
  • 网络ENVIRONMENT;Brand environment;branded environment
  1. 本文着重阐述了品牌环境的构成要素,以及品牌环境的变化如何作用于企业的品牌经营。

    The paper presents the four factors of brand environment , and then discuss the effects of the change of the factors on brand management .

  2. 本文还借鉴了生态学、经济学、管理学等相关学科的知识和研究方法,对品牌、品牌环境以及如何优化品牌环境进行集中分析。

    This text also draw lessons from ecology , economics , management to learn a related academics of knowledge and research method to analyze the brand the brand environment and the policy to improve the ecosystem .

  3. 关于地区品牌环境和品牌群建设的研究

    Study on Local Brands Environment and Brands Group Construction

  4. 而且各类地理品牌环境依赖对企业品牌认知趋同的直接效应比较接近。7.对不同的地理品牌,地理品牌形象关联的因素影响模型是有差异的。

    At same time , environment dependence of various geographical brands has closer direct effect on assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand . ( 7 ) According to different geographical brands , it differs in the models of relative image influential factors of geographical brand .

  5. 食品品牌传播环境的变化及应对策略

    The Changes of Food Brand Communication Environment and the Strategy

  6. 品牌经营环境要素分析

    Factors Analysis of Brand Environment

  7. 这主要是因为品牌传播环境发生了极大的变化。

    What the most important reason is that the severe changes happening to the brand communication environment .

  8. 消费者在选择药店时主要看重的要素依次为:质量、价格、服务、便利、品牌、环境。

    The key element that the consumer values mainly while choosing the drugstore is successively : Quality , price , service , convenient , brand , environment .

  9. 这就使这些品牌对环境变化比竞争对手有更加强的适应能力,从而在竞争中获取了优势,积累了显性品牌资产与资源,使品牌资产进入正向循环。

    Through these actions , brands become more adaptive to the environment , acquire competition edges , accumulate explicit brand equity and resources and step into positive circulation .

  10. 品牌传播环境是品牌传播系统进行品牌传播活动的背景与前提,为品牌传播提供必要的条件,对传播效果有着不可忽视的影响作用。

    Brand communication environment serves as the background and premise for the brand communication system to carry out brand communication activities and provides essential conditions for the spread of brand .

  11. 品牌外部环境包括社会和政府层面,社会层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括资源利用与环境保护、银行信用等级、省内知名度和省内美誉度。

    At society level , the factors , including resource utilization and environmental protection , bank credit rating , popularity and reputation inside the province , influence the brand competitiveness .

  12. 品牌内部环境包括企业和消费者层面,企业层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括固定资产总值、市场占有率、资产负债率、产品销售利润率、出口创汇率、管理示范效应和技术创新能力。

    Intra-brand environment includes enterprise and consumer level . At enterprise level , the factors , including total fixed assets , market share , asset-liability ratio , product sales profit rate , exchange appreciate rates , management demonstration effect and technological innovation , influence the brand competitiveness .

  13. 强调品牌医院改变环境不如改变自己,变才能保和自我否定是品牌医院建立的创新内动力。

    It emphasizes that grand hospital should change not only environment but itself , ego negation is the inside motive to establish a brand hospital .

  14. 不利于品牌成长的环境、南京民营IT企业品牌塑造的历史包袱、企业内部管理水平低和缺乏对品牌有效的管理,共同导致了南京民营IT企业缺乏知名品牌。

    Attributing to the historical burdens to brand creating , poor inter-management and the lack of efficient brand management , the private-owned IT enterprises are devoid of strong brands badly .

  15. 所有学生充分理解时装产业的发展和品牌在国际环境中的运作,每一个系列特色鲜明的时装都有力地说明了这一点。

    All the students have a strong understanding of the fashion industry and how brands work in an international context , and this is reflected in the individual emphasis of each collection featured .

  16. 通过对湖北省品牌创新的环境、原则、指导思想的分析,提出了湖北省品牌创新的重点领域及品牌创新的战略:精益战略、跨越战略和领先战略。

    Proposes the main field and strategy for brand innovation in Hubei : lean strategy , leap strategy and leading strategy by analyzing the environment , principles and guidelines of the brand innovation in Hubei .

