
  • Online translation
  1. 互联网免费在线翻译工具述评

    A brief introduction to online translation tools on internet

  2. 其中有在线翻译。

    Where there is an online translation .

  3. 一种新的基于MP3播放器的在线翻译的设计与实现

    A New Designation And Realization of Online Interpret Based MP3 Player

  4. 本文提出的基于Web英语维吾尔语Internet在线翻译系统的初步实现方案,将是英语维吾尔语Internet在线翻译技术的尝试。

    The paper mainly introduces the precepts of the implementation of web-based English-Uighur internet online translating system and this will be the first step of English-Uighur online translating technique .

  5. 你可以在本页右栏看到翻译器,同样的翻译器也被Bing在线翻译和InternetExplorer中的翻译功能所使用。

    The translator , which you can see on the right bar of this page , is used by the Bing Translator and the Translate feature in Internet Explorer .

  6. 他秘密网易有道在线翻译了议员,暗中对他施加影响。

    He met the congressmen in secret to exert backstairs influence .

  7. 这个例子突出体现了在线翻译的一些缺陷。

    This story highlights some of the pitfalls of translating online .

  8. 没有在线翻译我和这些电码完全不来电。

    I can 't read Morse code without the help of an online translator .

  9. 我想尝试在线翻译,谁可以帮助我呢?

    I 'm going to try to translate it online , Please anybody help me ?

  10. 一位批评人士表示,这个中文译本简直就像是用谷歌在线翻译出来的一样。

    One critic said it looked like the job was done using the Google Translate website .

  11. 但是后记我是用在线翻译翻译过来的,还希望大家谅解。

    But I was using online translation Postscript translated , but also hope that we understanding .

  12. 在线翻译,高分送上。

    Online translation into high score .

  13. 以下是在线翻译,供你参考。督促串吃得向前一望,但是并没有结束;

    Make sure the string starts with a forward slash but does not end with one ;

  14. 我用了一个在线翻译,以中文书写。我不会说中文。我很抱歉。

    I used an online translator to write in Chinese . I do not speak Chinese . I 'm sorry .

  15. 随着信息时代来临,在线翻译的出现仿佛动摇了传统人工翻译的地位。

    With the coming of the information age , the use of online translation seemed to shake the position of traditional translation .

  16. 本研究第二大部份也就是实证研究部份,主要包括对自建在线翻译平行语料库的介绍,学生问卷调查以及翻译实验。

    The second part of this research mainly consists of the introduction of a self-compiled corpus , a translation experiment and a survey .

  17. 由于主客观因素的存在,在线翻译的错误不是一劳永逸的简单问题。

    Since the existence of objective and subjective factors , errors of the on-line translation is not a simple problem once and for all .

  18. 小章不懂外语,所有的都是网站上在线翻译的,所以联系我的话最好您会中文。

    Small chapter don 't understand language , all are website online translation , so you 'd better you will contact me in Chinese .

  19. 完全有理由怀疑这位译者绝大部分的工作是由谷歌在线翻译完成的,而非自己的真正亚洲语言能力。

    It is reasonable to suspect that the person who translated this white paper relied heavily on Google Translate , not their Asian language skills .

  20. 然而当翻译带有思想和感情的段落和句子时,在线翻译工具注定会失败。

    Yet when it comes to translating blocks of text - words and sentences that convey thoughts and sentiments - online tools are bound to fail , she adds .

  21. 迄今为止,机器翻译已经历了近半个世纪的发展,适应信息处理和网络发展的需要出现了各种不同应用类型的翻译系统,如在线翻译、领域受限翻译和机助人译等。

    During these five decades , all kinds of application MT systems , such as on-line , domain-restricted and machine-aided translation , have come forth to accommodate information processing and network developing .

  22. 将原始英文材料输入几大权威在线翻译网站,如有道、雅虎、谷歌,进行对比分析,从英译汉的结果可以看出优势的在线翻译网站。

    Inputting the raw material to several authoritative English online translation website , as said , Yahoo , Google dog , and then compare the analysis . From the results , the advantage of online translation website from English to Chinese can be seen .

  23. 在会思考的电脑出现之前,在线翻译工具最好还是用来翻译单词、基本的句子和有用的节

    " Until the dawn of thinking computers , online translation tools are best reserved for words , Basic sentences and useful holiday phrases . For tourism Brochures , newspaper reports and the rest , you will have to rely on some old-fashioned " human input " . "

  24. 谷歌在退出中国市场以后,仍然保留了网页版的在线翻译,根据政府提供的最新数据,中国14亿人口中一半的人通过手机上网,谷歌的这个应用可以将服务覆盖到更多人。

    Google has maintained a web-based version of Translate that has been accessible since its China exit , but with half of China 's 1.4 billion population using the internet on mobile , according to the latest government figures , these apps will give the service wider reach .

  25. 多文化交流平台(intercultural-collaboration-environment,ICE)是亚洲多所大学与研究机构参与的、开发多语种在线交流翻译平台的国际合作项目。

    Intercultural Collaboration Environment ( ICE ) is an international project on which quite a few Asian universities collaborate . It aims to exploit an online translation platform which enables communication with different Asian languages .

  26. 为什么外语原文通过在线工具翻译后就变得毫无意义了呢?

    Why is foreign text " rendered meaningless " when passed through an online translation tool ?

  27. 所以,本文试图分析关联理论在一种新兴的翻译形式&在线新闻翻译中的适用性。

    Therefore , this thesis attempts to analyze the applicability of relevance theory in a newly rising translation type , i.e. , the translation of online news .

  28. 目前,网络上的翻译工具众多,其中免费在线即时翻译服务方便快捷,正受到越来越多人的欢迎。

    Nowadays different translation tools can be found on Internet , and among them the online-instant translating service is getting popular as it is convenient and fast .

  29. 为什么外语原文通过在线工具翻译后就变得“毫无意义”了呢?翻译工具的用途是有限的,当使用者期望值过高的时候,问题就出现了。

    Why is foreign text " rendered meaningless " when passed through an online translation tool ? Translation tools have limited uses-and problems arise when web users expect too much from them .

  30. 本论文从微观和宏观的角度运用关联理论来研究在线新闻的翻译。

    This dissertation applies relevance theory to researching into the translation of online news from both the micro - and macro - perspectives .