
  • 网络Brand Power;brand strength
  1. 品牌力的量化管理及其逻辑曲线研究&以海尔冰箱与西湖啤酒为例

    Brand Power Quantitation and Its Logistic Curve & A Case Study on Haier Refrigerator and Xihu Beer

  2. 尤其是在设计定位上应具有代表性、现实性和广深度,这样才能使包装具有吸引力、号召力、竞争力和品牌力。

    Especially in the design orientation should be representative , in order to make attractive packaging , appeal , and brand power .

  3. 正如EVADimensions负责人班尼特•斯提沃特解释的那样,亚马逊事实上在“加速无形资产、自主能力和品牌力的投资,提升长期价值。”

    As EVA dimensions chief Bennett Stewart explains , Amazon is really " accelerating investments in intangible assets and proprietary capabilities and brand strength to enhance its long-run value . "

  4. 不要在你的个人品牌力上浪费太多时间

    Don 't spend too much time worrying about your personal brand

  5. 企业文化力-品牌力模型:一种民族文化视角下的战略选择

    Corporative Culture-Brand Relation Model : A Strategic Preference Based on National Culture

  6. 品牌力、产品力、销售力&2005年冷饮大战的三大法宝

    Brand , Product and Marketing & Three Key Factors in Cold Drink Market in 2005

  7. 最后,以海尔冰箱和西湖啤酒为例,揭示出了品牌力的马太效应,同时也初步构建了品牌力理论,为品牌研究与管理在资产角度外提供了另外一个比较系统的视角。

    It also establishes a preliminary theory for brand power and offers a new perspective for brand research and management besides brand equity .

  8. 处于由环境动因、竞争者、消费者以及企业构成的品牌力信息场中的品牌,为了满足消费者的期待价值,需要在瞬息万变的信息场中把握核心价值的变与不变,才可能得以存活并发展。

    The brand stays in the message field of the branding power that includes the circumstance , the competitors , the consumers and the corporation .

  9. 本文根据认知心理学原理,利用数学手段,建立了品牌力因子的数学模型,为进一步研究品牌价值评估模型奠定基础。

    Based on principles of psychology Study , the authors have established the mathematical model of factor of brand strength , which can help study brand evaluation models .

  10. 正如当人们谈及现实主义风格作品,脑中能够立刻浮现出代理此类作品的画廊,这便是品牌力的体现。

    As people were talking about the realism , they can easily to find out , from their memories , the galleries which act for this type of artworks .

  11. 顺应市场和行业的发展趋势,房地产企业之间的竞争从产品力层面上升到品牌力层面,将成为必然。

    Complying with the development trend of the market and trade , the competition between real estate enterprises rises to the brand strength aspect from the products strength aspect , become inevitable .

  12. 随着企业之间的竞争形式由产品力竞争向品牌力竞争的转变,品牌正成为企业掌握的最有效的竞争手段,相应地,有效的品牌管理亦成为企业制胜的关键。

    With the shift of competition from product to brand , the latter has become the most effective means for enterprises to win the competition , which thereby reinforce the brand management .

  13. 围绕品牌力、产品力和销售力这3个方面对2005年的冷饮市场进行了分析,旨在为冷饮企业在2006年的市场策划提供参考。

    The cold drink market in 2005 was analyzed based on brand , product and marketing in this paper in order to give manufacturers some suggestions to market project in the coming year .

  14. 中国车市的品牌力时代已经到来,面对大品牌占绝对主导的中国汽车市场,目前尚处于弱势的中国自主品牌汽车应该如何应对?

    The ear of brand-name power is coming , facing the famous brand-name automobile dominated in Chinese auto market , we are seeking a way to cope with this situation for China self-developed automobile .

  15. 本文在对品牌力的概念进行定义的基础上,总结了品牌力的量化方法,并导出了品牌力的逻辑曲线。

    This paper defines the concept of brand power , summarizes the method of brand power quantitation , puts forward a logistic curve of brand power , and reveals the Matthew Effect of brand power .

  16. 在目前经济全球化的环境中,设计竞争力已成企业增强自身优势的有力武器,成功的工业产品设计是能够促进销售,或保证商业利益,或提升企业品牌力。

    In the current environment of economic globalization , the " design competition " has become a powerful business advantage and enhance their own weapons , the success of the industrial design is the ability to promote sales , or ensure that commercial interests , or enhance corporate brand power .

  17. 将近一年前接任英特尔首席执行官的科再奇(BrianKrzanich,见右图),决心借中国众多低端品牌之力改变上述局面。

    Brian Krzanich , who took over as chief executive nearly a year ago , is determined to change that , with the help of China 's multitude of low-cost brands .

  18. 如果有强大的品牌号召力。

    If you have powerful brand rallying point .

  19. 的设计理念,为客户量身制定网络营销策略,提升品牌形象力。

    The SmartKing establishes suitable network marketing strategies to customers to promote brand images with professional , effective and innovative design concept .

  20. 分析人士说,中兴通讯向智能手机市场的扩张在情理之中,但该公司较弱的品牌号召力以及软件创新的缺乏令人担忧。

    Analysts said ZTE 's expansion into the smartphone market makes sense but they raised concerns about the company 's relatively weak brand and lack of software innovation .

  21. 川酒以“六朵金花”为首,凭借强大的品牌号召力和优异质量,多年来一直雄霸市场;

    Sichuan liquor always plays a dominant role in the market based on its overwhelming brand advantages and quality liquor products (" Six Liquor Products " as typical representatives ) .

  22. 跨国零售巨头,如沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德隆等,均已登陆我国零售市场,且正在加强市场渗透和规模扩张,显示出强大的品牌渗透力。

    After landing on Chinese market , multinational retailers , such as wal-mart , carrefour and so on , reinforce their market penetration and expand their scale , displaying the formidable power of their brands .

  23. 一个著名的品牌是购买力的保证。

    A well-known brand is the guarantee of audience rating .

  24. 论品牌的包容力与延伸力

    On The Comprisal Power and Expansion Power of Brands

  25. 让品牌更有流传力!

    Make The Brand More Informational Value !

  26. 这种影响可能是正面的,即加强原有品牌的识别力;

    On the one hand , the influence may be positive , enhancing the discernment of the brand ;

  27. 一方面,国内外的众多研究表明奢侈品品牌的延伸力很强;另一方面,失败的奢侈品品牌延伸又屡见不鲜。

    On the one hand , numerous studies show that luxury brand extension have a strong ability to extend ; on the other hand , the failures of luxury brand extension are everywhere .

  28. 随着网络的普及应用,网络为传统终端注入新的活力,本文就品牌的推广力和传播优势对品牌在线商店进行了分析。

    With the popular network applications , network injects new vitality into the traditional end , this force on the promotion and dissemination of the brand advantage of the online store brands were analyzed .

  29. 安踏对批发分销的依赖意味着,它对自己品牌的控制力较小,但它的营业利润率比耐克高出四分之三。

    Its reliance on wholesale distribution means that it has less control over its brand , but its operating margins are three-quarters higher than Nike ' s. Its shares trade at a two-fifths discount to Li Ning .

  30. CCTV:品牌传播第一驱动力

    CCTV : First Driving Force of Brand Promulgation