
  • 网络Brand Recognition;brand awareness;brand perception
  1. 现在国内关于基于SNS虚拟社区的互动对消费者品牌认知的影响的实证研究比较缺乏。

    At present , it is lack of the empirical research about the impact on interactive based on SNS virtual community and consumers ' brand awareness .

  2. 最后,结合本研究的相关实证结论,就企业如何在SNS虚拟社区实行互动活动,从而提高消费者的品牌认知提出一些营销启示。

    Finally , combined with the related research conclusion , the paper puts forward some marketing inspiration that how enterprises implement the interaction activities in the SNS virtual community , so as to improve the consumer brand awareness .

  3. 第4章,中国饭店市场PMS品牌认知的实证研究。

    Chapter 4 . Empirical study .

  4. 当然,接下来还有一个确保溢价和提高品牌认知的杀手锏,一个在EMBA市场行之有效的高招:提高价格。

    Then of course , there is one final tried and tested way of ensuring premium status and high brand recognition , a tactic that worked so well in the EMBA market : put the price up .

  5. 试析品牌认知的心理机制及营销对策

    The Cognitive Analysis of Psychological Mechanism about Brand-perceiving and the Promotive Strategy

  6. 一些经理说假冒店可以帮助建立品牌认知。

    Some executives say that fake stores can help build brand awareness .

  7. 品牌认知方面,它仍然缺乏清晰的定义。

    Image-wise , it still lacks a clear identity .

  8. 品牌认知在人类社会生活中是一项重要且复杂的认知活动。

    Brand recognition is an important and complex cognitive processing in social life .

  9. 第3章,品牌认知的理论基础。

    Chapter 3 . Summary of brand cognitive theories .

  10. 被评为中国消费者品牌认知调查行业十佳品牌之一。

    Chinese consumer brand awareness survey was rated brand one of the great industries .

  11. 将零件配置到智能手机和机顶盒会对品牌认知产生什么影响?

    How would placing them in products such as smart phones and set-top boxes affect perceptions ?

  12. 创新特质、人际影响与品牌认知差异对消费者需求有显著正向影响。

    Innovativeness , interpersonal influence and brand awareness and purchase intention have significantly positive effect on consumer demand .

  13. 企业合规部门可以创建和部署结构化文档模板,以在文档中实施品牌认知或其他合规原则。

    A corporate compliance department can create and deploy structured document templates that enforce branding or other compliance guidelines in documents .

  14. 少有学者对服装店铺的视觉营销进行研究,更少涉及从消费者购买行为来研究分析品牌认知对消费者购买决策所起的作用。

    Less was studied about VMD of fashion stores , and the impact of brand awareness on customer purchase decision from customer buying behavior .

  15. 研究结果表明品牌认知(包括品牌知名度和品牌形象)直接影响消费者的当前购买行为,但是不直接影响未来的购买行为;

    It is found that current purchases are affected by brand image and brand awareness directly , but future purchases are not affected directly ;

  16. 广告在长期内对消费者品牌认知的影响是通过频率和内容实现的,口传信息的影响则是通过频率、发布者和内容等消费者产生影响。

    The advertisement in long-term influents consumes ' brand cognition through frequency and content , the word-of-mouth influents consumer by frequency , promulgator and content .

  17. 同时,阐述了城市旅游品牌认知态度的作用,并阐明了城市旅游品牌认知态度的构成及影响因素。

    At the same time , the paper elaborated the functions of urban tourism brand cognitive attitude and expounded its constitution and the influence factors .

  18. 在品牌认知方面,中国车企要从零开始,而这在建立品牌忠诚度的漫漫长途上还只是第一步。

    And they will be starting at Ground Zero in terms of brand recognition , the first step on the long march to brand loyalty .

  19. 嘉士伯正在做一项它自称为客户漏斗的工作。这是一种关系,一端是品牌认知,另一端是客户忠诚。

    Carlsberg is working on what it calls its consumer " funnel ", a relationship that has awareness at one end and customer loyalty at the other .

  20. 一些公司希望凭借海外上市提升自己的形象和构筑品牌认知:例如日本企业在雅加达证交所上市就证明了这点。

    Some companies seek overseas listings to strengthen their profile and build brand awareness : witness , for example , the Japanese ventures listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange .

  21. 研究结果表明,实体店形象通过品牌认知感知利益和品牌信任的影响,从而间接影响消费者网上购物的意愿和行为。

    According to the research results , physical store images indirectly influence consumers ' online shopping willingness and behaviors by affecting brand cognition , perceptible benefits , and brand trust .

  22. 在实证中对比研究了两组消费者生活方式的四个方面:传统价值观、日常消费、媒介接触、品牌认知的不同特征,是本研究的重要部分和基础。

    The author compares new consumers with their traditional counterpart from four aspects of their lifestyles : traditional values , media exposure , daily consumption and consumption of brand products .

  23. 基于品牌认知的心理学理论基础,本文以世博会德国国家馆为对象进行受众体验设计与国家形象传播的综合研究。

    Based on the psychological basis of brand recognition , this essay made a comprehensive research of audience experience design and nation image dissemination focus on Germany Pavilion on Expo site .

  24. 家族姓氏给予了品牌认知、有用的社会关系和经济贡献——所有的一切在民主政治中至关重要,并且其重要性随着传播政治重要性的增长而增长。

    Family name confers brand recognition , useful contacts and financial contributions - all of which are vital in democracies , and become more so as retail politics become more important .

  25. 同时,在音乐与广告信息内容相一致的情况下,高、低卷入消费者总体来说并不会在品牌认知水平上产生十分显著的差异。

    Meanwhile , if the music and advertising content are consistent , both high and low involvement of consumers do not produce a very significant difference on the level of brand recognition .

  26. 福建省作为运动服装生产大省,在这个背景下研究大学生的运动服装品牌认知有利于提高企业的知名度。

    Because of the Fujian Province is stronger which produce in sports apparel , so study brand recognition of sports apparel for students will enhance the popularity of businesses in this background .

  27. 品牌认知是企业品牌资产的一个重要组成部分,越来越多的学者和企业家认识到了品牌认知对塑造品牌的重要作用。

    The brand awareness is an important part of the corporate brand equity . More and more scholars and entrepreneurs have realized that the brand awareness is an important role of shaping the brand .

  28. 由于消费者行为具体表现为品牌认知、使用行为、购买行为和品牌评价四个方面,从而消费者行为的定性调查与定量调查也主要从这四个方面来进行。

    As consumers ' behavior refers to brand realizing , applying behavior , purchasing behavior and brand evaluating , therefore the qualitative and quantitative survey of consumers ' behavior will be under way from those four fields .

  29. 网络条件下,受众品牌认知的方式多样,信源充分,获得的品牌信息丰富而全面,并且受众能够参与和影响品牌信息传播的过程和结果。

    With the network offering various brand awareness methods and sufficient information resources , audience can get rich and all-round brand information , and audience can take part in and affect the process and result of information communication .

  30. 相比歌唱事业,她说,商业发展很顺利:“我拥有最好的合伙人和团队,所以我不用担心销售和品牌认知,”

    Compared with her singing career , Ren said business has been going very smoothly : " I have the best partner and the best team , so I do not worry about sales or recognition , " said Ren .