
  • 网络Brand Growth
  1. 依照人类行为S一0一R模式,提出了企业社会责任与品牌成长关系的概念,构建了企业社会责任行为与品牌成长关系的三层级概念模型,并对各要素之间关系进行假设。

    According to human behavior S-O-R Model , we propose the concept of corporate social responsibility and brand growth , and construct the three-level concept model of the relationship between corporate social responsibility behavior and brand growth , and present the assumed relationship among each factor .

  2. 试论品牌成长战略

    On Brand Growth Strategy

  3. 品牌成长中的企业CI变更研究

    The Research of Corporation Identity in the Growth of Brand

  4. 他的品牌成长到现在,包括男士服装和一个男女系列都涵盖的平价副牌——TbyAlexanderWang。

    it has since grown to include men 's wear and a less expensive line , T by Alexander Wang , for both men and women .

  5. CIS(企业形象塑造)作为企业识别系统,可使企业经营理念与精神文化传达给服务者和服务对象,并促使其对企业产生一致的认同感与价值观。品牌成长中的企业CI变更研究

    In 1980s , the corporation identity system ( CIS ) strategy was introduced into China as an advanced market operation concept and a modern advertising theory . The Research of Corporation Identity in the Growth of Brand

  6. 因此,有必要对高科技BtoB品牌成长的机制及其成功要素进行研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to have a research on the growth mechanisms of high-tech BtoB brand and its success factors .

  7. 基于体育营销的品牌成长机制

    Study on the Brand Grow Up Mechanism Based on Sports Marketing

  8. 蒙牛品牌成长过程中,特别重视品牌故事的讲述,以品牌叙事为纽带来建立品牌与消费者之间的关联,实现打造品牌的目的。

    Mengniu pays special attention to brand narrative in its process of growth .

  9. 品牌成长的规划思考

    Ponderation on the Brand - Growth Planning

  10. 在案例正文部分,主要总结性地回顾了广州奥林匹克花园产生的背景、开发的条件、营销策划和销售实施的全过程,并提出有关品牌成长的问题。

    The case study part mainly concludes the developing background , alternative on marketing strategy and selling implementation of Guangzhou Olympic Garden .

  11. 要保证品牌成长为名牌就必须进行品牌管理,通过品牌价值评估和价值跟踪来动态控制名牌战略的执行,对品牌进行保护和增值。

    Finally , they should control the brand strategy executing by brand valuating , protect the brand and supply increment for it .

  12. 医药出口形势一片欣欣向荣,但是,巨额出口量却似乎和国内企业的品牌成长率不成正比。

    Medicine exports situation is thriving , but it seems huge export are not directly proportional to the growth rate of domestic enterprises brands .

  13. 本文以安琪酵母股份有限公司为研究对象,试图说明宜昌的区域环境对品牌成长的价值和意义。

    This paper investigates Angel Yeast Co. , Ltd. , trying to explain value and significance that the Yichang City area environment grows up to the brand .

  14. 不利于品牌成长的环境、南京民营IT企业品牌塑造的历史包袱、企业内部管理水平低和缺乏对品牌有效的管理,共同导致了南京民营IT企业缺乏知名品牌。

    Attributing to the historical burdens to brand creating , poor inter-management and the lack of efficient brand management , the private-owned IT enterprises are devoid of strong brands badly .

  15. 并系统地介绍了品牌成长理论,将品牌发展分为商标阶段,名牌阶段,品牌阶段,强势品牌阶段。

    At the same time , it presents Brand - grow Theory which holds that brand will experience trade make stage , famous name stage , brand stage and strong brand stage .

  16. 从消费者的视角看,品牌成长的过程就是消费者通过各种渠道接收有关品牌的信息,产生对品牌特定的认知,并最终导致积极偏好和忠诚行为的过程。

    From the view of consumers , the process of brand growth could divide into at least three parts : consumers ' receiving brand information , producing specific cognition to the brand , leading to preference and brand loyalty .

  17. 介绍了蛇吞象式并购的现状,并从商标问题、品牌成长、现金流紧张和人才危机四个方面探讨了跨国并购存在的并购症状。

    This paper introduces the present situation of the immediate merger and acquisition , and probes into the symptoms of immediate merger and acquisition in the international merger and acquisition from aspects of the trademark problem , the brand growth , the intension of cash flow and the talents crisis .

  18. 具有讽刺意味的结果是,这破坏了正宗本土品牌的成长:吉利(Geely)、奇瑞(Chery)、长城(GreatWall)和比亚迪(BYD)这些中国本土品牌的汽车此前曾主导低端市场。

    The ironic result has been to undermine the proper homegrown brands - Geely , Chery , Great Wall and BYD - whose cars had previously dominated the lower end of the market .

  19. 高科技BtoB市场的竞争日趋激烈,将品牌作为成长及可持续发展的平台已经成为高科技BtoB企业的重要战略。

    High-tech BtoB market competition is becoming increasingly fierce , brand as a platform for growth and sustainable development has become an important strategy for high-tech BtoB business .

  20. 集群式供应链视角下的区域品牌持续成长策略研究

    Research on Sustainable Development of Regional Brand from Cluster Supply Chain Perspective

  21. 这些定位误区严重影响了学校品牌的成长和发展,为此,必须重视学校品牌战略定位工作。

    Those positional misunderstandings seriously influenced the growth and development of school brand .

  22. 霸王品牌的成长历程

    Development course of shampoo brand Bawang

  23. 统一和壳牌都在中国发展迅速,这一交易加强了两个品牌的成长平台。

    Both Tongyi and Shell have been expanding in China and this acquisition strengthens both brands ′ growth platform .

  24. 企业品牌的成长过程,一般需要经历品牌孕育、品牌诞生、品牌成长和品牌成熟几个阶段;

    The growing process of enterprise brands need go through the stages of incubation , birth , growth , and maturity ;

  25. 近年来,随着国内多家互联网企业海外上市,国内电子商务网站品牌迅速成长,电子商务网站的竞争呈现出品牌制胜的趋势。

    In recent years , with the number of domestic Internet companies listed overseas , the domestic e-commerce website brand grows rapidly .

  26. 追随一个品牌的成长轨迹,产品识别设计的发展也将经历初级阶段的起步和高级阶段的发展。

    Following the growth path of a brand , the development of product identity also starts from lower and develops to higher .

  27. 该店最初的核心业务面向的是那些20多岁的女性,后来这些客户与此品牌共同成长。

    At first , its core business was with women in their 20s , who they say have grown with the brand .

  28. 首先综述了品牌可持续成长研究的国内外相关理论和实践研究动向,在此基础上界定了铁路运输品牌产品的概念。

    First summarizes domestic and foreign-related theory and practice of research trends , based on the above defined the concept of Railway Transport Brand Products .

  29. 第五章在第三章、第四章的基础上,对上市公司在线雇主品牌对成长绩效影响进行实证分析与解释,并对数据分析的结果进行了解释。

    In the fifth chapter , we study and explain the relationship between the listed companies ' online employer brand and growth performance , through data analysis results .

  30. 第一章绪论,第二章对在线雇主品牌与成长绩效及其二者关系进行文献综述,为实证研究提供理论基础。

    The first chapter is introduction , Chapter ⅱ is literature review of the online employer brand and growth performance and the relationship between the two , and it provides a theoretical basis for empirical research .