
shàn yì zhàn yǒu
  • bona fide possession
  1. 时效取得制度是否以善意占有为要件,存在不同观点及立法例。

    There are different opinions on the problem whether possessio bonae fidei is indispensable in the system of prescription acquisition .

  2. 该制度旨在保护动态的交易安全,解决财产善意占有后的权利归属问题。

    The purpose of the system is to protect the safety of transactions and deal with the ownership of possessions acquired by good faith .

  3. 占有的基本价值在于维护社会秩序以及维护原权利人的权利,不管是善意占有或者恶意占有都应当给予保护这样才能充分的体现占有的价值。

    Fundamental value of the Possession lies in maintaining social order and safeguarding the rights of the original rights holders , whether bona fide or malicious possession should be protected , so as to fully reflect the value of possession .

  4. 而占有制度的基本价值在于维护安宁的社会秩序以及保护权利人的权利,无论是善意的占有人还是恶意的占有人并非道德分类而都应进行保护。

    The tenure system is to maintain the fundamental value of a peaceful social order and the protection of rights of right holders , whether well-intentioned or malicious person in possession of the person in possession is not a moral classification should be protected .

  5. 由于交易的频发性,人们在客观上无力去清查每件商品的来源,购买者仅能根据公示公信之原则推定其为普通物品而善意购买并占有之。

    Because of frequent trading , people are unable to check the source of each item , the buyers buy goods just under the principle of presumption of public summons for the common items and goodwill .

  6. 善意取得制度,是近代以来民法上一项至为重要的制度,旨在维护动态的交易安全,强调的是财产善意占有后的权利归属。

    Bona Fide Acquisition is an important system on the civil law since modern times . It aims at maintaining dynamic trade safe and emphasizes property right ownership after bona fide occupying .