中亟待解决的关键科学问题,也是力学的前沿课题。

    The failure progress of geological material is a key scientific problem in the engineering of geological hazard and control , and is also a front problem in mechanics .

  17. 边坡稳定性分析作为滑坡地质灾害的监测预警的主要手段,是滑坡地质灾害防治工程的重要环节。

    Slope stability analysis which is considered as main means of geological disaster monitoring and early warning , is an important part of landslide prevention controlling engineering .

  18. 结合工程实例,介绍边坡地质灾害预防和治理工程新技术,研究并提出了边坡地质灾害防治工程技术对策。

    Based on the case histories in railway construction in recent years , this paper introduces and advances some new technologies for control of slope geohazards .

  19. 取样钻技术是区域地质填图、物化探取样、古地磁取样、地质灾害预警防治和工程勘察等必不可少的技术手段。

    Sample drilling technology is an indispensable technical measurement to regional map-drawing , geophysical and geochemical sampling , paleomagnetism sampling , geological calamity early warning and prevention and control , project site survey .