  17. 在品牌众多的环境中,客户拥有更多的选择,就会要求更好的服务质量,对获得的服务感到失望的消费者虽然沉默,但却有机会选择别的品牌。

    Customers will demand better service as they have more choices among current different brands , although some of them keep silence when they feel disappointed , but they have the opportunity to choose other brands .

  18. 其实在北京奥运会特殊的传播环境下,影响省级卫视发展的力量因素主要来自卫视品牌的传播环境、传播过程、传播方式、传播效果四个方面。

    In this special communication environment , the factors impacting the development of province level satellite TVs lie mainly in the communication environment , communication process , means of communication , and effect of communication of their brands .

  19. 国企接待型酒店凭借计划经济时期形成的会议优势、品牌优势、环境优势等,一度占据了相当的市场份额,经济效益稳居酒店业前列。

    With the advantages of conferences , brands , environments , etc. during the period of planned economy , the state-owned reception hotels cover a considerable market share and their profits rank the first among all the hotels .

  20. 要依据科学的定位塑造城市品牌,避免环境恶化等矛盾激化,增强现代技术的集聚效益和城市历史的传承。

    Therefore it is necessary to scientifically localize and define the urban brand in order to avoid the intensification of contradictions such as the deterioration of the environment , also to strengthen the gather benefit of advanced technology and the passing of urban history .

  21. 此外,课堂中还会研究苹果(Apple)和星巴克(Starbucks)等公司,讨论这些品牌如何在竞争环境中生存下来。

    The lessons also dive into companies like Apple ( AAPL ) and Starbucks ( SBUX ) , talking about how these brands have thrived in competitive environments .

  22. 独创性的分析出当下品牌所面临的环境是非恒定的经济状态。

    With the original analysis , the environment of brand is an economic condition .

  23. 塑造住在杭州品牌建设优美人居环境

    Creat Hangzhou Brand and Construct Beautiful Housing Environment

  24. 要通过体制和机制创新,营造适合品牌诞生的良好环境;

    It should through create new system and mechanism to build a good environment ;

  25. 但并不是仅仅局限于人才资源开发建设工作,而是稍作展开,从产业发展、城市品牌建设、人才环境建设等诸多方面加以研究探讨,力求能够结合实际,对具体工作有所指导。

    It spreads the topic and discusses industrial development , urban brand construction , talents environment construction and will help instruct many aspects .

  26. 国内品牌服装在新环境下面临着许多机会和挑战,如何转变发展战略以保持其在中国市场的地位并取得成功,是我国品牌服装亟待解决的重要问题。

    Faced with challenges and opportunities in the new environments , it is important for the domestic brand garments to change the development strategy and maintain the status .

  27. 再次结合消费者满意度调查,提出了品牌策略、购物环境、营销管理、营运管理四方面的发展战略实施。

    Thirdly combined with consumer satisfaction survey , it puts forward brand strategy , shopping environment , marketing management , operation management , these four sorts of development strategy implementation .

  28. 在干部保健资源配置上,以提升服务质量优化软件环境,以改善基础设施建设优化硬件环境,以打造品牌优势优化市场环境;

    On distribution of medical care resources , optimize software situation by improving service quality , optimize hardware situation by improving basic establishment , optimize market situation by fostering brand ;

  29. 文章探讨了体验营销的切入点和基本原则,认为体验营销有五个切入点,即商品体验化、品牌体验化、环境体验化、事件体验化和广告体验化;

    The paper discusses the cut-point and basic principles of the experience marketing , dividing five cut-points as commodity experience , brand experience , environment experience , event experience and ads experience .

  30. 本文从品牌营销、竞争环境和产业政策的角度分析了造成我国汽车产业问题的阶段性原因、体制性原因以及政策性原因。

    The article analyzes the reasons of stages , systems and policies which cause confusion of auto industry in China by the ways of brand promotion , competitive environment and industry policy .