
  • 网络Brand Premium;branding premium;Brand equity
  1. 国内的几大啤酒企业的生存方式各有差异,而青岛啤酒的特点则是其啤酒行业中排名第一的品牌溢价能力。

    The business modes of domestic big beer enterprises are difference , and the characteristics of Tsingtao beer is the No.1 of beer brand premium ability .

  2. 如今中国的服装市场,品牌溢价的现象尤为明显,越来越多的国际顶级服装品牌涌入中国,凭借其享誉全球的品牌知名度在中国市场享受着品牌溢价的鬼斧神工。

    The phenomenon of brand premium in clothing market is very obvious . More and more international top fashion brand come into China , they can get the brand premium with its world-renowned brand awareness .

  3. 品牌溢价的间接影响因素作用路径为,品牌联想因素对感知质量与品牌领导力两因素同时作用。

    Brand association influences both perceived quality and brand leadership .

  4. 由品牌溢价说起

    Talk from Brand Overflow

  5. 最终验证并修正假设模型,所获研究结论如下:①本论文提出的品牌溢价影响因素中,品牌联想、品牌领导力、感知质量、感知价值、满意度及情感忠诚度六因素与品牌溢价显著性正向相关。

    Finally , the hypothesis and conceptual model is modified and the conclusions are below . ① Brand association brand leadership 、 perceived quality 、 perceived value 、 satisfaction and emotional loyalty have significantly positive relationship with brand premium .

  6. 文章从品牌获取溢价的能力、时空穿透力、竞争的杠杆力、品牌文化力及抗风险能力五个方面论述了品牌竞争力的效应。

    The article discusses five aspects of the brand competitiveness , namely the competency of the brand attaining the premium and penetrating space-time , the lever force of brand in market competition , the competence of the brand culture and the anti-risk competency of the brand .

  7. 我认为在未来,这将为沃尔沃品牌增添一种溢价。

    I think in the future that will more and more be a premium value .

  8. 城市品牌定位与品牌溢价

    City Brand Positioning and Brand Premium

  9. 相信本文的研究结论可以在一定程度上对国内的服装企业厂商提高其自身品牌价值和品牌溢价具有指导和借鉴意义。

    I believe that clothing enterprise can use the conclusion to improve their own brand value and brand premium in this thesis for reference .

  10. 三类消费群体在年龄、教育程度、职业、购买频次、购买地点、品牌关注、品牌溢价支付意愿、包装态度、价格认同和信息渠道上有显著差异。

    They differ remarkably in age , the education level , occupations , the purchasing frequency , purchasing places , and the brand consciousness , package attitude and price consensus , the payment on brand premium and information channels .

  11. 21世纪的中国房地产市场已经从以往的品质竞争年代进入了品牌竞争时代,品牌溢价力已经成为全方位能力最显著的代表。

    Real estate market of 21st century has changed from the quality of competition of previous years into the era of brand competition .

  12. 第一大股东持股比例大于50%的情况下,品牌事务所无法获取品牌溢价。

    When the ratio of the first big shareholder 's shares to all shares is above 50 % , Big 4 can not earn a premium .

  13. 同时,高品牌信用度也将会提高品牌溢价能力,使品牌获得较大的定价权,品牌发展的过程就是品牌信用度从无到有、从低到高的发展过程。

    At the same time , high brand credit degree will also improve the brand premium , brand pricing , and brand development is the development process of brand credit degree from scratch , from low to high .

  14. 塑造城市品牌的最终目标是为了获得品牌溢价。

    The final goal of building city brand is to gain brand premium .

  15. 首先分析了动漫产业快速发展的趋势,指出动漫品牌亟待价值提升和实现品牌的溢价效应,分析了动漫品牌动态成长的现实意义。

    It analyzes the fast development trend of animation industry and points out that it needs to promote the value of animation brand and realize premium effect of brand and analyzes the realistic meaning of dynamic pullulation of animation brand .

  16. 进一步通过回归分析发现品牌形象、品牌支持以及品牌韧性能够显著影响品牌溢价的高低。

    The results also demonstrate that brand loyalty and perceived quality were comprised into one factor , and that brand image , brand support , and brand tenacity can strongly explain brand premium .

  17. 一旦某一产品成为品牌商品,它将给企业带来超出无品牌产品销售的溢价收益。

    Once some kind of product becomes a brand commodity , it will bring the enterprise more overflow benefit than an unknown or common product .

  18. 本文认为品牌资产以商标作为载体,以品牌信用度作为所承载的内容,以提升品牌溢价能力为目的。

    This paper argues that the brand equity trade the trademark as a carrier , the brand credit degree as its content , and for the purpose of improving the ability of brand premium .

  19. 其次,笔者对对象企业二级品牌组合策略进行了研究,对比发现华系企业品牌增长和更新速度快,通过向下延伸的方式提升品牌溢价。

    Secondly , the secondary brand combined strategy of the target companies is analyzed . The results reveal that the speed of Chinese companies ' brand growth and updating is faster . Meanwhile , they extend downward to enhance the brand premium .

  20. 那么,这些本土会计师事务所的做大做强是否真正提升了他们的品牌价值呢?本文从理论上分析了事务所规模化和品牌建设之间关系,即事务所的规模和事务所的品牌溢价的关系。

    Then , these local accounting firms do greatly strong truly enhance their brand value ? This paper theoretically analyzes the relation between firm scale and brand construction , namely , the relationship between firm size and firm brand premium .

  21. 品牌维护方面,相对于其它豪华车品牌,沃尔沃由于产品质量及服务差,导致召回频繁,顾客满意度低于行业平均水平,品牌溢价能力下降。

    Brand maintenance , relative to other luxury car brands , Volvo because of the poor quality of products and service , leading to recall frequent . Customer satisfaction of Volvo is lower than the average of industry .

  22. 缺乏品牌意识,大多数消费者对柑橘品牌没有关注过,但又希望柑橘质量在品牌的光环下有所保障,愿意支付一定金额的品牌溢价。

    The majority of consumers have not paid attention to the brands , but they hope that the quality of citrus fruits can be secured under the brand corona and they are willing to pay certain amount of brand premium .

  23. 然后以品牌管理模型作为通篇论文的理论基础,通过对品牌管理模型的分析,指出品牌资产是一个公司的核心资产,而品牌资产的关键指标之一就是品牌的溢价能力。

    Then I am using the brand management model as the theoretical basis throughout this dissertation . Emphasize that the brand asset is the core asset of a company , and the core indicator of the brand asset is their value-added ability .