
  • 网络preference;Brand Preference
  1. Buyology的此项调查并不是第一个试图对党派立场在品牌偏好上的反映进行解读的尝试。

    The buyology study is not the first to try to decipher how partisan allegiance reflects on brand preference .

  2. 建立品牌偏好的竞争性策略。

    Competitive strategies that build brand preference .

  3. 专业被试对Chanel服装表现出了明显的偏好,而非专业被试则并无显著的品牌偏好。(3)测验类型实质上反映了意识性对于服装审美的影响。

    The professional showed a clear preference for Chanel , but non-professionals didn ' t. ( 3 ) Tasting types , essentially reflected the influence consciousness exerted on clothing aesthetic .

  4. 中国消费者中外品牌偏好及关键影响因素实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Consumers ' Preference for the Chinese and Foreign Brands

  5. 女性吸烟者香烟品牌偏好及其相关变量的研究

    A Study on Relationship between Women Smokers ' Brand Predilection and Correlated Variables

  6. 三聚氰胺事件对中国消费者国家形象感知及本土品牌偏好影响的研究

    The Impact of Melamine Event on Country Image and Preference for Indigenous Brands of Chinese Consumers

  7. 因此科学家们感到困惑:为什么喜欢这种酒的人经常表现出特定的品牌偏好?

    So researchers got to wondering : how come people who enjoy the stuff often express brand preference ?

  8. 同时利用其技术优势,引导市场建立品牌偏好,不断争取新的顾客。

    At the same time it shout take advantage of technology , build brand preference for new customers .

  9. 女性吸烟者品牌偏好问卷具有较好的信、效度;

    " Questionnaire on women smokers ' brand predilection " takes on an rather high level of reliability and validity ;

  10. 在英国,我们的品牌偏好度下滑至20%,比去年同期低8%。

    In the UK , our brand preference has slipped to20 percent , which is8 percent lower than last year .

  11. 萨顿说,报告中的品牌偏好反映了市场中成年吸烟者中所看到情况。

    The brand preferences in the report mirrors what is seen in the marketplace among adult smokers , Sutton said .

  12. 城市消费者零售企业品牌偏好与忠诚的跨地区比较:北京、武汉与长沙

    A Trans-regional Comparative Study on Beijing , Wuhan and Changsha Urban Consumers ' Preference and Loyalty to Retail Enterprises ' Brands

  13. 以北京林业大学学生为对象,研究大学生消费行为,探讨性格与品牌偏好的关系。

    Targeted Beijing Forestry University students as objects , the article explores students consume behavior and discusses the relationship between personality and brand preference .

  14. 通过研究发现:(1)女性吸烟者品牌偏好包含了三个维度,即情感偏好、认知偏好和行为意向偏好。

    The study reveals that : ( 1 ) women smokers ' brand predilection contains three dimensions , namely cognitively based predilection , affectivity based predilection and behavioral disposition based predilection ;

  15. 文章把AHP-模糊综合评判模型应用于消费者对空调品牌偏好的研究,通过层次分析法给出一种模糊判断的权重计算方法,建立了空调品牌偏好的层次模糊综合评判模型。

    AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is applied to the consumer air-conditioning brand preference research in this dissertation . Through AHP to give the weight calculation method and establish air-conditioning brand preference fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model .

  16. 最后,对研究结果进行解释,并从管理角度为汽车企业进一步了解城市消费者品牌偏好、制定产品研发和市场营销战略提出建议。

    In the end , the thesis explains the study results , and gives advice on learning the brand preference for private cars based on city consumers and making strategies for R & D and marking for automobile companies .

  17. 研究结果表明三地消费者在人口统计特征、品牌偏好度、品牌选择等方面有较大差异,而在品牌忠诚度、自有品牌购买意愿等方面差异不大。

    The study indicates that for the customers in these three cities there are quite a few discrepancies in demographic feature , brand preference and brand choice while there are few differences in brand loyalty and purchase inclination to self-owned brand .

  18. 大学生的购买行为有其独特之处,更容易形成品牌偏好,并形成冲动型消费,学生的生意好做,是很多销售人员的共识。

    The purchasing behavior of students in college has its own characteristic , which is so easier to form the preferences of the brand and cause impulsive purchase . Sales staff think that it is easy to obtain the profit form students in college .

  19. 在这个模型中,首次包含了CRM中客户对不同企业品牌的偏好因素、客户关系周期长度和产品定价模式对客户竞争的影响。

    In this model , the influence of customer 's preference of different brands , customer relationship lifetime and the pricing mode upon the customer competition is included .

  20. 消费行为分析根据实地调查的结果,对消费者的购买决策过程、品牌性能偏好及冰箱未来消费趋势做出判断与预测。

    Consumer behavior analysis according to result of on-site inspection , purchase decision-making process in consumer , brand performance have a partiality for and refrigerator consume trend judges and predict future .

  21. 美国资深营销专家认为,客户忠诚度是指客户出于对企业或品牌的偏好而经常性重复购买的程度。

    A famous qualified marketing expert from America Considers the customer faithfulness means the level of a con-stant and repeat product purchase for which customers are more favourable to the enterprise or its product brand .

  22. 品牌和品牌偏好一直以来都是国、内外专家学者研究的热点。

    The study on brands and brand preference has always been the focus of Chinese and foreign researchers .

  23. 我们通过消费者对广告的认知、对广告的态度、对广告诉求品牌的态度、对品牌的偏好以及他们的行为意向这五个变量来衡量网络广告的效果。

    We used recognition , attitudes , preference and behavioral intention to measure the effectiveness of interactive advertising on customer 's behavior , especially from a psychological perspective .

  24. 并对两种情况进行了对比,结果表明,高的品牌可信度会带来高的品牌选择偏好,可信度较低的品牌,消费者对其的偏好较低。

    And this thesis also compared the two circumstances . The result indicates that high brand credibility will bring high brand choice preference . For the brand of relative low credibility , consumers will show relative low preference .

  25. 分析表明,知觉负性的内属性比外属性更容易导致被试对以往品牌的消极态度,从而影响消费者对该品牌的偏好以及购买动机和意向。

    Further analysis shows that the internal attributes of with negative perception were more easy to arouse consumers ' negative attitude towards brands than the external attributes , and consequentially affected consumers ' preference , purchase intent and motivation to a brand .

  26. 然而,购买超市自有品牌商品的消费者具有什么样的特点,具有超市自有品牌偏好和非超市自有品牌偏好的消费者是否存在显著差异这些问题并不明确。

    However , there is distinct diversity on the following two problems : what is the characteristics of supermarket private brand consumers and whether private brand shoppers and non-store brand shoppers differ in their socioeconomic , behavioural , emotion , and psychographic traits .

  27. 本文在自有品牌和消费者特性相关文献的基础上,采用实证的方法对具有超市自有品牌偏好消费者的特性进行研究。

    This paper has a study on consumer characteristics of supermarket private brand on the basis of related papers on private brand and consumer characteristics .

  28. 房地产品牌化,对于消费者而言,可以降低他们收集信息的成本,避免购买风险,形成品牌偏好。

    To the consumers the brand establishment will lower the cost of information collection , avoid the risk of purchase and form preference of brand .

  29. 品牌主体通过赋予品牌深刻而丰富的文化内涵,结合有效的内外传播,使消费者对品牌产生感情,形成品牌偏好和品牌忠诚。

    Subject of brand give the brand to profound and rich cultural connotations , combine effective internal and external communication , so that consumers can generate feelings of brand , form brand preference and brand loyalty .