
  • 网络Co-branding;Brand Alliance
  1. 国内外的研究者们也从不同的角度出发,对品牌联合进行了大量研究。

    Researchers from home and abroad have also conducted a lot of researches on co-branding from different perspectives .

  2. 您还可以扩展配置以容纳其他应用程序形式,例如品牌联合或基于用户权限的应用程序限制。

    You could also extend the configuration to accommodate other application modalities , such as co-branding or application restrictions based on user privileges .

  3. 品牌联合创始人斯特凡诺·加巴纳发表针对中国人的种族主义言论的Instagram的截图出现时之后(该公司坚持认为他的帐户被黑了),情况就变得更糟了。

    The situation got much worse when Instagram screenshots surfaced of cofounder Stefano Gabbana making racist comments about Chinese people ( the company insists his account was hacked ) .

  4. 消费者品牌联合评价的影响因素研究

    The Study on the Influencing Factors of Consumers ' Evaluation of Co-Branding

  5. 品牌联合的研究进展

    Review of the Study on Brand Alliance

  6. 品牌联合很早就出现在汽车行业、银行业。

    The phenomenon of Brand Alliance appeared very early in automobile industry and banking industry .

  7. 劳斯莱斯选择的方式显然没那么浮华,它避开了品牌联合,转而采取了口口相传的方式。

    Rolls-Royce opts for a distinctly less flashy approach , shunning co-branding in favour of word of mouth .

  8. 通过这一研究过程希望丰富中国在品牌联合理论研究。

    Through this study expect to send China a rich field of study in co-branding of this theory .

  9. 西部民族地区产业集群品牌联合研究&以宁夏清真食品产业为例

    Study on Industry Cluster Co-branding in Western Minority Areas : A Case Study of Ningxia Islamic Food Industry Cluster

  10. 同时随着经济全球化,跨国品牌联合的情况越来越普遍。

    At the same time , with the economic globalization , multinational brand alliance is getting more and more prevalent .

  11. 企业的竞争就是顾客的竞争,品牌联合是否成功归根于消费者是否购买。

    The success of Brand Alliance is rooted in the consumer for the competition of enterprises is the competition of customers .

  12. 基于品牌联合投资少见效快等特点。品牌联合策略因而备受企业界、学术界的关注。

    Brand Alliance strategy has received attention from business circle and academic for its advantageous of less investment and quick returns .

  13. 因而品牌联合策略是否成功,很大程度上在产品感知质量上也能得到体现。

    So the success of the Brand Alliance Strategy to a great extent depended on the level of perceived quality of products .

  14. 品牌联合,产品开发研制合作,共享营销网络渠道,合作促销是营销合作的主要形式。

    Its major forms include brand-joint , cooperation in developing and researching of products share-out of marketing net channels and cooperative promotion .

  15. 调查结果证实了品牌联合推广、赞助和企业社会责任等品牌传播策略的有效性。

    The survey results confirmed the effectiveness of brand communication strategies such as co-branding , sponsoring and corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) .

  16. 品牌联合是近年来逐步起来的一种品牌经营策略,它为赢得更大的竞争优势提供了一个契机,并能够实现企业间的双赢。

    As a newly developed brand strategy , brand ally proves effective in gaining more competitive advantages for enterprises by achieving win-win situation .

  17. 本文通过研究区域性卷烟品牌联合的策略,希望为其他类似企业品牌运营提供有益的参考和借鉴。

    Through the research of local tobacco brands alliance strategy , this paper intends to share useful experiences and references for other tobacco companies .

  18. 但是,很多企业为了追逐利益,只是盲目地进行品牌联合,而忽略了品牌联合也会带来巨大的风险。

    However , a lot of companies ignore the huge risks brought by Co-branding since they just focus on profits during the process of Co-branding .

  19. 总的来看,学者们主要是从消费者对品牌联合的评价角度来研究影响品牌联合的成败因素。

    Generally speaking , scholars mainly focus on what factors determine the success or failure of co-branding in terms of consumers ' evaluation of co-branding .

  20. 然而,当与强大的品牌联合的时候能够极大地提高销售,与贬值的品牌联合则会产生消极的效果。

    However , while association with a powerful brand can give a significant boost to sales , being connected to a devalued brand can have a negative result .

  21. 跨国品牌联合已成为越来越多的企业提升品牌资产的有效途径,然而跨国品牌联合的成功实施又受到众多因素的制约与影响。

    Transnational co-branding strategy is being wildly used as an effective way for enterprises to promote brand equity , the implementation of transnational co-branding is also influenced by many factors .

  22. 科技传道是一种新型的交叉推广和品牌联合,真正的目的是通过提出同样包装的否定死亡之说,更深入、更有效地渗透到数字市场。

    A novel form of cross-promotion and co-branding , tech evangelism really aims at a deeper and more efficient penetration into the digital marketplace by offering mortality denial in the same package .

  23. 大量的实证研究表明联合匹配性是影响品牌联合效应的最为关键的因素,而品牌联合效应的获取以消费者对联合品牌的积极评价为基础。

    A lot of empirical studies show that alliance fit is the most crucial factor which influences the effects of the brand alliance , and the effects of the brand alliance based on the positive evaluation of the consumer .

  24. 最后,以研究结果为基础,结合跨国品牌联合实施应注意的问题,从自身品牌建设、选择合适的合作品牌、签订合作协议和加快双方的整合等方面为企业实施跨国品牌联合策略提出建议。

    In the end , based on the results of this research , management suggestion for transnational co-branding activities was offered from four aspects which are building own brand , choosing suitable partner brand , signing normative cooperation agreement and accelerating the integration of both partners .

  25. 不同品牌GPS联合应用研究

    Combine Application Research of Different Manufacturers GPS

  26. 家具品牌&New联合创始人米尔卡格罗恩(MirkaGrohn)与乔威尔顿(JoWilton)也用烤漆钢板实现了优美线条与极简主义风格完美结合。

    Mirka Grohn and Jo Wilton , the co-founders of furniture brand & New , also achieve elegant lines and minimal forms using powder-coated steel .

  27. 美容护肤品牌Korres联合创始人

    Co-founder of the beauty brand Korres

  28. 网红,有影响力的人轰动,引起轰动的人品牌正在联合网红、时装设计师和美容专家们来和潜在买家互动。

    sensation Brands are teaming up with internet celebrities , fashionistas , and beauty experts to engage with potential clients .

  29. 广告符号资源闲置引发了联合广告的思考,当下市场出现了很多联合营销的现象,同时伴随部分品牌之间联合广告的出现。

    Advertising sign advertising idle resources led to joint thinking , the moment a lot of joint marketing market phenomenon , accompanied by some joint advertising between the emergence of the brand .

  30. 尤索夫是FashionValet时尚品牌网站的联合创始人。FashionValet这家时尚品牌网站入驻了亚洲主流设计师品牌的产品。

    Yusof is the cofounder of FashionValet , a fashion site that carries Asia 's leading designer labels .