
  • 网络Brand Depth
  1. 受众认知主导时代的品牌深度沟通

    Brand communication in times of public realization

  2. 品牌深度沟通要遵循消费者的品牌认知心理规律并采取灵活的沟通策略。

    The communication should comply with consumers'psychological cognition rule , thus flexible communication strategies have to be considered .

  3. 这项投资的意义在于,在自己可控制的环境下,赋予一个品牌以深度。

    The investment makes sense : it gives depth to a brand in an environment they can control .

  4. 试论国内品牌报纸的深度报道策划

    Tentative Study of Domestic Branded Newspapers ' In-Depth-Reporting Scheme

  5. 而突破性的技术创新与设计创意,拉抬法蓝瓷在瓷器艺术上的位阶,有助品牌形象与品牌深度之耕耘。

    The technical creative design not only pushes Franz to a higher position in porcelain art but also improves brand image and management .

  6. 品牌战略:以深度经营品牌,以质量服务大众,以价值回报社会。

    Enterprise strategy : To build the brand with profundity , to serve the masses with quality , to repay the society with value .

  7. 报纸网站要成为网络传播领域的主力关键是扬长补短,论文提出了发挥固有的品牌优势、只有深度内容才能大行其道、增加报纸网站的服务、寻找网站的生财之道四条应对之策。

    The thesis proposes four countermeasures as giving play to solid and strong position of brands , publishing profound contents , increasing service in newspaper website and seeking opportunities of earning money .

  8. 我们意识到,尽管我们的品牌在消费者中赢得了广泛知名度,但我们仍需非常努力,进一步加大消费者对品牌的深度了解。

    We 've recognized that while there 's a broad awareness of consumers , we need to work very hard to increase the depth of that knowledge .

  9. 企业品牌认知趋同存在3个内在因素,即信息传播内容的无差异性、产品品牌的趋同化识别特征和产品品牌对企业品牌广度和深度发展的制约。

    There are three interior factors in assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand : non-otherness in the content of informational promulgation , discriminating characteristics of the assimilation of product brand and the restriction on the scope and depth of enterprise brand .