
huí yì wǎnɡ shì
  • recall past
  1. 我们一晚上回忆往事,感到很愉快。

    We spent a happy evening reminiscing about the past .

  2. 你回忆往事的方式真好笑。

    It 's funny how you remember things

  3. 回忆往事,令人无限伤感。

    The recollection of the past was heartrending .

  4. 威利并没有分享弟弟回忆往事的幽思。

    William did not share his brother 's passion for reminiscence .

  5. 他们互相凝视着,试图回忆往事。

    They stared very hard at one another , trying to remember .

  6. 但他还是禁不住去回忆往事。

    But he can 't help remembering the old days .

  7. 长辈回忆往事时,隔了健忘这一层玫瑰色薄雾,用他们的话为年轻人准备了不真实的生活。

    Of forgetfulness , prepare them for an unreal life .

  8. 回忆往事,他后悔自己有那么多时间不在家。

    On reflection , he regrets time spent away from his family .

  9. 他回忆往事的清晰程度常使我感到惊讶。

    He used to astonish me with the clarity of his recollections .

  10. 他唯一的乐趣是回忆往事。

    Remembering the past was his only pleasure .

  11. 在离别之际,回忆往事,欢乐之余略有伤感,在今后的日子里,也祝它们好运。

    I 'd like to give all of them the best wishes in the future .

  12. 回忆往事激起了他的仇恨。

    His memories festered into hate .

  13. 这些蔬菜对帮助你回忆往事就好像刚刚发生的一样发挥着极大的作用。

    These vegetables help greatly when it comes time to remember old information and process it like you just learned it yesterday .

  14. 人的一生应当这样渡过:回忆往事,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨;

    It is given to him but once and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years .

  15. 回忆往事,我的心总在痛,因为在我的生命中,父亲总会伴我左右,但我却没有经常在他身边。

    After the fact , my heart was in pain because Dad was there for me and I wasn 't there for him .

  16. 她以温情回忆往事,以博爱关怀每一个孤独的灵魂,每一个受难的肉体,每一个走向终极的生命。

    She recall the past events with warmth and caring for the each alone soul , each suffering body and dying life with caritas .

  17. 女性在感觉自己做得不够好、遇到麻烦或回忆往事时会哭泣。

    Women cry when they feel inadequate , when they are confronted by situations that are difficult to resolve or when they remember past events .

  18. 回忆往事,我发觉自己在几年前就曾这样做过。那是在我们的孩子出生后,我强烈地感到一家人的人寿保险缴得不够多。

    In retrospect , I realize I did this a few years ago after our kids were born and I felt strongly that we did not have enough life insurance .

  19. 当上帝的训慰师专致工作时,首要之事是使世间受安慰的人回忆往事。

    Thus memory may be , as Coleridge calls it ," the bosom-spring of joy ," and when the Divine Comforter bends it to his service , it may be chief among earthly comforters .

  20. 我不会谈到结婚、孩子、家人等等虽然我刚才就用了这些词这么说吧:我希望到那个时候,有人可以和我一起回忆往事。

    Without using words like marriage , children and family although I have just used those words put it this way : I hope Ive got other people to look back with me at that point .

  21. 他知道,他实在没有必要回忆这种往事。

    He had no business to recall this , he knew .

  22. 我对那些使我回忆起往事的东西总感到胆怯。

    Eg. I 'm cowardly about things that remind me of myself .

  23. 他不知不觉地回忆起往事来了。如今,他常常是这样。

    He slipped back in time , as he did so easily nowadays .

  24. 啊,我的思绪如此杂乱无章,如此受制于回忆与往事。

    Ah , I 'm so disorganized , so browbeaten by what I remember .

  25. 由于喝了咖啡和烈性甜酒,他暂时回忆起往事来。

    It came floating back to him , momentarily , with the coffee and liqueurs .

  26. 平克顿见景生情,回忆起往事,不能自已。

    Pinkerton is overcome by his memories .

  27. 回忆美好往事有时能帮助…

    Remembering the good things helps sometimes

  28. 普罗斯小姐也回忆起往事并深情地想起了她的弟弟所罗门。

    Miss Pross , too , had her memories and thought fondly of her brother Solomon .

  29. 他模模糊糊地回忆起往事来。

    He dredged up vague memories .

  30. 她那淡褐色的双眸目不转睛,回忆着往事,她接着说,“我真幸运有这样一位母亲。”她的话音逐渐消逝,目光再次与我的目光相接,随即凄然一笑。

    Her hazel eyes gazed off in recollection as she continued . " I was so lucky to have had her . " her voice trailed off and she met my eyes again , then smiled sadly .