
pǐn pái xiào yìng
  • brand effect
  1. 受中国入世前景的促进,CBD将成为国外企业进入中国的“码头”和桥头堡,具有自身的品牌效应,发展前景明朗。

    The prospects for China 's accession to the WTO , the CBD will become foreign enterprises to enter China 's " Terminal " and bridgehead with its own brand effect development prospects .

  2. 国内销售形势也不断攀升,JINMENGDIE品牌效应日趋显著。

    Sell situation soar constantly too , JINMENGDIE brand effect remarkable becoming at home .

  3. 得益于这首诗的流行(在1999年时被《爱尔兰时报》(IrishTimes)的读者票选为他们素来喜爱的爱尔兰诗作),茵湖岛多少形成了某种品牌效应。

    Thanks to the popularity of the poem ( voted by readers of The Irish Times in 1999 as their all-time favorite work of Irish poetry ), Innisfree is a bit of a brand .

  4. 随著他的高超球技,球场风采,惊人的天赋和场下的品牌效应,乔丹成为了NBA在时下蓬勃发展背后具有影响力的人物。

    With his high-flying antics , court presence , astounding talent and off-court branding , Jordan was an influential force behind the NBA 's growth in popularity .

  5. 得益于这首诗的流行(在1999年时被《爱尔兰时报》(IrishTimes)的读者票选为他们素来喜爱的爱尔兰诗作),“茵湖岛”多少形成了某种品牌效应。

    Thanks to the popularity of the poem ( voted by readers of The Irish Times in 1999 as their all-time favorite work of Irish poetry ) , " Innisfree " is a bit of a brand .

  6. 促进专业化管理提升场馆品牌效应。

    Promote the professional management of the venues to enhance brand .

  7. 浅析针织服装的品牌效应与消费

    On the Good Brand Effect and Consumption of Knitted Garment

  8. 服装品牌效应,已经成为现代服装理论研究的一个热点。

    Brand-effect has become a hot question in the modern clothing area .

  9. 现阶段男装品牌效应初探

    A Probe into the Brand Effect of Current Men ′ s Fashion

  10. 品牌效应是企业无形资产的源泉,但是创造名牌,取得品牌效应的过程是艰辛和曲折的,需要各种品牌战略的有机组合,才能达到目标。

    Brand effect is the source of the incorporeal assets .

  11. 但你有政治直觉。你有品牌效应。

    But you have political instincts . And you 're a brand .

  12. 全国传播平台上的新品牌效应

    New Brand Effect on the Platform for Countrywide Spread

  13. 浅谈医院图书馆的品牌效应

    Talk about the brand effect of hospital 's Library

  14. 整合旅游资源,形成品牌效应;

    Organizing tourist resources and forming famous brand effect ;

  15. 防降价均衡下的产品兼容性、网络效应和品牌效应

    The Production Compatibility , Network Effect and Brands Effect in the Equilibrium Undercut-proof

  16. 桂林旅游业经过30多年的发展,已经发展形成最具城市优势、最具品牌效应、最具社会竞争力和最具发展潜力的产业。

    Through 30 years development , Guilin has already formed the most competitive industry .

  17. 与好莱坞博弈:中国电影产业结构重组的新格局&兼论2004年新主流电影三强的品牌效应

    The Brand Effect of the Chinese Mainstream Films

  18. 四是利用网络、实现品牌效应。

    Fourthly , realizing brand effect through nets .

  19. 结果发现,名人效应和品牌效应显著;

    The first experiment showed that the celebrity effect and brand effect were significant ;

  20. 论名教师的品牌效应及其塑造策略

    Brand Effects of Famous Teachers and Training Strategies

  21. 从集群品牌效应探讨2008年奥运会整体形象的提升

    Promotion of overall image of Beijing Olympic Games as seen from Colony - brand effects

  22. 阶段目标:品牌效应,让客户信任我们;

    Target of this phase : letting customers trust in us by means of brand effect ;

  23. 因为我们需要的是一致的图形设计以符合我们产品线的品牌效应。

    We needed a graphic design that was consistent with the branding of our product line .

  24. 把百香果打造成花都的“名片”之一,形成品牌效应。

    Finally , Huadu will be famous for passion fruit , therefore forming a brand effect .

  25. 品种结构更加合理化,品牌效应逐步彰显。

    The structure of varieties is more rationalized , and the brand has been gradually highlighted .

  26. 提出用集群品牌效应来促进2008年奥运会整体形象提升的观点和打造2008年集群品牌的建议。

    The colony-brand effect can promote the images of the cities and create the 2008 colony-brand .

  27. 物业管理与品牌效应

    Estate Management and Brand Effect

  28. 专利博览会彰显品牌效应

    Brand Effect on Patent Expo

  29. 利用品牌效应,加强与互联网合作,开发在线音乐盈利模式。

    Take advantage of brand effect to cooperate with the internet and develop online music business model .

  30. 高校人才就业可以采用人才定制、品牌效应、差异化和目标化营销方式。

    University talents employment can use talent customization , brand effect , differentiation and actualizing marketing methods .