
  • 网络Brand display
  1. 国内品牌男装陈列发展相对稚嫩,使的国内品牌男装发展受到很大的危机。

    The domestic brand menswear display is relatively immature so that the domestic brand menswear development is great crisis .

  2. 本文从研究百货中品牌童装陈列入手,通过分析目前品牌童装陈列现状及存在问题,提出对应的解决方案。

    According to investigate of brand children 's wear display , the paper analysis the situation of the brand children 's wear display and the problems , moreover , it comes out the corresponding methods .

  3. 融入品牌里面的陈列设计可以使品牌的风格强化。

    Into the brand inside the display design can strengthen the brand 's style .

  4. 但目前很多国内服装品牌的卖场陈列色彩运用还不够成熟,人们对色彩要求却越来越高。

    However , many domestic clothing brands store display use of color is not mature enough , people of color are getting higher and higher requirements .

  5. 最高水平(8)执行作为开放计划“街景”-零售(品牌空间和陈列室),咖啡馆和餐馆星罗棋布的海滨长廊。

    The top ( 8th ) level performs as open plan " streetscape "– a promenade dotted with retail ( brand space and showrooms ), caf é and restaurants .