
  1. 科技促使品牌垄断市场。

    Technology helps brands corner the market .

  2. 在生活的各个领域中,几个领导品牌垄断整个行业的局面已大势所趋。

    In all areas of life , the situation of several leading brands monopoly the industry is the inevitable trend .

  3. 中国茶饮料市场虽然发展迅速,但市场面临境外品牌垄断竞争的挑战。

    The market of Chinese tea beverage is developing quickly , but it faces to the challenge of monopoly competition of foreign trademark .

  4. 它的重大意义是,这个产业从过去到现在都是可数几家的品牌产品垄断充斥了超市的货架和零售网络。

    That 's because the major brands have long ago monopolized shelf space in grocery stores and other major retail outlets .

  5. 其中,高端润滑油的竞争被国外品牌所垄断,以美孚、壳牌为代表的国外品牌市场的占有率达80%。

    Competition in the high-end lubricants foreign brands monopoly , Mobil , Shell , the market share of foreign brands up to80 % .

  6. 目前,国内的化妆品市场几乎被国际品牌所垄断,中国品牌化妆品多数为低端产品,利润空间狭小。

    At present , the domestic cosmetics market nearly is monopolized by the international brands , many domestic brands management low price product , and the profit space is narrow .

  7. 而在中高端市场,尤其是象在核电项目、西气东输和石油化工成套装置中,核心控制部分的控制阀门几乎都是国外品牌控垄断。

    But in mid-high end market , especially in nuclear power stations projects , west-east natural gas transmission project and petro-chemical plant equipments , there are mostly foreign brands products in core process - control systems .

  8. 然而,目前国内快餐业基本上是被洋品牌所垄断,本土快餐企业无论是在规模、质量、品牌上都无法与国外快餐企业相抗衡。

    Nevertheless , the industry of domestic convenience foods is primarily monopolized by the foreign brand , and the domestic convenience foods enterprises can not compete with their foreign counterparts in terms of scale , quality , and brand .

  9. 科技含量不高,核心技术掌握被品牌输出国垄断。

    The technology content is not high , the core technology grasps by the brand output country monopoly .

  10. 房地产企业不能形成垄断地位,而品牌会形成垄断优势。

    " real estate enterprises can 't form the monopoly position , but the brand will form the advantage of monopolizing " .

  11. 企业必须建立品牌意识,打破垄断,才能在市场竞争中立于不败之地。

    To be able to establish an invincible position in market competition , an enterprise must set up brand consciousness and break the monopoly .

  12. 在目前国内焊接机器人的应用当中,其中配套的焊接电源,国外品牌焊机一直处于垄断地位。

    In the current domestic application of welding robot , which form a complete set of welding power source , foreign brand welding machine has been in a monopoly position .