
  • 网络Brand Protection
  1. 这对我们来说是一个巨大的机会,新百伦(NewBalance)全球品牌保护事务负责人丹尼尔·麦金农(DanielMcKinnon)说。这家运动鞋公司总部位于波士顿。

    There is a massive opportunity for us , said Daniel McKinnon , head of global brand protection at New Balance , the Boston-based sneaker company .

  2. 伦敦奥组委主席科勋爵(LordCoe)不久前因一时疏忽,引发了一场争议,当时他被问及如何施行品牌保护法,来保护阿迪达斯(Adidas)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola)等奥运会赞助商。

    Lord Coe , the Locog chairman , on Friday inadvertently fuelled the controversy when asked how the brand protection laws would be applied to protect games sponsors such as Adidas and Coca-Cola .

  3. 奥组委副主席凯斯米尔斯勋爵(SirKeithMills)表示:“管理品牌保护将非常敏感且谨慎。一些地方可能有一些爱指手划脚的官员,但如果你看看我们追查的人数,你会发现数量很少。”

    Sir Keith Mills , Locog deputy chairman , said : " The policing of brand protection is going to be very sensible and measured . There may be an over-officious officer somewhere , but if you look at the number of people we pursue , it 's tiny . "

  4. 帮助各品牌保护知识产权的Emmaus公司董事总经理PhilipFung说,最好的结果是能找到一家涉及货物价值庞大的假货地下工厂,因为这样一来假货商数月甚至数年无货可售。

    ' The jackpot is hitting a counterfeit underground factory with a gigantic value of goods ' because it can take the fraudsters out of commission for months to years , said Philip Fung , managing director at Emmaus , which helps brands protect their intellectual property .

  5. 然而,在线品牌保护很难做到周全。

    Online brand protection is hard to guarantee , however .

  6. 伦敦奥组委拥有一个独立的品牌保护团队。

    LOCOG has a separate brand protection team .

  7. 对克努斯托普而言,关键是要在品牌保护与品牌发展之间实现平衡。

    The crucial balance for him will be between brand protection and brand development .

  8. 建立健全品牌保护机制。

    Establish and improve mechanisms for brand protection .

  9. 就拿品牌保护来说,公司雇用律师来保护自己的品牌。

    Take the protection of brands . Companies use their lawyers to defend their brands .

  10. 企业无形资产与产品品牌保护

    Intangible Assets and Protection of Trademark

  11. 我们将特别研究交叉销售、品牌保护伞,以及客户智识等课题。

    In particular , we will look at cross selling , umbrella branding , and customer intelligence .

  12. 所以,必须建立起品牌保护体系,进行科学、有效的酒业公司品牌管理。

    Accordingly , liquor brand protection system should be established to operate scientific and efficient brand management .

  13. 包装与品牌保护

    Packaging Vs Brand Protection

  14. 笔者在反垄断法中给予民族品牌保护的观点持肯定态度,并希望保护民族品牌能够成为我国反垄断的价值目标。

    I hold a positive attitude towards it , and hope the protection of national brand to be value goal of anti-monopoly in the future .

  15. 老字号品牌保护和建设问题引起了全社会的关注,因此,重建老字号品牌是亟待解决的问题。

    Historical brands protection and construction issues were concerned to whole society , the reconstruction of historical brands has become an urgent problem to resolve .

  16. 特别感谢商业软件联盟和优质品牌保护委员会,他们的帮助让今年的计划成为现实。

    But special thanks goes out to the Business Software Alliance and the Quality Brands Protection Committee , for their help in making this years program a reality .

  17. 对于这些企业,保护其用户直接翻译成诈骗电子邮件用户保护,用户满意,降低客户服务成本、品牌保护。

    For these companies , protecting their users from fraud emails translates directly into user protection , user satisfaction , reduced customer care costs , and brand protection .

  18. 随着众多中小企业法律维权意识和品牌保护意识的日益增强,司法实践中,中小企业状告大企业商标侵权的此类涉及商标反向混淆案件越来越多。

    As the law and brand protection awareness of many small enterprises increasing , there are more and more reverse confusion cases in juridical practice , for example , small enterprises sue large enterprises for trademark infringement .

  19. 由此可见,国内企业在面对外资并购行为时要注意品牌保护,树立品牌保护意识,加强品牌管理,防止外资并购的垄断,减少品牌并购时的风险性。

    Thus , foreign acquisition of domestic enterprises in the face of an act should pay attention to brand protection , brand protection awareness , strengthen brand management , to prevent the monopoly of foreign mergers and acquisitions , reduce risk of brand M & .

  20. 阐述了品牌商标保护内涵。

    The inner meaning of brand trademark protection is expounded .

  21. 服装品牌商标保护的研究

    Research on the protection of trademark of the garment brand

  22. 分析了服装品牌商标保护现状。

    The actuality of garment brand trademark protection is analyzed .

  23. 浅析晋江鞋业的品牌战略保护

    Primary analysis on protecting shoes ′ brand of Jinjiang

  24. 一位知情人士说,惠普董事会希望赫德不再纠缠,他们更愿意把精力放在“品牌的保护”及“占据更高的制高点”上面。

    H-P 's directors'hoped he would move on , 'said one person familiar with the situation , adding that the board prefers to focus on'protecting the brand and taking the higher ground .

  25. 国际奥委会通过《内罗毕公约》、商标注册、版权保护、举办国相关法律规定和赛场清洁政策等方式对奥林匹克品牌加以保护。

    The IOC has been trying to protect the Olympic brands through Nairobi Convention , logo registration , copy right protection , legal regulations of the hosting countries and clean competition ground policy etc.

  26. 在品牌所有者保护自身产品的持久战中,此案标志着一个新的转机。由于仿制、假冒和网络零售的泛滥,品牌所有者的生存环境变得更为复杂。

    The case is the latest twist in the long-running battle by brand owners to protect their products in a world made more complex by the explosion of mimics , counterfeiting and internet retail .

  27. 培育读者忠诚的策略有:挖掘读者需求,推行个性化服务,争创服务品牌,保护读者权益,倾听读者抱怨,奖励忠诚读者,支持读者活动,开展自我宣传,等等。

    In this paper , the author proposes some strategies to raise reader loyalty , such as providing personalized services , protecting reader 's rights , awarding loyal readers , supporting reader 's activities .

  28. 在知识产权倍受国内外专家学者瞩目的今天,晋江从鞋业品牌的保护现状入手,提出品牌保护的对策,以期促进晋江企业对品牌的保护。

    Today when the intellectual property right is paid attention by international and domestic experts and scholars , in order to promote Jinjiang ′ s enterprises to protect their brands , takes the measures from protection situation , puts forward the countermeasures to protect band .

  29. 我国民族体育品牌产品的保护与发展研究&以云南云子研究为例

    Discussion on the Protection and Development of National Sports Brand Product

  30. 注重品牌设计与保护;

    3 , Pay attention to design and protect brand ;