
  • 网络wine tasting;Wine tasting party
  1. 参加品酒会

    Go to a Wine Tasting

  2. 参加葡萄酒品酒会既可以提高个人的生活品位,也可以享受自然轻松的优雅气氛。

    To participate in wine tasting can improve quality of life of individuals , but also can enjoy the natural atmosphere of relaxed elegance .

  3. 与往年一样,今年的PauléedeNewYork分为两个部分:下午3个小时的流动品酒会和晚上的庆祝宴会。

    As in the past , this year 's Paul é e de New York was divided into two parts : a three-hour walk-around tasting in the afternoon and a gala dinner in the evening .

  4. 尽管巴黎品酒会为我们的葡萄酒文化创造了奇迹,但是我相信,美国的葡萄酒文化从1966年就诞生了,那时RobertMondavi在纳帕谷建立了他的同名酿酒厂。

    While the Paris tasting did wonders for our wine culture , I believe America 's wine culture started in1966 , when Robert Mondavi opened his namesake winery in Napa Valley .

  5. Pearl&Ash狂欢的第二天,包括Daniel餐厅的拉杰・维迪雅(RajVaidya)和HearthRestaurant餐厅的保罗・格列科(PaulGrieco)在内的纽约顶级侍酒师在该组织在翠贝卡区的品酒会上觥筹交错。

    The day after the Pearl & Ash festivities , some of the city 's top somms , including Raj Vaidya of Daniel and Paul Grieco of Hearth Restaurant , were rubbing elbows at the group 's tasting in TriBeCa .

  6. 但2001年的拉菲目前卖到了一瓶800英镑左右,而在达沃斯品酒会上更胜一筹的葡萄酒来自澳大利亚的慕斯森林(mosswood)解百纳和来自南非的vergelegen却只卖43英镑和14英镑。

    But Chteau Lafite 2001 currently sells for about 800 a bottle ; whereas you can still get the wines that tasted better in Davos , moss wood Cabernet from Australia and vergelegen from South Africa , for 43 and 14 , respectively .

  7. 当时帕尔刚开始在巴巴拉县酿酒(他的品牌名为Sandhi和DomainedelaCote),二人决定给他们最喜欢的加州黑皮诺组织一次小范围的品酒会,让大家品鉴学习。

    Mr. Parr had just started making wine in Santa Barbara county ( his brands are called Sandhi and Domaine de la Cote ), and the pair decided to stage a tasting of their favorite California Pinots as a learning experience for a small group .

  8. “精品!美酒!品味生活”品酒会。

    " Better wine , Better Living !" Wine Tasting .

  9. 好好的黑皮诺品酒会怎么落得这样的下场?

    How had a Pinot Noir tasting gotten so nasty ?

  10. 是她第一个让我领略到参加品酒会的乐趣。

    It was she who first introduced me to the pleasures of wine-tasting .

  11. 携妈妈参加品酒会,妈妈免费!

    Come together with mum get mother free .

  12. 从而“品酒会”在都市社交圈里渐渐让人耳目一新。

    In order to " tasting " in social circles in the city gradually be refreshing .

  13. 我们向人们建议各种类型的公关建议,包括品酒会到赛车等各种各样的活动。

    We advise people on all sorts of PR type things , everything from wine-tasting to car-racing .

  14. 我之所这么肯定,是因为2008年我在达沃斯参加过一次品酒会。

    I can say this with certainty , having attended a comparative tasting in Davos in 2008 .

  15. 第二天有很多关于品酒会的报道,很多讨论都成了热门话题。

    The next day there were lots of articles about the tasting and a lot of the discussion became heated .

  16. 该项目将拥有自己的酒店、餐厅和酒吧,并将自主举办各类品酒会和会议。

    The complex will have its own hotel , restaurant and bar , and will host wine tastings and conferences .

