
  • 网络branding;Brand Planning;brand strategy
  1. 新闻媒体品牌策划,这是当前学术界和业界尚未充分讨论的一个研究领域。

    Brand planning of news media is an under-developed research aspect in current academia .

  2. 品尚为企业提供有效高品质的品牌策划及设计服务。

    Pinsun is to provide enterprises with effective high-quality brand planning and design services .

  3. 方舟工程咨询公司的品牌策划研究

    Research of the Brand of the Project Advisory Company of FangZhou

  4. 试论西部地方品牌策划

    The Local Brands in the West of China

  5. 解开品牌策划中的文化密码

    Untie The Cultural Code Of Brand Mastermind

  6. 期刊与期刊品牌策划

    Periodical and Plotting of the Periodical Brand

  7. 高峰世界品牌策划机构,专注于品牌策划及品牌设计的专业服务机构。

    Gaofeng World Is A Brand Planning Enterprise Specializing In Brand Planning And Designing Services .

  8. 是著名的品牌策划事务所和专业品牌设计公司;

    Boyang design is china 's famous most Brand planning firm and Brand design company .

  9. 新闻媒体品牌策划探析

    Investigation on Brand Planning of News Media

  10. 厦门锐视品牌策划机构,于2010年创建于美丽的国际花园城市&厦门。

    Xiamen RUIS brand planning organizations was born in beautiful international garden city – Xiamen in2010 .

  11. 图书馆讲座品牌策划初探

    Brand planning of the library lecture

  12. 稻禾设计是中国知名的品牌策划事务所和专业品牌设计公司。

    Daohe Design is one of the most famous Brand-Planning firm and Brand-Design company in China .

  13. 公司实力雄厚且拥有业内知名品牌策划师、优秀时装设计师和资深的时装品牌管理人才。

    We have great financial stability , industry leading brand strategists , outstanding fashion designers and experienced fashion brand management personnel .

  14. 与之一脉相传,规划编制实施的核心层面由战略规划、品牌策划两大子系统构成,其他层面均围绕其发挥作用。

    STMDB makes strategy planning and brand scheme become the core contents , and so other sections serve the two core contents .

  15. 课程流动资源的超循环管理&以服装品牌策划课为例

    On the Ultra Circulation Management in the Curriculum " Flowing Resources " & Taking the Class in " Clothing Brand Plan " as Example

  16. 并且对企业在品牌策划中存在的问题一一给出对策,完成较为全面的分析策划。

    And it comes up with countermeasures pointed to problems for enterprise in brand planning one by one , completing overall analysis and plan .

  17. 要进行润滑油的品牌策划,应从几个方面入手:(1)对品牌的竞争力进行分析,包括对它的市场认知度、价格体系及网络服务等的分析。

    It is necessary to make the following efforts to more effectively brand : ( 1 ) Analyze brand competitiveness , including market recognition , price system and service network .

  18. 嘉朗传媒旗下精英成员均从事多年电视节目制作、数字电影拍摄工作,有着丰富的品牌策划、电视购物、出版发行经验。

    All of the employees are elites with many years of experience in TV program making and digital film shooting and with rich experience in brand planning , television shopping and publishing .

  19. 这样才能完成从品牌策划到品牌培育,直至品牌建设的过程,实现品牌的真正崛起。

    Only by this experience , can we accomplish the process from the brand design to the brand cultivation , till the brand construction , thus realizing the real blossom of the brands .

  20. 文章论述了讲座品牌策划的意义,并从名称策划、选题策划、主讲人策划、组织策划、宣传策划五个方面阐述了如何进行讲座品牌的策划工作。

    This article discusses the significance of the lecture brand planning , and explicates how to plan the lecture brand from five aspects , that is the name planning , selected topic planning , speaker planning , organization planning and propaganda planning .

  21. 在两层次策划基础上,进行区域旅游品牌打造策划,这是RIS框架的延伸;

    Brand developing as an extension of the RIS framework ;

  22. 通过对产品开发策划、广告设计策划、品牌设计策划、企业文化与CI策划等类别的系统研究,探讨设计策划的基本要素和理论方法。

    This part discusses the basic elements and principles of design planning , through the systematic researches in different categories , such as the design of products , of advertisements , of brands , and of corporation culture and Corporation Identity , etc.

  23. 品牌栏目策划:学报特色化的必然选择&湖北民族学院学报特色栏目建设的探索与实践

    Brand Column Strategy : Necessary Choice of the Journal of Colleges and Universities

  24. 品牌组合策划创奇效

    Combination of Famous Brands Creates Wonders

  25. 品牌图书策划研究

    Research on Planning for Brand Book

  26. 认真抓好媒体品牌的策划,是新闻媒体提高两个效益的重要途径。

    A careful brand planning of news media is an important approach to improve both the social and economic benefits of news media .

  27. 文章对羊绒衫装饰设计的各种方法及设计应用实例进行了分类研究,最后结合课题的理论研究进行了以装饰设计为主导的羊绒衫虚拟品牌的策划设计。

    After that , the paper carried on research of cashmere sweater decorative design methods and design application examples , and conduct the virtual Brand planning based on cashmere sweater decorative design by combining the topic theory research .

  28. 因此工业设计也越来越多地受到重视,从跨国公司的品牌战略策划部门到生产型企业的设计研发部门都将工业设计提升到更高的层面去看待。

    So industrial design also gets more and more attention , and is promoted to a higher lay to be treated from brand strategy plan department of multinational corporation to design research and development department of production configuration enterprise .

  29. WTO视野下民办中学品牌教育及其策划

    The Brand Education of Nongovernmental Middle School & Its Planning Under WTO

  30. CI(企业识别系统)作为企业或者品牌进行形象策划、设计、传播和管理的战略、方案和手段,越来越被企业界所重视。

    CI ( corporate identity system ) as a corporate or brand image planning , design , communication and management strategies , programs and tools , more and more valued by the business community .