
  • 网络Brand Association;Lenovo
  1. 品牌联想是非常重要的方面,不可忽视。

    Brand association is a powerful aspect that should not be neglected .

  2. 品牌联想对服装品牌延伸评价影响的实证研究

    Experimental Study on Influence of Brand Association on Brand Extension Evaluation of Garment

  3. 本研究的核心议题是赞助营销如何影响品牌联想的问题。

    The core issues of this study is how sponsorship affect brand association .

  4. 如果你正确操作,品牌联想是一种非常有力和积极的要素。

    Brand association is a very powerful and positive aspect if done correctly .

  5. 本研究探讨品牌联想的提醒对品牌延伸评估的效果。

    This research examines the effects of brand association reminding on brand extension evaluations .

  6. 进一步细化了品牌联想维度划分的相关理论研究。

    Further detailed the brand association dimensions of the classification of the relevant theories .

  7. 可知新闻网站需要再加强品牌联想对整体品牌权益的影响力。

    As a result , the news websites need to enhance brand association more .

  8. 手机的品牌联想对消费者行为倾向的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Mobile Phone Brand Association on Consumers ' Behavioral Intentions

  9. 嗯,一个时尚品牌联想到这种东西,好像不是个好兆头?

    Emmm , not quite a good message for a fashion brand , right ?

  10. 中国国产品牌联想和埃本分别以8.4%和3.6%的市场份额排在第二位和第四位。

    Trailing behind were Chinese brands Lenovo and Eben with 8.4 percent and 3.6 percent respectively .

  11. •明晰的品牌联想

    • Clarity of brand associations

  12. 运用实证研究的方法研究品牌联想对服装品牌延伸评价的影响。

    The influence of brand association on brand extension evaluation of garment was studied in the paper through experimental study .

  13. 知名企业知道品牌联想的价值,但对于品牌联想的创建还是停留在依靠广告上。

    Famous enterprises have known the value of brand association , but the establishment of brand association is only depending on the advertisement .

  14. 在信用度的基础上我们分析了私立医院品牌联想的维度,包括二维度和三维度的视角。

    Based on the brand credit degree , we shows the association dimension of the private hospital brand , including two-dimension and three-dimension perspective .

  15. 通过一系列具有明确特质的品牌联想,在消费者头脑中建立稳固的品牌内涵。

    Firmly establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers by strategically linking a host a tangible and intangible brand associations with certain properties .

  16. 品牌联想中对服装品牌知名形象代言人的印象越深刻,消费者对服装品牌近距离延伸的评价越高,但对其远距离延伸评价没有显著影响。

    The evaluation of brand 's near-extension from customer depended on the brand association of the brand 's prolocutor while the far-extension evaluation did not depend on it .

  17. 研究结果发现,知觉品质、品牌联想皆对三家新闻网站品牌权益产生影响性,不过在品牌联想上的表现较差些。

    According to the result , perceived quality and brand association both affect brand equity of the news websites , nothing but brand association is a little unobvious comparatively .

  18. 结果显示:品牌联想中对服装品牌理念的联想越深刻、越积极,消费者对服装品牌的近距离延伸评价及远距离延伸评价越高;

    Results showed that the more profound and active the brand association of the brand meanings of garment was , the more successful the evaluations of brand 's far-extension and near-extension from customer was .

  19. 通过实证发现,在电视节目赞助中,学者认可的节目(活动)偏好度对品牌联想并不产生影响作用,而通过文献梳理发现的并被学者忽略的广告投入度对品牌联想产生积极的影响作用。

    Through empirical study , scholars believe that program ( activity ) preference has no influence in brand association in TV sponsorship . However , literature review demonstrates that advertising spending , which has been ignored by scholars , has positive influence in brand association .

  20. 杨元庆认为,在PC业务处于上升态势之际,打造品牌是联想下一成长阶段的关键部分。

    Mr. Yang considers building a brand to be a crucial part of Lenovo 's next phase of growth now that the PC business is on an upswing . '

  21. 以下哪一个手提电话品牌令你联想是流行指标?

    Which ONE of the following brands is link to the fashion icon ?

  22. 与许多现状不佳的品牌不同,联想和三星主要依赖自有生产设施,而不是代工厂商。

    Unlike many struggling brands , Lenovo and Samsung do much of their own manufacturing internally rather than relying on contract manufacturers .

  23. 研究采用了反应时方法和传统的自由联想方法对三个产品种类五个品牌的品牌联想结构进行了探索。

    Five brands in three categories were checked by free-recall method and reaction-time technique . Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented .

  24. 联想收购了IBM的确利润微薄的ThinkPad品牌,如今,联想公司正在美国市场上大举攻城略地。

    Lenovo took over IBM 's ThinkPad brand - thin margins and all - and is chewing up the U.S. PC market

  25. 假设检验的结果支持了履约能力,愉悦体验、情感归属,品牌声誉,正面联想五个变量的前因作用,其他三个变量的作用未得到支持。

    The hypotheses tests support that the five variables , performance capabilities , enjoyable experience , belonging feelings , brand reputation and positive association have positive influence on " trust " . But other three variables hypotheses are not accepted through the test .

  26. 基于顾客的品牌权益测评:品牌联想结构分析法

    Measurement of Customer-Based Brand Equity : A Brand Association Structure Approach

  27. 洗发水品牌营销组合策略对品牌联想的影响研究

    Analysis of the Influence of Shampoo Brand 's Marketing Mix Strategies on Brand Association

  28. 最终验证并修正假设模型,所获研究结论如下:①本论文提出的品牌溢价影响因素中,品牌联想、品牌领导力、感知质量、感知价值、满意度及情感忠诚度六因素与品牌溢价显著性正向相关。

    Finally , the hypothesis and conceptual model is modified and the conclusions are below . ① Brand association brand leadership 、 perceived quality 、 perceived value 、 satisfaction and emotional loyalty have significantly positive relationship with brand premium .

  29. 但西尔表示,设计该赛事最主要的目的是增强品牌认知度和推动对于品牌的积极联想,比如创造性和多样性。

    But Mr sire says it is , above all , designed to develop awareness of the brand and positive association such as creativity and diversity .

  30. 在形象差异化方面,通过塑造品牌知名度、品牌认知度、品牌联想度、品牌忠诚度,打造高端品牌形象。

    In the aspect of image differentiation , the image of high-end products is formed through building up brand awareness , perceived brand quality , brand association , and brand loyalty .