
  • 网络brand expansion
  1. NIKE的品牌扩张与我国体育用品品牌的发展

    The Brand Expansion of NIKE and the Development of Sports Products Brand in Our Country

  2. 在品牌扩张的过程中,企业需要快速识别具有高价值的品牌,并保持自身品牌价值的持续增长。

    In the process of brand expansion , enterprises need to quickly identify high valued brand and maintain its own brand value growth .

  3. 品牌扩张就是民营医院集团化发展的一种资本运营形式。

    The brand expand is a form of Capital Operation .

  4. 国内品牌扩张之势明显:汤臣倍健发展速度迅猛。

    The expansion trend of domestic brand is obvious : BY-HEALTH is developing rapidly .

  5. 品牌扩张已经成为国内外饭店集团迅速拓展市场网络、增强企业实力的重要途径之一。

    Brand expansion has become one of the main channels to expand market network and improve core competence of hotel groups in China .

  6. 福特高管今年1月还曾表示,在恢复实力之前,没有计划将林肯品牌扩张到北美以外的市场。

    As recently as January , Ford executives said they had no plan to spread Lincoln beyond North America until it had regained strength .

  7. 可以预见,品牌扩张必将成为专业发展商建立长期竞争优势的重要手段。

    Can predict , the brand expanding will become the important means for the professional developer to set up competition advantage for a long time .

  8. 因此,对于房地产企业品牌扩张战略的规律研究也必定是中国房地产企业扩张的现时之需。

    So , to the law research of brand expanding strategy of the real estate enterprises must be the current demand that Chinese real estate enterprises expand .

  9. 运用经济学的理论和研究方法对我国体育用品制造企业跨出国门进行品牌扩张的动力、模式进行了研究。

    By the ways of theory and study methods of economics , the paper studies the reasons and modes of brand expansion of Chinas sporting goods industry .

  10. 其具体方式为提高企业创利能力,利用外部资源以求品牌扩张;

    The specific methods are as follows : to enhance enterprises'capability to create profits ; to make good use of external resources to spread the popularity of brands ;

  11. 如果认为在房地产企业品牌扩张上存在着一般的规律,那么中国的房地产企业实施品牌扩张则必须遵循这样的一般规律。

    If there are general laws about brand expanding of the real estate enterprise , Chinese real estate enterprises that implement brand expanding must follow such a universal law .

  12. 经过实证主义的分析后,本文认为,品牌扩张尤其是水平方向的品牌扩张,具有明显的阻碍市场上其他竞争者进入,控制市场结构的意图,其垄断性质明显,应该受到反垄断法的规制。

    After analyses of the positivism , the brands explosion , especially the horizontal brand expanding , has obviously hindered other competitors entering , controls market intention of structure .

  13. 这种情形下,印记的主要角色是把这些意义表达出来,让每个人同时都知道当这个品牌扩张或延伸时,要保护什么,以及利用什么品牌价值。

    Here the primary role of the Footprint is to express these meanings so everyone is in sync with what to protect and what to leverage as the brand is expanded .

  14. 最后从企业结构、品牌扩张、改革税制和增加核心竞争力四个方面对行业今后发展提出建议。

    In the end , it proposed some suggestions for the industry development in four aspects , which are enterprise structure , brand enlargement , tax reform , and strengthening the competition ability .

  15. 烟叶是行业发展的基础,随着我国卷烟品牌扩张和企业兼并重组步伐不断加快,烟叶的基础性地位更加明显。

    Tobacco is the base of development of tobacco industry and its fundamental status is becoming more and more dominant with the expanding of famous cigarette band and the recombination of tobacco enterprises in our country .

  16. 目标企业估价风险的规避、新型分工体系的建立、品牌扩张和人力资源整合是实施并购过程中应该重点解决的几个问题。

    The evasion of the risks in evaluating target enterprises , the establishment of new production system , the brand expansion and the coordination of human resource should be put emphasis on during the implementing of horizontal M & A.

  17. 同意资助詹姆斯品牌的扩张计划。

    Has agreed to finance the expansion of the James Holt label .

  18. 进行理性的品牌延伸扩张,充分利用品牌资源获取更大的利润;

    Full use of brand resources to gain the maximum benefits through brand expansion ;

  19. 二是品牌的扩张理论,包括品牌竞争的内涵,品牌推广的内涵、品牌延伸的内涵、作用、风险。

    The latter theory comprises meaning of brand competition , brand spread and that of brand expansion and its function and risk .

  20. 洲际的持续增长得益于其旗下适合在当前经济形势发展的快捷品牌的扩张。

    The group 's continued growth was aided by the expansion of Holiday Inn Express , taking advantage of the economy segment 's currently strong position .

  21. 在品牌悄然扩张、浸染到每个人的日常生活的时候,品牌消费不知不觉间成为人们的首选需求。

    During the process of brand quiet expansion and brands are disseminated to each person 's daily life , the brand-based consumption unknowingly becomes the primary demand of consumers .

  22. 中国快餐市场上的雇员保留率较低,而随着西方和本土快餐品牌快速扩张,对员工的需求正出现飙升。

    Employee retention in this market is low , and demand for workers is rising sharply in line with the rapid expansion of Western and local fast food brands .

  23. 他们将Coach的衰落归咎于该品牌的迅速扩张,尤其是进入厂家直销店(outletstores),他们认为这种做法损害了该品牌的高端形象。

    They attribute its fall to rapid expansion , particularly into outlet stores , which they say tarnished the brand 's high-end image .

  24. 实际上,阿里巴巴斥巨资锁定了一些很酷、很抢眼的品牌,以扩张自己的生态系统。

    Alibaba is essentially locking-in cool and bright brands to expand its ecosystem with its investment spree .

  25. 理性的品牌延伸与扩张就是充分利用具有包容力的品牌核心价值这一无形资产,实现企业跨越式发展。

    A rational brand extension and expanse is to make full use of the immaterial capital , which is the containable brand 's essential value , and to fulfill the leaping development of the enterprise .

  26. 丹宁斯的品牌也在海外扩张。

    The Dennings name is also expanding abroad .

  27. 杰夫和他的管理团队意识到,年轻的品牌是可以继续扩张,来满足书籍以大量消费者为中心的经验。

    Jeff and his management team realized the young brand were still appliable enough to be expanded to meet great customer-central experiences beyond books .

  28. 比如,对于许多纺织企业,努力打造品牌都是其扩张计划的重要组成部分。

    Trying to establish some sort of brand name is an important part of the expansion plans of many textiles companies , for example .

  29. 品牌支撑,战略扩张,形象开路,文化先行,这是被许多世界级大企业的实践所证明的成功道路。

    Practice of many famous giant enterprises worldwide proves that brand support , strategic expansion , trail blazing with image and culture are the way to success .

  30. 因此水产企业,特别是龙头企业,必须用战略的眼光统筹考虑,应着重实施品牌创立战略、品牌扩张战略和品牌维护战略。

    Thus enterprises , especially those leading enterprises must concern the strategy as a whole . They should focus on brand creation , expansion and maintenance .