
guó sāng
  • national mourning;state obsequies
国丧 [guó sāng]
  • [state funeral] 旧指皇帝、皇后、太上皇、太后的丧事,在一定的时间内禁止宴乐婚嫁,以示哀掉

  1. 泰国总理帕拉育呼吁泰国国民在一年的国丧期中穿黑色衣服。

    Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha called on the Thai people to wear black clothing during the one-year period .

  2. 泰国政府宣布了为期一年的国丧期,要求泰国民众在接下来的30天内穿黑色衣服并停止一切娱乐活动。

    The Thai government declared one year of official mourning and asked Thais to wear black and avoid festivities for 30 days .