
  • 网络licensing;brand licensing
  1. “能够使用‘TheForce’力量,是每个人的梦想。”日报引用卢卡斯品牌授权公司的主席,HowardRoffman的话说道。

    " It 's been a fantasy everyone has had , using The Force ," the daily quoted Howard Roffman , president of Lucas Licensing , as saying .

  2. 自2008年苹果推出应用商店以来,iphone或谷歌的安卓智能手机上的热门应用都将自己的品牌授权出去,如《愤怒的小鸟》、《糖果粉碎传奇》、《部落战争》。

    Since Apples App Store launched in 2008 , many of the most popular apps for the iPhone or Googles Android smartphones have been new franchises such as Angry Birds , Candy Crush Saga or Clash of Clans .

  3. 品牌授权?一种前景看好的经营方式。

    Brand authorizing , a management type with bright future .

  4. 年度最佳运动/活动品牌授权奖

    Best Sports / Special Events License Of The Year

  5. 另一半就来自销售贴纸&主要是靠知名运动队和《怪物史莱克》这样的娱乐品牌授权。

    The other half comes from selling stickers & typically licensed from sports teams and entertainment brands like Shrek .

  6. 另一半就来自销售贴纸——主要是靠知名运动队和《怪物史莱克》这样的娱乐品牌授权。

    The other half comes from selling stickers - typically licensed from sports teams and entertainment brands like Shrek .

  7. 龙岩中宝作为龙岩地区首家豪华车品牌授权经销商,您对宝马在龙岩的市场表现有怎样的期待?

    As the first authorised premium car dealer in Longyan , what is your plan for increasing BMW sales and brand awareness in the region ?

  8. 雷和欧布莱恩发现,用户很喜欢各种品牌授权的表情符号,他们相信广告主肯定希望非常便捷地通过一家供应商来进入多种短信应用。

    Wray and O ' Brien saw the way users eagerly engaged with their branded emojis , and believed advertisers appreciated the convenience of using one vendor to get many different messaging apps .

  9. 2009年10月,中国成为继美国、日本之后世界上第三个汽车年产量达到1000万辆的国家,伴随着汽车销量的飞速增长,汽车品牌授权4S店也如雨后春笋般涌现出来。

    In October 2009 , China became the third nation whose vehicle production reached 10 million of the country after United States and Japan . Accompanied by the rapid growth in car sales , auto brand franchised 4S dealers have also sprung up .

  10. 这是一次重振诺基亚手机和平板电脑的尝试(2014年,诺基亚曾把自己的品牌授权给富士康,允许它在中国生产诺基亚平板电脑)。近20年前,诺基亚是全球最大的智能手机生产商,市值达到近2500亿美元的巅峰。

    The attempt to revive Nokia phones and tablets ( the company had previously licensed its brand to Foxconn to make a tablet in China in 2014 ) also comes almost two decades after Nokia , then the world 's largest smartphone maker , reached its highest valuation of almost $ 250 billion .

  11. 2002年,意大利威臣品牌正式授权于广州登利路皮具有限公司并成功取得中国国家商标局颁发的商标注册证。

    In2002 , Italy Weichen formally authorized into GuangZhou DengLeiLu Leather Co. , ltd And successfully received the trade mark license awarded by national Trademark .

  12. 尚品网上销售的商品都被这些品牌“授权”为正品。由于中国盛行山寨文化,因此这种“正品授权”对于在中国销售奢侈品来说非常重要。

    They 're all " authorized " by these labels as authentic & an important aspect to selling designer products in China , known for its rampant culture of believable knockoffs .

  13. 根据商务部发布的新办法,7月起,汽车经销商销售汽车将不再需要获得汽车品牌商授权。

    Auto trading companies will no longer need to gain authorization from automobile brand owners to sell vehicles from July , according to new measures unveiled by the Ministry of Commerce ( MOC ) .

  14. 此前的办法2005年起实施,要求所有汽车经销商获得品牌商授权。商务部在声明中称,旧办法将自2017年7月1日起废止。

    The preceding measures implemented since 2005 , which require that all car dealers secure authorization from brand owners , will be repealed from July 1 , 2017 , the MOC said in a statement .

  15. 品牌管与理授权公司正应聘拥有与品牌管理公司在B2B和B2C业务经验的人员。

    Brand Mgt & Licensing company seeks personnel with brand mgt experience in B2B and B2C businesses .

  16. 此前,该品牌产品是完全授权光明乳业生产的。

    Earlier , the brand products are fully authorized Bright Dairy Corporation production .