  17. 多数人表示,愿意通过参加葡萄酒文化课程、讲座或品酒会来丰富葡萄酒知识;

    But most students are willing to enrich their knowledge by participating in wine culture courses , lectures or wine tasting ;

  18. 他们都得益于在加州和纽约半年一次的品酒会带来的曝光,日益受到业内专业人士的欢迎。

    They benefit from the exposure provided by semiannual tastings in California and New York , increasingly popular with industry professionals .

  19. 这种以黑比诺为主的香槟不是自有品牌,但在我们的品酒会上,它的表现胜过大品牌的香槟。

    This predominantly Pinot Noir Champagne is not a private label but in our tastings it comes out better than the big-name Champagnes .

  20. 届时,葡萄酒业内人士可在此次品酒会上品尝并了解到几乎所有澳大利亚主要的葡萄酒品牌。

    Under one roof trade guests will be able to taste and learn just about all the major Aus wine brands in Shanghai .

  21. 品酒会备有新旧世界的红白酒外,更提供港人熟悉的波尔多和德国品牌的清冽白酒与甜酒陪伴左右共享用。

    In addition to tasting red and white wine from countries in the world , special tasting famous white wines from German and Bordeaux .

  22. 他常年主持品酒会,在世界各地发表演讲,经常在广播和电视上充当啤酒酿造业发言人的角色。

    He hosts tastings and gives talks around the world , appears regularly on radio and TV as a spokesman for the craft brewing industry .

  23. 在每家专卖店的品测区内不定期举办品酒会及品酒课程,在酒廊区提供会员专属饮酒及交流场所。

    Wine tasting party and tasting course will be held from time to time in each store , while providing exclusive alcohol and relax places to the members .

  24. 美食街,厨艺秀,集市歌手和街头舞者,以及夜间的品酒会,都将让你流连忘返。

    You can explore the food district , watch cooking demos , wander a plaza full of street musicians and dance performers , or indulge in nighttime wine-tasting .

  25. 西方葡萄酒商很高兴赚中国人的钱,尽管一些人抱怨称,众所周知,富裕的内地人会犯下社交大忌,在品酒会上抽烟或嚼口香糖。

    Western vintners are happy to take the new Chinese money , though some grumble that wealthy mainlanders have been known to commit the ultimate faux pas of smoking cigarettes or chewing gum at wine tasting events .

  26. 如果想要找个更加随意的去处,可以在附近的Trova稍作逗留,这里提供不同主题的品酒会(“阿根廷马尔贝克”、“盛夏”),几乎俱为阿根廷出产(品酒会价格65~110比索)。

    If you 're looking for something more casual , stop at the nearby Trova , which offers themed flights ( " Argentine Malbecs , " " Summer " ) , almost all Argentine ( flights from 65 to 110 pesos ) .

  27. 也就是说,我在伦敦通用品酒会上注意到潜在的出口商通常被告知英国市场竞争异常激烈,英国葡萄酒的买家抠门到极点,有些酒庄一般舍不得展出最好的酒。

    That said , I have noticed at generic tastings in London that potential exporters have been told so often that the UK market is dangerously competitive , and British wine buyers horribly penny-pinching , that some tend not to bother to show their top wines .

  28. 在品酒中学会酿酒&语文课作文教学创新

    Learning Brewing Wine While Tasting It & Simple Discussion on the Innovation of Writing Exercises in Chinese Language Class

  29. 口感(味觉):品尝术语,用于指在口中察觉的各种感觉(而非闻到的)。同时,一个好的品酒师可能会被认为拥有很好的味觉。

    Palate : Tasting term used to indicate the range of sensations detected in the mouth ( rather than on the nose ) . Also , a competent taster may be said to have a good palate .

  30. 这些灯笼便宜,有趣,设计方法简单,在与一群朋友深夜烧烤聚会上或与爱人的浪漫品酒夜里,会是最好的装饰。

    Inexpensive , fun , simple to make and customize , they add the perfect decoration for a late night BBQ with a group of friends or a night of gin and tonics with the one you love .